One thing that annoys me the most...

Dharma said:
What annoys me is when they explain something to another CSI that obviously another CSI would know. Now I know they're doing it for our benefit, but just once I'd love for someone to snap back, "Did you mistake me for a civilian?"
Oh my god, that really, really annoys me! I know they have to explain what they are doing for viewers, but it just looks so stupid. :lol:
Why do the bad guys nearly always confess? It is really annoying, when will they learn to just be quiet! :rolleyes:

Sorry, just watched an ep and saw a bad guy confess, pretty much tell them how he did it and why! I know they are often confronted with pretty compelling evidence, but please at least try and lie!
brainfood said:
I really can't stand it when Horatio takes off his sunglasses/ stands with hands on hips.
I so agree with you on this one! It's the most annoying thing ever.
It also annoys me that he seems to be the star of the show. I mean, Mac and Gris share the spotlight with their teams. Everyone gets a chance to break the case or be the hero, but in Miami, it's always H-man.
When the writers make Ryan Wolfe look stupid all the time.
When Boa is in the episode.
When there is a limited amount of Greggo in the whole season.
When H takes care of a kid in an episode. He's done it sooo much and it bugs the crap outta me. :lol:
i thought of one the other day but now i forgot what it was
I just find it hard to believe that CSI's are above detectives and police officers..I mean, isn't their job to investigate Crime Scenes? What are the detectives then? Their Beyotches?

The other day I was watching CSI:Miami where there was this plane crash and the plane mechanic said something about they'll have to look into it to know what happened? Then Calleigh said something about "No, We'll let you know what happened when we're done."

It's like they're a bunch of know-it-alls.

And don't even get me started on LV. They'll even tell your mother what to do.

I find Law & Order more believable than CSI. The crime scene investigators investigate a crime scence, whether the body was found there or not, and they'll let Benson and Elliot know....
On CSI, detectives seem to be dumbasses..
When we don't see Flack or Nick suffering after effects from traumatic near death experiences. Luckily, Stella and Greg are, kinda.
I remembered. He He I was watching a Miami Eppy and the thing that annoyed me was in the eppy :)

When H refers the to Hummer as a CAR!!! or TRUCK.. Yo dude it's a SUV..Call it that or just the Vehicle would be fine....get it right... It's like calling a fishing boat, a speed boat.:lol:
(my hubby is a car freak, so i've started to become anoyed with little things like that)
Horatio annoys me so much. I love Miami (I call it the sexy CSI of the franchise) but as much as I love Miami, I hate Horatio. It doesn't help that all you see is him! He thinks he's so cool, with those sunglasses. I sware if I could, I would break those stupid things in half and then shove them back in his face. He tries to act so cool but the truth of the matter is, he's a middle aged man whose going bald and wears bad suits and glasses. I think he is the most annoying character in the whole franchise!

Sara's hair annoys me too! Like just part it on the side or something! (No offence to anyone who likes her hair. It's just my opinion.) :)
The one thing that reall annoys me? And it may have already been said but it does annoy me.......
When the Cops are portrayed as dumbass when it comes to science. Ok, maybe they dont know as much as the CSI's but, take Brass for example. He was head of the graveyard, so must have known a lot of science, then he gets demoted, and now all of a sudden he doesnt no a damn thing! I mean come on!!!
Sorry, just one thing that really winds me up!
hmm I think we should just steal his sunglasses and let Mac or Gris have them...they both wear them very well. :)
lol Griss needs to get blinged up a bit. Maybe Sara will take him shopping. lol NO wait scratch that, she isn't good with sunglasses. Remember her's on BTK2? She looked like a bug! Now those glasses annoyed me!
MacsGirlMel said:
When we don't see Flack or Nick suffering after effects from traumatic near death experiences. Luckily, Stella and Greg are, kinda.

In "Falling Stars" Nick was hesitant about going down in the bunker, and I think in "Rashomama" or some other episode a bug landed on him and he got skeeved out. I missed what happened to Stella--haven't watched CSI: NY in a while.
brainfood said:
I really can't stand it when Horatio takes off his sunglasses/ stands with hands on hips.

My dad stands there with his hands on his hips and it looks really camp like hes about to mince off or something, i cant imagine if he started doing it in the shops like taking off his sunglasses hands on hips saying hmm what ceral?

I also hate the LV has no emotion about major things, like theres a huge deal Sara was in foster care but Nick gets burried alove and no one bats an eyelid!