One thing that annoys me the most...

I hate how dark it is on CSI. And it's always tinted blue. (which is ironic since after s1 on NY, they lightened up, but some fans continue to complain they miss the darkness.)

Anyways, I hate the way Catherine dresses. Seriously, who shows up to work in skin tight pants, tank tops and boots? As if she doesn't have to be on a crime scene for hours upon hours at a time. :rolleyes:
They don't have the best sense of what working women wear, but I've come to the point that I just roll my eyes and sigh.

Are you saying that you're annoyed that people complain about wanting the dark hue back on CSI:NY or that CSI is dark? :confused:

Being annoyed by the hue of the show is one thing, but let's be sure we don't start criticizing other fans' opinions. ;)
Speaking of hues on the shows, it really annoyes me when all the Miami team dress in red in the same episode (except for H, he just has red hair) and on top of that, the hue of the show is orange. I think I need to steal Horatio's sunglasses just to watch the show :eek:
Hey, don't you know that Miami is just a very orange place? :confused: I thought everyone knew that... ;) Heh heh, kidding of course.

:lol: But yeah, I've noticed the coordinating thing. Did they send out a memo for the next day's outfit color? :lol:
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
I hate how dark it is on CSI. And it's always tinted blue. (which is ironic since after s1 on NY, they lightened up, but some fans continue to complain they miss the darkness.)

Anyways, I hate the way Catherine dresses. Seriously, who shows up to work in skin tight pants, tank tops and boots? As if she doesn't have to be on a crime scene for hours upon hours at a time. :rolleyes:

*nods* Stella's the same way. Sometimes it seems like they just want to show off her chest. And high heels...Hello, detective...suspect chasing...they're NOT the things to run in.
Faylinn said:
Hey, don't you know that Miami is just a very orange place? :confused: I thought everyone knew that... ;) Heh heh, kidding of course.

:lol: But yeah, I've noticed the coordinating thing. Did they send out a memo for the next day's outfit color? :lol:

I guess i have never noticed that..

Hey does it annoy anybody else that you never see them eat on miami or NY? Do they even have a break room like LV? :confused:
I'm sure in NY last season they did eat, but maybe not in a break room - the episode where Lindsay and Danny ate fried bugs and the rest of them had pizza with Mac...

Watched Miami the other night and noticed Horatio put on his sunglasses twice just before walking into a building, weird and slightly annoying. In fact Horatio's sunglasses are the subject of a weekly game in our house. Guess how many times he will put them on, the loser has to make the next drink.... :)
Faylinn said:
Hey, don't you know that Miami is just a very orange place? :confused:
I know, seriously what’s with all the orange? I know Miami's a sunny place and all, but orange isn't the only bright colour out there. :lol:
:lol: Very true. :p

About the eating on NY--Hawkes ate Chinese food out of a carton in "Grand Murder at Central Station" and there were cheese curls in that one episode with the dead debutante (can't recall the name off the top of my head)...there might have been some more, but I'm not sure. :lol: I do know that S2 had several scenes in a break room that had vending machines in it. (check it out behind Mac in this piccy)

Heh, just realized that Mac is standing like Horatio in that one. :lol:

And speaking of Horatio, he's the main reason I can't just get into Miami every week. I tape the episodes and then have to be in the mood to watch them...which is a shame since I have a major girl-crush on Calleigh. ;)

Edited because the silly mod used a pic that was too big. ;)
Elsie said:
In fact Horatio's sunglasses are the subject of a weekly game in our house. Guess how many times he will put them on, the loser has to make the next drink.... :)

that's funny:lol:

I just saw an eppy of miami tonight where Speed and Eric were sitting in what looked like a break room..
1. The puns. They don't so much as annoy me as they just make me groan and want to do a face palm. CSI: NY was great for that in S1. Though I did appreciate it when they called themselves out for their own cheesy lines.

2. I've pretty much gotten over this issue, but it use to really bug me when the CSIs would walk across a room and magically spot a hair on the couch that just happened to belong to the criminal/victim. I could deal with the 'amazing' scientific technology and techniques they use, but their superhuman eyesight is a bit overkill.

3. Horatio. Probably the main reason why I can't get into CSI: Miami. I don't know what it is about him, but it kills the show for me.
When Danny keeps his shirt on. :p

I only really watch NY and Miami but the lack of paperwork bothers me. They must have to write reports etc but you hardly ever see this. While yes it would be boring to show this in detail. It would be nice to see someone go to talk to someone else and them be doing some paperwork now and then.
lol midnight. I'll add "when Mac keeps his shirt on" to that.

Also in a sense, Flack being back at work last week in the premiere. I will say "yay" to the writers for mentioning COTP and they *did* do the first day thing but how long does it take to recover from that type of injury?
SimplyBlue said:
1. The puns. They don't so much as annoy me as they just make me groan and want to do a face palm.
yeah those are bad,especially when it's grissom. He seem smart enough not to use them.