One thing that annoys me the most...

Bluntforcetrauma I've seen Griss's apartment...they showed it once..I forgot what was the epi about, but Cat was trying to convice Griss to call Sarah...he then called her and sent her a plant :confused:
Oops, sorry. :rolleyes: My bad. I've never been the best at details...
Ooh! I just thought of another thing that annoys me! Nick's ever-changing hair. I had just started to get used to it long, and then he had to shave it all off.
It was The Strip Strangler, I think. He got told by Culpepper to go home for a bit and was working the case from home.

I wish they'd do equal opportunity followup, but didn't we say that? Stella had followup...Greg hasn't had time...Flack's not had enough and niether has Nicky or Danny.
I don't care for Sara, she has always annoyed me. I was extremely disappointed that writers hooked her and Grissom up.
Yeah I found that a bit disturbing since I always thought of Grissom as Asexual... :eek:
Drumchik said:
Why aren't Grissom and Sara allowed to work with anyone else but each other? It's getting REALLY annoying.

And apparently Grissom and Catherine aren't allowed to interact or look at each other anymore. *rolls eyes*
Absolutely! Positively! I noticed that too since the beginning of this season, and the worst episode in this regard is Double-Cross... A great episode otherwise. Catherine and Sofia are the ones who investigate the dead girl's apartment or house, but who goes to Grissom to share the results? Miss S.! Were the other two women in the toilet together, for the rest of the episode? Or did they just disappear from the planet? And the other episodes are not much better. It's as if the familiarity and friendship we've seen between Cath and Gris for 6 years is over because he's involved with someone else. In my experience, you can still look and be friends with a member of the opposite sex, and share a laugh with said friend, even if you're dating another person. TPTB should really inject a dose of reality in this season and stop shoving GSR down our throats. Not everyone loves this relationship... Sorry for all the GSR lovers, but that is just my opinion. Rant over... :)
I wonder if the pairing is why I've actually missed a few episodes this year. In years past that would be unheard of.
It annoys me that I'm expecting a brand new episode and instead they show reruns! 52 epi's a year should do it though :lol:
goldnhart said:
2. I hate that all the female victims are beautiful and always have their nails perfectly manicured, their legs shaved, gorgeous underwear, etc. Don't any regular women get killed?
:lol: Very true.

In fact, all women who appear on CSI look like glamour models (especially on Miami). It would be nice to see average women on CSI just to show what women look like in the real world. I think they should use me, I'll show em! :lol:
When Horratio looks into the freakin camera in every epsiode and puts his sunglasses on then scampers off the screen.
I wonder what would happen if his sunglasses broke one day??!! :lol: :D ;)
^^ I would laugh SO HARD. Just thinking about it makes me giggle!:lol:
When Mac tells a very lame joke and the others laugh. One-liners don't happen to be Mac's speciality...
How come we never see the CSI's go to the washroom, re-apply their makeup or brush their hair? Are you telling me that they're some kind of special people who look beautiful who look 24/7? For once I'd like to see Danny have bedhead or see Lindsay with racoon eyes. I guess if you don't eat you don't need to use the restroom...
jorja_fan86 said:
How come we never see the CSI's go to the washroom, re-apply their makeup or brush their hair?

Yeah I know I was wondering that too. I know my makeup wears off over the day. But the CSI's always stays on perfectly but you would think being around crime scenes and stuff they wouldn't put much effort into their clothing, hair and makeup. But they are always looking top notch.

Did you ever notice that they never look tired, ever. Which is weird because they are always putting in so much overtime. (Yeah I know there is always coffee but still.)
Yup, yup. Never tired *shakes head*. I've never really seen a TV show where the characters aren't perfect looking, so I guess I've gotten used to it.
What REALLY bugs me is when they pick up on big leads in random ways. "I was in the grocery store, and I just happened to see a porn DVD of our victim..." and "I was buying a cinnamon twist when I saw this magazine with our suspect on the front cover...". I can let one or two of these pass, but sometimes they're just not realistic.