NY Forum Trip To LA #2

I think we've all been hit. :eek:

Anybody else got pics from the trip!?!? Hurry up, slowpokes! :p :lol:
Against my better judgement ... I want to see this albino beached whale picture. :lol: Must be something horrific if it's capable of traumatizing MrsG! :lol:
AWWWW!!! It's like the pregnant beluga that midnight, Bitten and I saw on their trip to Chicago! :D We called her Danny, because she was kind of an attention whore, not unlike the Danny on CSI: NY. :lol:
Urg, I went to see this picture. :eek:

It's quite unfair to compare that poor whale to Caruso and his moobs. *flee*
Kimmychu said:
Against my better judgement ... I want to see this albino beached whale picture. :lol: Must be something horrific if it's capable of traumatizing MrsG! :lol:
It's too horrific for me to post here. That and it'll break my photobucket account if I attempt to upload it. Due to the extreme heinousness of the pic, I ask that anyone who wishes to be permanently blinded click on the MySpace link in my signature line and look for Midnight's harsh and unwarranted vandalism in the comments section. It makes Carmine's sailor suit look down-right hawt! :eek:
^:lol: You said it! I'm considering asking everyone I know on mysapace to leave me a comment so that hideous pic will fall to page 2 so I can't see it anymore... ;)
^ I just did my part and left a comment on your page. :D Perhaps we can all help each other. Anyone who has had the beauty of their MySpace page destroyed by Midnight's cruelty, please speak up so we can assist you in bumping that to page 2.

By the same token, I think all victims should retaliate by posting the most heinous pic they can find on Midnight's page. *runs off to find Britney's cooch on the 'net* :lol:
oh the joys of myspace - how can you not love it???

*raises hand* I havent been hit with the horrific picture... someones watching out for me I guess.

Great pics from the trip guys!! Cant wait till next years.
... again, against my better judgement, I am very tempted to open a Myspace account. :lol:

And, huh? Are you guys talking about that picture of that guy carrying a kid at the beach?! That's the traumatizing picture? :lol: :lol: :lol: I am disappointed! I was totally expecting this 500-pound hairy beast lounging naked on the beach and scaring the #$%* out of the other beach-goers! :p

*looks closer at photo*

Wait, you guys mean that's David Caruso?! :eek:

EDIT: Oh, what the hell. My Myspace page is here. Anybody wanna add me, feel free to do so. :p
Kimmychu said:
*looks closer at photo*

Wait, you guys mean that's David Caruso?! :eek:

Terrifying isn't it? :lol: The child is cute though.

Happy birthday CSINYRULZ, I hope you have a fantastic day. :)
:lol: It's quite tramatizing! :lol: I shall never look at Horatio the same way again! :lol: Maybe we should show the die hard Caruso fans the pic, see what they say! :p

Oh, and Kimmi, I added you on MySpace!
Kimmychu said:
*looks closer at photo*

Wait, you guys mean that's David Caruso?! :eek:
:lol::lol: Yes, and he should be solving the crime of what the hell happened to his shirt instead of follicking in the waves.

EDIT: Oh, what the hell. My Myspace page is here. Anybody wanna add me, feel free to do so. :p
Just sent you a request. :D