NY Forum Trip To LA #2

MrsGiovinazzo said:
In case inquiring minds want to know, we had not so much as one single Team Lindsay shirt ordered. Guess that says something about the orientation of the discussion on the trip. :lol: :devil:

Aww, that's too bad... :lol: Well, I guess the effort will be even more appreciated now: one team and one team only, right? :D

Don't worry about the extra money, it's no problem at all. Oh and btw, I'll be more than happy to contribute with a couple of bucks to the boys' shirts too (especially since one of them already knows about this!).
At least three people on this trip know what I look like (remember that lovely pic that used to grace my company's website, Faylinn?!!) I'll see if I can find a photo somewhere where I am not drunk, covered in mud, or making faces at the camera. This is going to be difficult.
^^ Springmoom, I actually have a good picture of you (taken at dinner in Sacramento), which I could post if you want. Yes, girls, I am a freak with the camera. If I've ever met you, I've got a commemorative pic somewhere. :lol: If anyone else I've ever met from the board doesn't have a pic and wants one posted, let me know. I download all my pics to my laptop and can find them if I search hard enough.
Oooooh eeeee, sexy mama! I like that one. It's better than the one I have anyway. Great pic and thanks for posting. Now all nosey girls will know who they're looking for,
Top41 said:
CSI_in_training, I would recommend editing that info out of your post and PMing it to MrsG instead. I'd recommend keep the info about where you're staying and your arrival/departure times private.
ACK! I totally didn't think of that, and I can't edit it now. if one of the mods wants to delete that post, I would love it! *bangs head on desk* not cool.

And here is me...

he he...I'm even wearing my Flack tie (which is not so much fugly as it reminds me of him every time I wear it)

Me and my best friend, Erin. I may have been drunk here...I can't remember. I'm on the right.


Me and JC Chasez. Love him. MrsG, can it. :p I know how much you love this picture. :lol:
CSI_in_training - I already deleted that portion of your post this morning.

lookaboomerang said:
Me and JC Chasez. Love him. MrsG, can it. :p I know how much you love this picture. :lol:
I have no problem with the picture (but you can tell Erin I like the one of you and her better :p). I just think it's a waste of time to pine away for some guy who has had sex with Eva Longoria. :lol:

Thanks for posting the pics, girls. :D
I'm not pining! I know I don't have a snowballs chance in hell, but damnit, if he isn't the cutest little thing. :lol:

I like the picture of me and Erin better also. :D
Awww, cute pics everybody! :D

And I will be more than happy to throw in for the boys' t-shirts. I think they'll definitely get a kick out of them. :lol: ;)
Thank you MrsG! Temporary lapse in judgement...
Anyways, was at the Calgary Stampede today and found out two very disappointing things, one; there are very few young cute genuine cowboys there anymore *pout* and two; sun screen is GOD! I have such major sun burn I might still be pink when I get to LA.
I will send this to you all, bring lots of sun screen, because you don't want to end up like me.

Trust me, this hurts.
^Uhm... that kinda looks like me (actually, I look even worse) after spending two mornings on the beach... And here I was trying to look nice for the meet-up! :lol:
*cough*raiseshand*cough* .... join the club on the sunburn, I think I may take the cake though - If I was more secure about it I'd post pics of it, second degree sunburn on my stomach, legs, back, and arms.... lovely I know...

Remember gals (and guys), sun screen sun screen sun screen...
Sunscreen is for pussies (kidding -- bring it!). Orison - A sunburn on that nice dark Italian skin? WTF??? :lol: ... Now CSINYRULZ, on the other hand, I believe her ass would burn severely. :lol: