NY Forum Trip To LA #2

I never use sunscreen. I should, though. Every time I leave the house for two seconds I get ass raped by the sun. I don't get burned, though, just darker. Eeeh, damn kids with their rap music.

Are they really charging for parking at the Grove now? For real? And 20 bucks average? WTF, LA?! I think I'll just rent a tricycle.

OT: I just saw a picture of David Caruso shirtless and I need some intense, intense therapy + some TLC
Why, God?
midnight_tiptoes said:

Are they really charging for parking at the Grove now? For real? And 20 bucks average? WTF, LA?! I think I'll just rent a tricycle.

Yes, get ready to pay for parking everywhere you go in LA... :p
I never had to pay when I lived there. At the Beverly Center, yes, but never at the Grove. And I don't remember having to pay 20 bucks at the BC, either, it was usually like 2 or 3 bucks. Parking was also free (during certain times) in that lot next to the McDonald's if you wanted to go to the Santa Monica piers. Don't tell me they're charging now, too.

Is air still free?
it's about $20 for valet @ the grove. when we go, we usually get our ticket validated at the movie theater, it knocks a couple bucks off.. some of the stores validate parking too..
^^^^ parking rates/valet are ridiculous, I hate it. I guess in a way I lucked out - I've got a truck thats too big to fit in most parking garages, and I'm too cheap to actually pay valet, so I opt to park 3 blocks away and walk... *shrug*.

I never...ever wear sunscreen, maybe every now and then I'll put some on my nose, but other than that...I just get darker, and darker, and darker.... which is fine with me.

is air still free?

Who knows? by the time you get out here it may not be...
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Orison - A sunburn on that nice dark Italian skin? WTF??? :lol:

See, not every Italian has nice, dark skin and of course I'm the exception. :D Dark eyes/hair, yeah, but my skin usually needs time to get to a nice color. Figures, right? Hopefully by the time we meet I'll be gone from lobster red to brown... :lol:
Don't fret about the parking at The Grove, girls. As Messinwithmesser and CSINYRULZ said, that's just for valet. If you skip the valet, it's far less expensive and some place validate ... or if you subscribe to the MrsG philosophy of shopping and blow at least $150 (I think? Maybe $250?) on shit you don't need, the concierge will waive the valet fee. But just self-park and you won't have to pay too much.

Midnight - yes, the air is still free - barely and only if you don't breathe too much of it. ;) And I'm sure the only reason they haven't started charging for that is that the thick brown smog-ladden polutant they call "air" is something the city of LA should be compensating us for breathing. :lol:
you can actually buy air...or more Oxygen, in a canister for some obscure price. It's not just for divers either, it's actually to buy. I saw it in the paper and I'm like 'WTF? That's so stupid!' what's the world coming to?
I'm so so SO excited!
Now CSINYRULZ, on the other hand, I believe her ass would burn severely.

Oh Mrs. G, my ass... burn??? not usually.... but for some reason it chose this time to burn, probably because I exposed areas of my body that normally dont see the sun - thighs, back, stomach... *shiver* I hate sunburns... stupid stupid stupid...


I personally tend to "purposely" forget to put it on because after I burn once at the beginning of summer, I dont burn again, just a tan over the tan over the tan, but seriously guys - bring it for your face at least - no one wants their noses falling off in 5-10 years...
Are they really charging for parking at the Grove now? For real? And 20 bucks average? WTF, LA?! I think I'll just rent a tricycle.
As someone who doesn't drive yet, I don't know much of the horrors of parking. However I know that when I go to a movie, or shopping mall with my friends, whoever drives is always pissed off after leaving. :lol: That and gas- it's over $3 a gallon. I'll never drive at this rate. :(

And BRING SUNSCREEN. I live here so I know, we have absolutely no Ozone layer over our city, and you will roast. I use SPF 70 it's so bad. :lol: I got a nasty burn at the beginning of the summer and it's hard to heal from a burn here because you're out in the sun all the time and after burning once it just doesn't go away.
Yep, sunscreen is your friend. I'm a slacker about wearing it myself, being a Caribbean girl who doesn't burn easily, but no use in looking like Magda from There's Something About Mary either!
very very true.
I'm still in pain from my burn and it's been a couple days now.
I have since taken to wearing sun screen and bug spray everywhere. And my burn is fading to a decent tan.
Springmoon said:
no use in looking like Magda from There's Something About Mary either!
:lol: :lol: In an odd bit of timing, I'm actually watching that right now and, in fact, tell people it's my life's ambition to look like Magda one day. :lol: Dead serious. One look at my fake-tanned ass will tell you that I'm not making that shit up. I really do say I'm trying to look like Magda. :lol: ... And after 18 years of fake tanning (not exaggerating), I think I've cemented my fate pretty well.
^She is pretty tan. :lol:

I use SPF 50. I spent the entire day out in the sun yesterday, and am still a nice ghostly shade. Slather on that sunscreen and you'll be fine, ladies.

midnight_tiptoes said:
Are they really charging for parking at the Grove now? For real? And 20 bucks average? WTF, LA?! I think I'll just rent a tricycle.

$20 is for self-park for the whole day (or a few hour of valet :lol: ). I think we're planning on being there for about 3-4 hours, which shouldn't run more than $6-8. Remember, we'll all be carpooling and will split the cost! Anyone who lets the driver pick up the whole parking fee will be personally bitchslapped by me. :p ;)

OT: I just saw a picture of David Caruso shirtless and I need some intense, intense therapy + some TLC
Why, God?

But...since you didn't choose between Team Flack and Team Lindsay, topless Caruso is what I had put on your t-shirt. Was that wrong? :confused:
^^No, sweetums, you told me it was Caruso's ass that you had put on her shirt. Are you getting forgetful?

Oops, or was that supposed to be a surprise? :eek:

I'm bringing plenty of sunscreen on the trip--if you want to look tan, you can stand next to me and Top. :p