NY Forum Trip To LA #2

midnight_tiptoes said:
la mia banda suona il rock...

Okay, okay, this needs to stop right here, you're hurting me... CDs? Please don't do it or I'll have to hit you with a life-size figure of Miss Pausini! :lol:
Don't hurt me with her big ass :(

FINALLY I GOT MY TICKET! I got my ticket... I got my tiiiicket. Only I need an airport buddy because Kristine will be at work until, like, December. So anybody wanna hook up with me at the airport? I'll help you carry your luggage to your hotel room and help you unpack and bake you a pie. Pie, anyone? Pie?
When are you getting in? And where are you staying? I'm driving up from San Diego and can pick you up at the airport if the timing is right.
Cool! My flight arrives at 3:05pm. I've no problem with transportation, the problem is I'm staying with Kristine and she doesn't get off work until 8 pm or so. So I just need a place to hang out until dinner, I guess. I could just go to the mall or something but I'd have my luggage with me.
Just know that I'm not bailin' ANYONE out this time. You guys are just gonna have to behave. :devil:
Khanada said:
Just know that I'm not bailin' ANYONE out this time. You guys are just gonna have to behave. :devil:
Good to see you, Khanada. It's been a while. But, um, what's this "behave" stuff? :confused: I expect Top will have to move back to Chicago in shame and humiliation, too embarrassed to ever leave home again, after we get kicked out of every place in town.

Can you imagine what mayhem will ensue if this group sees two hot guys together at a club? :lol: Poor boys will wonder how come we keep calling them Carmine and Eddie and chanting "Strip, strip, strip!" and "Woo hoo! 50 bucks if we can watch." :lol:
I don't get this concept of "behaving". My mother used to tell me to do it when I was younger but that didn't work out.
Top41 said:
ThumpyG said:
Actually, speaking of BCBG, what I am wearing is a BCBG dress in that picture. I have 'pasties' instead of a bra, but damn, the girls really need more support than that, so I will be wearing a strapless this time around.

TMI! :p Seriously, why is there so much boob talk in this thread??? I can't wait to meet you all, but man, I do not want to leave this trip knowing everyone's bra size. :p ;)

:eek: Sorry! Did not mean to offend, no more boob talk. ;)

I was just thinking that I have umpteen thousand things left to do for this trip and NO TIME to do them!!!!! AHHHHH!!! OK I feel better now that I have screamed. :D

I do have a question though: How dressy of a evening purse will I need for the clubs? My mom bought me one and it is cute, but I also found a cute wristlet that is smaller that I like for $10.00. Thanks!

EDIT: Behave? I am not familar with that word. :devil:
ThumpyG said:
I do have a question though: How dressy of a evening purse will I need for the clubs? My mom bought me one and it is cute, but I also found a cute wristlet that is smaller that I like for $10.00. Thanks!
No need to go fancy there. A cute $10 one works perfectly.
Im jealous. I wish I could be there and meet you guys ;) Make sure you guys have giant amounts of fun then come back and rub it in my face. :lol:
^ You won't have to wait until the trip is over to be jealous. :lol: I'll have my laptop with me and will check in daily. You can expect updates and pics. Drunken 2am posting will also be encouraged for those who bring laptops. :lol: And don't laugh at the suggestion that some may bring their laptops. Personally, I can't go four days without internet and since this is a meet-up of dorks who met online, I expect I'm not alone in that.