I'm a little late just now watched the last few epis...
:guffaw:to the kids idea from your posts *eg*
Liked the 100. epi . It wasn't too over the top but nice comments how long they're now working toghether ,from the first case and how their relationship has changed . The case was a good one ,intelligent psycho without clear motiv - CSI LV did that once too (can't remember the ep , family guy that killed young women over the years...).
It was obvious that Don wouldn't die (they can't resurrect their main charas like SPN *g*) , but nice touch for the family/team angst -a reminder for how dangerous the job can get and how it influences their lifes...
Loved the follow up with Charlie again going all obsessed but in the end really solving the problem.
5x22 wow massiv urges to give some headslaps *eg* Nikkis attitude interrupts a questioning that maybe could have brought a lead and is holier than thou without knowing the facts ( even if I agree that Blooms methods weren't that great...) - that's one point which icks me with Robin too ^^
And when she implyes that she wouldn't know if Colby would withhold evidence *grrrr* and at the end like ups but nothing happend...
Oh Amita ...overall I can live withe Amita/Charlie but sometimes they do some annoying stuff. Want they really make me believe that she didn't get how Charlie was trying to work out what to do with his future .And Dons near death wasn't even the first time that Charlie seemed more interested in a new case than in teaching/math problems...and Amita just babbles oblivious all over him ??
I liked the finale -ok the evil guy was a little ...yeah ..
(does anybody know the actors name? I somehow know that guy ,but I think it was with a little less hair *g*).
Nice team and family moments at the end and yay Ian was back ( yep Ian/Colby *g*)..
Another show I'm gonna miss, definitely need a life ^^