Like promised... here are my reviews
Escaping One Last Time
Well this was a good story to start a challenge

I like the idea of this story very much. It sounds like something Nick would do.
I know who wrote this one

Your writing style is pretty new to me, so it wasn’t too hard to guess.
You tried to write very detailed and your story was well thought trough. The reader could see it happen like that
I had always a hard time to see the facts that make people commit suicide… I mean he had a wife and two children. No matter how bad life treats you, isn’t a family worth to live for? It’s sad that for some people it isn’t… just two weeks ago our German national soccer goalkeeper committed suicide and everyone was asking why he left his wife and two year old daughter grieving… the answer is depressions. He kept them quiet because if he had told, society would have seen him as weak. Only his family knew. He was that scared to fail that he finally couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t want to be a burden for his family and so he decided it would be better to go than stay.
That was a good read and I can’t wait to see what you can come up with next.
Angels Around Us
I really like this one

And somehow I thought you would come up with something like that

Do you want to know what gave you away??? It was the characters you used for your story… you can write them all well… but you can three of them the best

I can tell because I read a lot from you with those three characters in it
I like how you brought the Nick/Warrick friendship into your story. It had something mystic on it and gave your story a very unique touch. I like that you interpret their friendship as endless… they’re still looking out for each other, even one of them is dead.
I also like the twist with Nick seeing a ‘real’ angel. That was really cool. I do believe that there is someone looking out for us and why shouldn’t Warrick be the person looking out for Nick?
The way you included Cath and Jim in your story was good too. What would Catherine do without her Nicky??? She has been through so much with loosing the two man she really cared about. I think loosing Nick would be the final straw for her.
Did I ever tell you how much I like how you’re able to use the song lyrics in your stories? If I haven’t I’ll do it now… I really like that

It fits perfectly.
The atmosphere you created in your story was amazing… I can swear the sun came out from behind the clouds here as I read it, really!!! I swear

That was a great story and I expected nothing less from you
This One Moment
Whoa that was a surprise… that was a story I really didn’t expect to be written for this challenge but nonetheless it was a great read and you gave us a good insight why you wrote THIS story for THIS challenge
I also didn’t expect to find a story including Ellie here… that was really interesting. That you wrote the story out of her point of view was great. I was always wondering what was going on in her head, after all she’s been through.
Now I understand why you needed to re-watch an episode in order to write this fic
I never really got Ellie and I need to say that I don’t even understand her now… she’ll always be a mystery for me… I don’t know if it will help her to swim in her pool of self pity
Another thing I liked was the fact that you let no real person being THE angel in your story. That was another interesting twist. But I’m not sure if an angel would be able to help Ellie out of her mess… I think it took a lot of guts to write out of Ellie’s point of view, like you did. She sees herself as ugly and not worth of being cared about…
You captured the tragedy of her character very well and let your readers feel her pain, great job :thumbsup:
Whoa that were news for our Nick…out of the blue he gets the information that he’s got a daughter. But therefore he handled it all perfectly
I’m glad you let her tell him about Emily before she passed away. It gave the story the peace it needed. It must have been a huge weight lifted from her shoulders as she told him, I mean she kept the secret for nearly 15 years…
I like that Nick is there for them at the end, so she at least doesn’t have to worry about her little girl.
I enjoyed this story a lot
One More Case
Awww I really like this one

It captures Nick so perfectly

He as the hero… great
I knew immediately who wrote this one and the more I read of your stories the more I’m sad that you don’t write Nick fics anymore, besides for this challenge. Even though it’s better than no Nick fics from you at all, it’s still sad
You know we all make progress while writing fics for this challenge but I need to say that I can’t see at as clearly in other writer’s stories like in yours. For example the way you formed sentences changed and I can say that this is really impressive
I do like seeing Nick with children :adore: I think you made us all very happy with letting nick save the baby
I liked how you changed the POV’s during your story… first Nick, then Brass and at the end Catherine. I like those three
The picture of Nick you gave us with your story is very believable and absolutely true. He really IS a hero and you wrote this so well in your story. Great story :thumbsup:
The Anniversary
This one was…well… different

And I like that a lot… it’s not the typical grieving about the loss of Warrick stuff so many other writers used for their stories… this is different and has somehow something light in it. It’s amazing how you managed to write a nearly completely light hearted story to a songfic theme this dark and angsty… that really deserves respect :thumbsup:
As I read the first five lines of your story it was clear for me that this would be a post Warrick’s death story. I just wasn’t sure where they were :lol:
That was a great way to let Nick and Catherine talk to each other about Warrick, about Eli and about what they went through after their friend’s death.
I like the flower and beer bottle thing… that was really clever

It made your story lighthearted but not too funny… just like it should be.
Nick and Catherine drinking beer in that alley… I could really imagine that happen that way

And of course Catherine liked the flowers…it was clear from the beginning

That you let Nick empty the beer bottle where his best friend died made me smile a little… it shows that they both realized that life goes on and that one can take the time to grieve but also need to go back on track and continue living, just like before.
I really like your story
Wooden Angel
Wow… I always ask myself where you get your story ideas from

That was just amazing…
I had some French in school till more than five years ago and I understood it all, even though I thought I had forgotten about all of it
You could write tones of stories because of your ideas. This one is one of my favorites of yours, since it is different from your other Nick fics
I liked the wooden angel thing as a motive for your story. That was really cool and something I could really imagine Nick doing. Yes, he would show the children there how to carve. He’s just the person for that.
And how you involved the whole problem with the child soldiers, fabulous :thumbsup:
I always enjoy how well everything fits together in your stories, how you include past memories at exactly the best moment and how you save Nick at the end.
Good work, you all

And big thank you again to
Egeria for the site

I simply love it, even my story isn’t on it this time