Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I think they have potential. Mainly because of the pretty. They're both gorgeous!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

As for the name, Nofia is pessimistic, so we could have Sofian (which sounds elegant to me), or Sock is good too. :)

What about their last names? Is there something we can do with the last names? Stokes. Curtis. Cokes?

*hides because I'm bad at this*
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Curotes... Coyotes- don't ask where that came from, but I like it. :lol:
Sherif Stokes and Deputy Curtis ;)

...maybe it would be better to wait until we've seen them together in a few more episode's to get a better idea...
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Whee! I was waiting for someone to start this thread! Sorry fellow Snickers, but Nick/Sophia is so my new pet ship. I can't help it. They look totally good together. Nick needs someone to cheer him up and Sophia is certainly cool enough to do it.

Here's a pic:

They look lovely.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Yep, they do. Let's hope we get someting more substantial than them just looking pretty together- althouth I don't mind that one bit! :lol:
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I have Sofia issues, but anyone who can make Nick smile is okay by me!!!

SQUEEEEE. I love his smile. I can see them being really close friends, and maybe more, you never know, :)

I think they have a great comeraderie about them. And as much as I don't like Sofia *dodges rocks*, I AM warming up to her a BIT. These two have an easy banter about them that is hard to find.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Count me in!

I never liked Grissom/Sofia, but since season 6, I really began to like Nick/Sofia. In season 5 I wasn't very fond of her, but she seems very likeable nowadays.

I think that she is a girl that is good for Nick. She is very caring, but she also has this tough attitude. Nick will probably like that.

I feel like everyone has been linked to someone else by TPTB last seasons, except for Nick. Let's hope they are gonna persue this relationship.

As for names:
Sofick or So Fick! Maybe eventually extended to Sooooo Fick. ;)
Just an idea. :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I am ready and willing to avidly support this ship once it develops more. :) I hope we see more of it soon!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

They really did have some great chemistry in "Shooting Stars". And anyone who can put that big a smile on Nick's face is alright with me.

As for names, someone (sorry, I can't remember who) in the "Shooting Stars" discussion thread suggested "Sonic".
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Hey guys. Call me crazy, but I'm liking Socks for this ship. Oooh, or I just saw unknown addict's suggestion - Sonic - thats very cool too

Take all the time you need, but whenever you all decide on a name, let me know and I'll add you to the Ship List ;)
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Sonic, So Fick! or Socks work very well for me. :cool:

After all what Nick's been gone through, he needs a tough woman like Sofia to help him through, don't you guys agree? I think that she can be both comforting AND say: "Keep your head up high, life goes on". So he won't be sad forever. And she seems to make him smile anyway.
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