Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

:D I love Sofia. I loved her from the start. I loved how smart she was, and how Grissom respected her from the start. Catherine on the other hand... :rolleyes: i'm just glad that they get along now.I remember when she talked about her to Nick. that was so lame and Catty. :(

hmm maybe a fic where, Nick tells her how he had heard rumors about her( no gross Ecklie ones. ew)

hmmi have more faith in LV writers then Miami, so maybe we'll get something. I like the NY writers best though.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I haaaaaate all the cattiness in LV. Ugh. And for what? Sofia has been nothing but nice to Sara and Cath, and the've both treated her like shit. That's why I like Sofia. She doesn't get down to their level.

Here's what Louise said in the interview, about her hooking up with one of the guys: “That possibility has opened up, so there’s potential for all sorts.”

"The possibility has opened up," that's gotta be Nick, right?
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

yeah. Who else has she flirted with?

I don't really see Brass/Sofia.
Warric and her worked like 1 case together.

I really hope that they wouldn't make it Grissom, cause then no one would like her.

Greg? is that even legal?

Nick's the best choice. Plus they have chemistry! :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Brass/Sofia? Nah. No way. He was totally like a father figure to her in A Bullet. I didn't see anything sexual there.

I doubt it'll be Grissom. I think Grissom will probably end up alone.

Greg? Nah. Warrick is married, and there's still the whole Warrick/Catherine thing going on.

So Nick is the best choice. Plus, they've already flirted, they have tons of chemistry, and the fans have reacted positively towards it. Go writers!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I know! Let's hope this ship lasts. It has lots of potential. Plus the writers have to see something. The gadget thing,a nd the alphabetical oredred list was way too flirty to have been an accident.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

That Shooting Stars scene was OMGTEHSQUEE!!! In fact, I'm gonna go watch it again.

He looked so happy with her. Aw, she makes him happy.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

He smiled too! i swear i did not see him smile like that since last season! she's good for him! :D :D

Dude what's Vartanns first name?
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Oh, I know. She's like his bottle of Prozac.


Vartann's name has never been revealed. Most people call him Alex.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

i see.

She's his prozac? aww isn't that just thesweetest thing? :lol:

they both have great smiles too. Look at the way he's looking at her. OMG SO CUTE!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

He's thinking, "wow, she's gorge! How come I didn't notice before? OMG, we're SO totally getting married some day! OMGOMGOMG!! Sofia Stokes, yay!!"
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Their last names are so short she could keep both. Sofia Curtis Stokes. Yay!

Of everyone on the team, I think Nick is the most marriage friendly. I can totally see him proposing to Sofie, and starting a family soon.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

aw they would have a fairy tale wedding too, and he when he proposed it would be super romantic. :D :D aww i bet he calls her Sofie. she wouldn't let anyone else call her that, just Nick.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Yeah, I can see Nick planning a super romantic proposal, and then getting her a dream wedding, unlike Warrick and his McWedding.

And then, like a year later, when she tells him she's pregnant, he'd cry.

Nick! I love him.
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