Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

uhh i was thinking of one, where Nicks at a bar, just drinking and thinking and then Sofia comes over, adn they talk. or maybea ONe shot where she helps him. I dunno. u?
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I've thought about that one, but you know, the whole talking thing. Sounds so simple but it can be so complicated. Would Nick confide in Sofia? Would she relate? And I guess you have to be in a really deep mood, right?

Maybe after DLG airs we'll get some inspiration. I wonder if/how Sofia will react to Nick's mood.

I guess Louise was interviewed by ET or another one of those shows, and they asked her if she would hook up with any of the CSIs, and she said something along the lines of "a possibility has opened up." Think she was talking about Nick?
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

i hope soo. I hope it's not Grissom. I really can't see him with her, or Sara. :p

hmm i've had an idea for a Tina/Warric fic for a while now. It wont really work for this ship.

She wasn't around for Grave danger. Maybe a one shot where she talks to him about it.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I do sort of have an idea for a fic, but it would take multiple chapters, and I don't know if I could work that into my schedule right now. I'd have to write several chapters and then start posting them slowly. WIPs are just so time consuming, and I really don't have a lot of free time right now.

But we'll see. It would be a Nick/Sofia, Sara/Vartann story.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

i've never read any Sara/Vartann stories before.

WIP are killers! I have one, and i'm so uninspired! If i write one then it will be a one shot.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

There's one here and one here. S/V is my guilty pleasure.

That's the thing about WIPs. You always start out so enthusiastic and then you lose that, and then people start bitching cause you're not updating, and then you get pissed, and then you never finish it and it all goes to hell. That's why, if I have a story with multiple chapters, I like to finish them all first before I post it. It's easier that way.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

hmm i'll check them out.

I like reading WIP's not writing them. :lol: Big difference!

so DLG airs this thursday right? Hopefully we will get inspiration.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Yeah, this Thursday! So psyched. I have to work, but I'll tape it and watch it as soon as I come home. I hope we get good screen caps, too.

And yay, Sofia isn't wearing that blue shirt she always wears:


She's walking next to him. I don't know why that makes me happy.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

From the promo.

His hair is so shiny now! It's like he switched to Pantene or something. Wow, their kids would have gorgeous hair. I love Sofia's hair, too.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

i know. I love his chocolate brown hair (so hot, he's redeemd himselfa fter taht mustache) and her long blond hair. they would have the cutest kids!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Aw, cute little kids with Texan accents, running around, playing with gadgets. Perfection.


Let's get down to business, baby.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

aw hahaha they were so flirting in that scene! :lol: so cute.

They would get along, cause she's srtong, and smart, so she'd keep him on his toes, and he's sweet and laid back, so she would be able to relax and be herrself around him. :D :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I know. Sofia is so cool. She's totally my girl. You're right, they both have great personalities. I think they'd have a lot of fun together, but they're both also very understanding. I think these two would have the best relationship.

Right, TPTB? Right?
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