Nick/Sara - - #21 - - Nick knows Kung Fu

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Sara4Nick is new, so it CCA. Sara4Nick, you probably know her over at, She is WoodyforJordan or something.

Welcome back, csiemily. You will be gone again in a few weeks.

I haven't finish yet. Let me know if you don't want to write when you gone again or you could let me know when you back then I will put it up again on here.
well, welcome sara$nick and CCA! hope you guys stick around.

well, it's amazing to be back. i'm gonna be gone for one more week BUT where i'm going i can go on the internet every day. so it's all good! haha

well, i still have to read Meg's story's (which i JUST printed off) so when i get back i'll read your story. so many stories... so little time!! lmao:p

about that spoiler.... I'M SO EXCITED!! i've told EVERYONE that SNickers is happening next season, or really soon.... AND IT WILL!! muah ha ha.... we will be canon!!

hey... i have a question.... do we have a SNickers Songs thread? if not... we should make one. i have SO many songs that would be PERFECT for Sara and Nick.
emily nice to see you back hows your vacation and your going away again will miss you. and for your question yes we have a snicker song thread to.
hey cocoa! my vacation was awesome! i'm going away for one more week and then i'll be free for the rest of the summer.

we do? can you post the link or something? i have A TON of songs that'll be PERFECT for SNickers. one of them i made into a banner:)

so... any other news of Snickers for season 8? i gotta get caught up on this!!! i feel so lost:p lmao
NicknGrissom said:
I read over at CSI:Wiki. Here is a spoiler of 8x01. Fans take a guess what's going to happen when CSI come back.

While Warrick talk to Grissom on the phone, Nick looked at the door, in his voice, crying in tear and said to himself, "Don't let her die." This episode will be so good when the show come back. Hard Evidence is not the episode and other 4 episode is not the episode right and we will know what the name of the episode.

is this a real spoiler or someone's wishful thinking?
i was wondering that too... i read it and i got excited but then i read the beinging of your post and i wasn't sure. i really hope that's a spoiler and not just a guess. PLEASE GIVE US SNICKERS!! i had many SNickers bars on my vacation:p lmao.... helped me get through? LMAO!

omgoodnesss.. over my vacation i came up with a PERFECT scene of SNickers:

The team found Sara; pinned under a car but still just alive. they rushed her to the hospital, hoping that'll she'll stick in with them longer. two days later, Sara partly in a coma, Nick comes to see if she's alright. when he gets there he sees Grissom sitting beside her, staring at the wall... not even holding her hand. Nick almost bursts into tears at the sight of Sara in a coma, but makes himself go into the room.

N: hey, ah... Gris....
G: *turns and faces him, face blank* yeah nick.
N: Ecklie wants to see you in his office right now. he asked me if i was coming here and told me to tell you his message.
G: ok *gets up and walks to the door, but stops* you staying here?
N: *rips his eyes away for Sara and looks at Grissom, trying not to cry* yeah...
G: ok... *walks out of the room*
N: *turns around and wipes the tears out of his eyes**he walks over to sara and sits down in the seat that Grissom was just moments ago sitting in. He grab's Sara weak hand and brings it up to his mouth, giving it a soft kiss and cups he hand between his hands* Sunshine.... *sniffles* come on Sunshine, wake up. *sniffles... tears now in his eyes* you have to wake up....

*The screen goes blank as the episode is finished, but not without Nick saying his finale words**......

N: I need you to wake up.

^^i'm sorry...but i think that would be the ULTIMATE Snickers moment. Sunshine, I need you, kissing her hand? i would LOVE that. and i just see Nick doing that to Sara. COME ON SEASON 8... MAKE US HAPPY!! :D
OMG if that was to happen I could die a happy person... I mean I would just start crying and I would not be able to stop.
Nick needs his Sunshine.....
emily love your banner. i dont have the link to that and love your scenario. i just watch the good the bad and the dominatrix.
i love how nick and sara were emotional involve in the cases for different reason. and to my disappointment they dont have a scene together even a small one. and if nick is sara's boyfriend i dont think nick consoling his friend the way grissom did. just my point of view please dont shoot me.
enough about that.

nick: you sleepy :D
sara: you keep me awake and i'm sore :devil:
lmao... love those pics!!

i think if Nick was Sara's boyfriend:

A) it wouldn't be a secrect... Nick would be shouting it from the roof tops.

B) He would talk to sara about it. Nick always talks about things and that's just the way he would handle it. He wouldn't never keep her in the dark.

C)He'd introduce them! come on!! if sara met one of Nick's mamy exs, Nick would definatly be proper enough to say: "this is (so-and-so). (so-and-so) this is my girlfriend, Sara".

D) She would TRUST nick (something she doesn't do with Grissom). Nick's very honest and all he wants is his friend's TRUST. He with Sara, he deffinatly has that!

lmao, Nick deffinatly needs his Sunshine. they need to bring that name back. Nick gave her an ADORABLE nickname and they've just never used it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.... give us and Nick our Sunshine:p.

If Sara and Nick did get together.... i would be in complete AWWEE!!! i would be the happiest (well, one of the many happy Snickers fans) in the world!!! eee!! i can just see it now:)

oh, and by the way... hey Snickersfan01. don't think i've really met you yet!! Snickers hugs!! glad you're along. i'm keeping my hopes up for Season 8 bceause... i DEFTINALY think that Nick's gonna get a little more aggresive of getting Sara's attention. SNICKERS!! XOXOX
hey guys! working on a little something and wondering if anyone has any pics of sara/jorja nick/george eating or licking something? (no i am honestly not completely crazy... you'll see when im done!) :)
lmao:p does it have to be food???..... lmao:p


HAHAHA!!! is that good:p heheh.


^^i don't know if that'll be good. but... he's SUCKING:p lmao :devil: :D

i'll find some more... mua hahaha :devil:
Hi, ( waves to csiemily :D ) your right I don't belive that we have met. My name is Angela, but everyone calls me Angie. Nice to meet you.. :D By the way I love your avie.. And you are 100% right. Nick did get her a cute nickname and they have not used it. :( That makes me mad. :mad: They are so great togather. Are we the only ones that see this. Are TPTB that blind??? I just don't see the trust between Sara and Griss that is there between Nick and Sara...But that is just my opion. :lol:
No way snickersfan - not just your opinion! i always just watched random on-off episodes of csi, and forever i loved the flirting between nick and sara... it made complete sense for them to get together. THEN i randomly watched season 6 finale, stood up from the sofa and totally freaked my sister out shouting WHATTTT??!!! haha maybe i overreacted a little but i then HAD to watch every single episode,to see where the hell gsr came from... and guess what? it didnt come from anything damnitt!!!
argh so frustrated, but on a happier note- emily i love those pics hehe but kinda more need full-face (as in jorja's nose is hidden)... i think you'll like the end-product :)
hey!! my name's emily (csiemily). i've never actually met a GSRer in person, just on the internet. i think they know that Sara and Nick have chemistry and they OBVIOUSLY know that they are DEFINATLY the best looking couple, so i don't see why they don't make it happen! what I think is that they are just tricking us. Sara has liked Grissom from the beginning. so obviously they have to get them together just so there's not any "what if" questions there. BUT Nick was the first person to just plain out accept Sara. They became instant friends. true chemistry. Sara has to fight to get Grissom's attention and Nick is fighting to get hers. Nick knows that Sara doesn't need to try and get anyone... guys try to get her. What i don't get is that Sara and Nick have alway been there for each other, TPTB have made this great chemistry and flirting, but now it's just gone. There's no flirting anymore (which you can tell Nick misses) and they don't work together anymore. why? because they KNOW they are perfect for each other. Grissom hasn't put them together because Nick's a threat!! and i really hope that Nick will fight for his girl because they are obviously perfect for each other.

when it comes to Grissom and Sara.. i can't help but picture a daughter and father romance: wrong and COMPLETELY disguisting!!!!!! Nick and Sara... i can picture them getting together (marriage). They complete each other. Grissom and Sara are too similar but Nick and Sara.... they're are perfect.

and that, my friends, is why i stil have hope in SNickers!! They are so hot together and perfect to each other. i'm just hoping that TPTB will FINALLY realize that we are the true canon and that Sara and NIck are both ready for a REAL relationship!!
not only do i see them in the show together FOREVER but also in real life. in an interview Jorja herself said she is more close to George because of there age and stuff and they hang out... THEY ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER !
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