Nick/Sara - - #21 - - Nick knows Kung Fu

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hey lizanator112890! (can i just call you liz for short?) i don't think we've met either (i'm loving this!!! meeting so many new Snickers shippers!!) i'm emily!

psg, ADORABLE wp!! it's so cute. made me smile! love the words of it too!

omgoodness... i'm so excited to sign this petion thing. and then someone can bring it over to the Liva Las Vegas thread (the Snickers forum) and get lots of people to sign it there!! omgoodness... SNickers in season 8... i'm feeling it!!

and yes... come over to the Snickers Senerio thread. our topic right now is Nick saving Sara from under the car :D. they're so cute!!

you guys.... i found the Snickers Songs thread!!! so PLEASE... post there!! read the songs, they're so cute! :D
Thanks for the welcome csiemily and NicknGrissom :D
I love the wp PintSizeGenius, is really good!

I'll go sign the petition right now, they'll just have to listen to us, right? Or we'll make them listen anyway :devil:
haha! exactly my thoughts!! lol. we already have George Eads on our side (LOVE what he said!! thanks to him... we have our thread title:p), all we need now is Jorja, then the TPTB would HAVE to listen!! lol:p PLEASE... GIVE US SNICKERS!!

omgoodness... I'M GONNA SIGN IT RIGHT NOW!! put it all around the forum and bring it to the Viva Las Vegas forum, i think they'd LOVE to sign it to!!


SIGNED IT!!! alright... now we need MOOREE!! haha :D :D

haha... now i'll "get" my family to sign it:p haha!! :devil:


N: "one more picture... smile"
takes a pic of sara

Did someone post it over at Viva Las Vegas form??? Cause if they have not I will. I also put the link in the Snickers thread at TV.Com. And I'm going to put the link up on my MySpace. If you all have a myspace do the same. The more that we can get to sign it. The better. Oh we need to put it in the Snickers area at CSI Wiki too.. I just thought about that..:lol:
Oh yeah, I saw the interview with George and it made me love him even more!! At least we know we have half of SNickers with us, need to get Jorja on the train too :D

If they ignore this petition we'll go down on them some other way. We need SNickers and we need them now!! Lol, a little drama queen over here :p

And loooove that scene, when he says "lovely" aahhh....*drools*

ETA: I'll put a link to the petition on my LJ profile!
ooh man, i'm getting so excited you guys!! Snickers are taking action!! i have a couple friends that'll want to sign it. i'll email it to them and tell them to pass it on!! eeeh ee!!:)

there's alot of Snickers places we could go. Snick, you should post it on the viva las vegas website... you made it!!

so... we need 5,000 people to sign it? what happens after we get that amount of people??
Ok so I did post it over there, just did it..:lol:.. We email to it TPTB. And we will send a copy to George and Jorja. And flood CBS with it and emails and Snickers bar and anything else that ties into Snickers..What do you all think????
omgoodness Snick, you're amazing!!! FINALLY!!! we're fighting back!! lmao. i'm loving this!! and who can resist a SNickers bar? haha:p hopefully they know what Snickers stands for:p haha. i can just imagin George getting an email saying: "we love Snickers" and he's like, whf... i don't care what kinda of chocolate bar you like!! lmao!! that'd be funny!! ee he...

*claps hands* SNICKERS IN SEASON 8!! woot woot!!

-oh and for you that haven't read this, this is what George Eads thinks about GSR....

"Are they messing around?" jokes GEORGE EADS, who plays Nick Stokes, on hearing of the on-screen relationship of his co-stars. "Are you serious? I am always the last to know this stuff. I just hope Billy can fight because Sara is Nick's. Everybody knows that. I don't know if a lot of people know this, but Nick knows kung fu. In the season finale, he is going to take Grissom out with a leg sweep."
OOOHHH I know how we can tie in the snickers bars with Nick and Sara. We can put little pics of them on the wrappers... What do you all think???
I mean then they would know..Right...
Hahaha, it would be funny if they get all these SNickers bars and they're like "Sweet! Free chocolate! :D "

But I'm pretty sure they'll get the point, and we're attacking from all the fronts so they can't pretend not to know what we're talking about. It's either going to be our way or the high way :devil:
Yes that is right. We want Snickers not GSR...
We are done playing nice, nice...We know what we want, and we are not going to stop until we get it. Right ladies???
lmao, loving the sound of that:p

hum... how would they know? we should just write a little something about our ship on the back. just a little something saying we love Sara and Nick together and that's why would are giving you a SNickers bar. (sara+nick=snickers).

lmao... i would LOVE to hear what they say when they get our little gifts!! haha:p
Yeah that is a good ideal. I like the sound of that. I'm going to post the petition on our board at work. We have alot of CSI fans there. ( I work for The Gap ) So I'll bet I can get some of them to sign it too....
niicee!! this is so exciting!! eehhee....

yeah, write on the back like: Sara+Nick=Snickers... you wanna bite? lmao, that'd be funny:p

i have a couple friends that like it, i'll send it to them soon. hopefully we will finally be heard. TPTB... HEAR US ROAR!!! *rooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr!!!*
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