Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of Love

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Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

why do the writers torture us? lol :rolleyes:
SaraSidleStokes don't lose your optimism, it was reading the whole post and it was all you guys that made me get all happy again about snickers :D
was starting to get depressed about grillow :( but if grillows get effected by gsr so will snickers *grabs a tissue* aaarrgg im going to scream if the writers keep doing this first grillow then snickers then Smacked and im hearing that m&m are going to have problems in new season.

oh well us snicker shippers lol have to stick together !!!! :)

"aawww" *looks at snicker banners*
wow i mean when sara and nick look at each other there is enough chemistry and flirting to light up the entire state of nevada :D
i was watching a re-run of the episode after the one were nick gets buried
and i was seriously yelling at the tv shouting "would you two kiss already"
seriously ;)
(im saying seriously way too much *greys anatomy* :lol: )

*stares at black tv screen*
i wish the new season would hurry up, i cant wait for nickys reaction to sara and gris i hope he just runs up to sara and kisses her :D :lol:

right now im so csi deprived im having withdrawals hehe :eek: jk.
Lila xo

oh and i also caught some of an epi yesterday while i was flicking chanels, and i burst out laughing at nickys moustache, :lol: i was flat out laughing so hard for like 15 mins my mom came in a gave me a funny look :lol:
if that dosent prove i need the new season i dont know what does.....
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Welcome newbies!

I just wanted to add that we Snickers should never give up because that last scene of the season finale shocked us (or me at least) didnt it?
And if GSR was that sudden, then I cant help but think that maybe something Snickery will happen without warning.
:D Good things are worth waiting for!
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Yes as I said I doubt I"ll watch this next season for a number of reasons the main one being obvious but also because I've recently gotten into "Greys Anatomy" *sighs* so yeah But I have been watching my old Snicker vids I made and all that so I'm a bit more optimistic then I was (though My new ship *points to siggy* is of more interest to me right now)
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

(I'm indifferent to GA, for the doctor show i choose House)

I am still going to watch S7 (of course) but i am still going to dislike where it's going but i would be happy if Sara and Nick is in the same room because they have so much chemistry they dont even have to talk to each other. It's just to cute!
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Hello newbies :D

and hi SSS long time no see :) I know what you mean though, but if it wasn't for my love of George Eads I probably wouldn't either, but since me liky Nicky, I watch the show ;)

and Pandora love the banner, very nice :)

I'm thinking of getting a new banner, and I want Snicker pics on it, but I also want some other pics of another couple i like, and it's hard to find any of them together (Anderson Cooper and Erica Hill) but I'm going to try one more place before i give up.

and I'm going to try and moderate my TV show watching this season, I'll progabilly just stick to CSI, Smallville, Lost.. maybe, Prison Break and maybe a couple more :D

ok piece out... oh and "Long live the snickers Revolution!!!" ok now I'm done :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

the newbie has a question!I want a complete C.S.I.season for x-mas (ore two boxes of different seasons don't know yet)give me a clue in wich season are the most snicker moments? nsf I luv ya banner don't give it away XD.yesterday came in germany the new epi. I burst out in laugher when I saw it!

Nick:Can I have one to?
Sara:Sorry last one.
Nick:you're still sucking on the same on?
Sara:Yeah..I'm a slow sucker!

luv it luv it luv!!!!!
But I better stop i'm crazy ^-^
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

^^ I'll go with seasons 2 + 3.
season2 has one of my favorite episodes, Bully For You. oh, so snickerish :D. season 3 has One Hit Wonder and Last Laugh, two other great episodes

nicksarafan2 said:
Pandora love the banner, very nice :)
thanks :)
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

I'd hafta say Last Laugh was definatly my fave Snickery season 3 episode! The eye sex was almost unbearable when Sara goes: "Do you wanna go to the bathroom?"
*insert squeeing here* :devil:
Oh, Pandora that banner is LOVE! Isnt it like the slideshow u did a while ago? I loved that quote its SO true! :)
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

CSI Mania: for me I liked Season one the most it had the most Snicker moments in my eyes I also liked season two BUT I agree with everyone else Season three was great to Last Laugh was one of the best episodes I went in order with My box sets personally that would be the way to go But I'm not you so its hard to say *Shrugs*
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

I forget the episode, but I love the one with Nick and Sara at the house, and Sara in the helmet trying to tug the railing off the wall.

The way they worked together that episode was just hilarious!
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

The episode called Last laugh, I love that show. It my favorite Snickers.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Hello all :D

I love that i'm seeing new sker people, SSS (havn't seen you in a wile :D )

I have proof that the media does care about what we think about the whole CSI thing, here it is:
CSi story jsut scan down till you see the heading that reads 'CSI'

any way I agree with the person on breaking up Sara and Grissom and putting Catherine and Warrick together, and I don't know what they mean in the last part, but if they mean put Sara with Nick or Greg I agree, on the first part :D

ok just putting in my daily dose of Snicker love :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Thank you guys for the answers..looks like I get season one XD!Yo Bling is cool I like that ship too..but never put sara together with Greg..I think the age differents is too large..the same with Grissom!And I hope Sara finily realized this too..>,<
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

The sixth-season finale left us with the suggestion that Sara (Jorja Fox) and Grissom (William Petersen) might finally resolve their alleged sexual tension. However, given that they have no chemistry — she comes off less as having the hots for Grissom than wanting to be the ultimate teacher’s pet — split these two and hook up the pair of investigators we spent all last season waiting for: Catherine (Marg Helgenberger) and Warrick (Gary Dourdan)! Failing that, we’ll settle for Nick (George Eads) and Greg (Eric Szmanda).]

SQUEAL!!! dude that is EFFING awesome!!! man this person deserves a huge snickers bar lol
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