Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of Love

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Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

mollyMKS said:
Its good to see that the Going Home series has a new "home". Everyone should read it, its one of the best Snicker fics out there IMO.
awww thanks hun, you totally rock!
csikicksurass said:
I dont know if this is true or not but i heard that on the episode "You got male" when Sara called Hank. Well i heard that in the original script she was suppost to call Nick? Does anyone know if thats true or not because if it is they should have stayed the the script not calling that Cigerette Hank ;)
she called nick, except they didnt leave the name in on the show, so you could think she called whoever, but she did call nick.

man i wish they had left it in the script, that would totally rock!
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

She called Nick, she only one called him, "Hey!"

She better not called Hank, I can't stand him, neither is Nick. He didn't like him one bit. On the episode Crash and burn, when Sara break up with Hank? I'm surprised Nick didn't go after Hank for hurting his sunshine.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Ok i'm going to take the time and read your fic tonight Hearty :D

and maybe after reading your fic it will give that little push I need to get over my writers block and write another multi chapter fic :D

and I really think we will get snickers this season, or at least the end of GSR, I really think tptb will get it through there heads and do the right thing.

and I did notice that line between Nick and the lab tech, it went something like this:

Lab Tech: 'and just between you and me, the other lab techs and I think you deserve the promotion'
Nick: 'what promotion?'
Lab Tech:'but I think Grissom will give it to Sara because of there 'history'
Nick:'history?... what...'

End Scene

yeah he tends to be a little obliviouse, but i think with all that has happened to him, he's going to be a little less aloof about the whole thing.

and I think he will get jealous, we will see it, and Sara will be wondering why he's acting weird, but he wont tell.

and since BP will be absent a few episodes, I think nick and Sara will get there scenes together, if not sooner.

but this is just me, Miss Overly Optimistic :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Dear good you people are crazy ^^!In Germany is still season 6 so I hope there are some snicker scenes too!*begins to prey*
And I hope that season 7 comes to germany before this year ends

Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of Love

oooh, i hope so *jumps up and down* :D :confused:
*crosses fingers & toes Imao for snickers in new season*
the new season is so close!!!! i cant wait.
when i first saw the scene with gil/sara in the season finale i felt really ill :Z
but if by fate it gets twisted so that nick has to tell sara than yay!!!!!!
*crosses fingers for grillow*
maybe cath can be there for gil after ;)
SNICKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
*getting way to excited*
i tell ya if gris and sara stay together im gonna cry for weeks
oh well thank god for dvds of season 1 & 2
hmm, *day dreaming about snickers in next season*
oh i found some good snickers pics:

Lila xoxo :)
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Agh so sweet!The second is the best! this look sara gave nick wow..I hate it when i can't see the pics from Misery.. :(! And can me tell someone how the episode named in which sara and Nick had to handle with the d.b in the chimney (I know my english is hell) and in ehich season it is?
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Oh yay new people! :D Welcome csimania and Lila! Enjoy your welcome present ;)

csimania what episode are in right now? Episode 6x21 Rashomama has lots of snickers so if you haven't seen it yet you should wait for it. :)

nsf2 I love your optimism! I'd be happy just to have them work together for some of the episodes, cause it's always a joy to watch them. Nick and Sara works great together and of course there's always the natural chemistry that George and Jorja put into it.
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

csimania said:
Agh so sweet!The second is the best! this look sara gave nick wow..I hate it when i can't see the pics from Misery.. :(! And can me tell someone how the episode named in which sara and Nick had to handle with the d.b in the chimney (I know my english is hell) and in ehich season it is?

My Snicker senses tell me it was 'Up In Smoke' :D. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I love the optimism. I'm quite confident we'll get something good this season. Whenever WP is not in an episode, orr only in it for a short while, we get ALOT of Snickers (Gum Drops & Rashomama anyone?)
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

I'm just going to pop in and say how much I love the Snicker pairing. Ever since they first started working together, they just had this "zing" between them. So much chemistry it was bouncing off the walls!
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Hello Girls :D

and thanks Cofi I like being optimistic :D

I love the Snickers it is too sweet, i just saw some cute episodes (I say this stuff and people think all I do is sit and watch CSI reruns :lol: but no I have studies :rolleyes: )
any way they were very cute together, and to further push my snicker love :D

Come on Sara.... you know you want to
Nick not here
Well where then baby?
I don't know... lets find a place!
Ok... whats the best place?
Well not in here nick he's here
this looks good... you first

ok well there is my daily homage to one of the cutest couples around :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

first of all hello newbies *waves* welcome enjoy yourselves here
NOW down to business :) I'm so glad alot of you are remaining optimistic because I was seriously losing my optimism and IIII was one of the major optimists out there
at this point I dont know whats going to happen but I probably wont watch the show till something good happens (and you all know what I mean)
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

hellow newbies!!!

NSF i love the piccies, man they are just so adorabbible.

early rollout was on here last night, the whole cough drop thing is so cute, nick looks dissapointed when sara wont give him one, and then the slow sucks comment, INUENDO ANYONE, rofl.

nick should have just kissed her to get it from her :D :devil: :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Ah thanks CSIAli I think you're right !I'll watch every epi. from csi. Even way to go..I hate that epi..actually only the end.Why do you always have so cute pic.s..>,<
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Welcome newbies!! :) Have fun in Snickersland

Thanks for all the great pics. too cute

heartagram69 said:

early rollout was on here last night, the whole cough drop thing is so cute, nick looks dissapointed when sara wont give him one, and then the slow sucks comment, INUENDO ANYONE, rofl.

they playing that episode here tonight. tomorrow night they'll air 'table stakes', can't wait to watch it again. it's one of my favorite snickers eps

nick should have just kissed her to get it from her :D :devil: :D
now, that's something I would have loved to see :D
and oh gosh, what a surprise. my mind is in the gutter
Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L

Pandora said:
nick should have just kissed her to get it from her :D :devil: :D
now, that's something I would have loved to see :D
and oh gosh, what a surprise. my mind is in the gutter
dont worry mine is there permanently lol.

i have so many snickers thoughts related to food, kink ones, like ICE :devil: omg *THUD* lol. speshily on a really hot vegas day... things get hot between them, ice can help to kool them down... or not, ROFL. :lol:
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