Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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Stokeydream I nearly blew out my knee a couple of years ago. Since I'm one of the millions of uninsured americans I've never seen a doctor. It bends that far, just can't keep it bent without it hurting.

If you thought that it was brave of me to go to Toys R Us on Saturday I'm now going to Chuck E. Cheeses on Friday and the New England Aquarium on Saturday. Since we have the kids over the Thanksgiving weekend our aim is to exhaust them! :lol:

Here's a pic that, lets face it, I don't think that there is anyone in the Ward that can't look at it all day. :devil:

I think I beat you. I'm on here around 10 of 8 every weekday morning. As soon as the kids and mom are out the door on the way to the bus stop, and I'm the only 2 footed creature in the house. It's just a peak at some pics to brighten my day. :D Boy am I going to have problems Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. They don't have school!

blackflag said:
Boy am I going to have problems Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. They don't have school!


:lol: I'm going to have problems every tuesday! I have to leave home at 7 and I'm back from university at 11pm. So I've no time to look at Nick the whole day!! :eek: It's so unfair! :mad: :lol:

But beat me! :D
You girls made it hard for me to make a choice. So after a lot off drooling and staring here we go. In randsom order.

Softcake I always loved this pic, the backcolor, Nick just *sight*.
Stokydream He's just cute here
Softcake again the smile, the dimples, just perfect.
Jacquie Do I really have to say something about this pic ;)

And the winner is Stokydream What can I say, he is sooooooo sweet and cute here. It was a close call between jacquie and Stokydream but yours won stokydream. Congratz, the next theme is in your hands.
Hy Ladys :D

[ouuups, Babs you were quicklier with writing than me :D thanks i´m sooo happy. And i give you a new theme "hot Nicky/George/Gus/Shorty" all charakters from George are OK (bonus point very hot). 12 pics Limit and out of time in 24 hrs.have many fun Ladys im very streched :devil:]

now i´m back from working *happy* i´ve missing the Forum and now i see so many new cute Nicky Pics my morning starts better when i see this before start working :D

Blackflag ouh that´s hard. Now i can understand you.

I´v seen the singing Nicky oh Mandy Ohhh how sweet is that :devil:

Softcake new nice pics :devil:
Yurek the pic with the neck *mhhhh* tasty
now i must search a little meal :lol:

softcake_70 said:
Good morning, y'all :lol:

I finally managed to see the "Mandy"-clip on YouTube. *faints* How cute is that?? And now I'm sitting here, humming Barry Manilow and - once again my co-workers give me strange looks. I'm getting used to it :D

me too!! well not the co-workers thing, but after I watched him sing I was singing the song too :lol: what if next he sang "Copa Cabana" that would be funny :lol: (I like Barry Manilow :D )

oh and yesterday I was almost blown across the parking lot, darn wind, I'm glad it's over and done with (it nocked our power out, it's back though :D )

and once I find out what the theme is, I will submitt theme :D

*trys to rub Nick's hair* :lol:

ok Stoky Hot Nick pics :cool: he's so hot gotta wear shades :lol:

here are my six: (oh and BTW, these are Hot Nicky/George pics in my opinion :D )

I'm looking for some hot stuff...
Baby this evening...
I need hot stuff baby tonight...
Gotta get some hot stuff...

Gotta get some love tonight...
Hot, hot, hot, hot...Stuff..

ok there they are, now if I'm back later, I will post more, and I may change a couple :D
Thanks OnlyTruth! I'm gonna need him to deal with the crowd I have tonight. Maybe I can just sit back and let him serenade all of us. That's better than any lecture on drugs and perps anyday!
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