Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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the hair is very soft and fluffy, i know this because i have a shave on my heat (my accident with my dog) :lol: i feel the comming hairs. I will too touch Nickys Hair *sigh*

Elsie the first pic *omg* soooo fluffy ;)

softcake_70 said:I finally managed to see the "Mandy"-clip on YouTube. *faints* How cute is that?? And now I'm sitting here, humming Barry Manilow and - once again my co-workers give me strange looks. I'm getting used to it :D

Didn't it just make you smile? :D He is so cute! I wish I was Mandy.... :lol: I was singing it last night, until my husband told me to shut up! He wasn't as impressed with Nick's singing (or me forcing him to watch it!) :p

Thanks for the morning yummyness too, it makes Monday morning much more pleasant.

Here are some of my favourites to make your Monday easier, don't you just want to stroke him *heavy sigh*. ;)

His arms look so toned in this shirt....
This whole shirt/vest combo makes me drool
Some tongue action
I have an urge to just go and pet him...

Oh, it's too early on a Monday morning for these kind of thoughts. :devil:
Good morning!

I just got up and my first move has been to start the pc. Damn, I'm so addicted to that thing. Breakfast isn't ready yet so I'll post my morning/monday pics.

Monday pic #1
Morning pic #2

"Yes, it's you I mean"
Morning pic #4

Now I'm going to start typing my FF. I want to do this since Thursday.. :rolleyes: :D
I did it! I survived my totally Nick-free weekend. Whew. Great to be back and enjoying these lovely pics.
Oh, and the beach in November -- I guess any southern hemisphere folks who might check in here would think it sounded like a fantastic idea (haven't seen hearty in months, have we) -- here in the states, the beach is cold in November. Not crowded, sure. But definitely cold. :)
Well done OnlyTruth ! I will be having a totally Nick free weekend next week. To be honest I'm not looking forward to it (although that's not just because of Nick!). :(

softcake , where are those first 3 pics from (in your post above) I'm pretty sure they are new to me!! How exciting, I love seeing new pics. They are particularly *fine* too, certainly making me smile, pure buzz gorgeousness.... :devil:
Good Monday Morning everyone. Yurek I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who checks out things here before having breakfast.

Elsie the first 2 are from Crows Feet and the third is from Formalities. What you need to do on your Nickfree weekend it take a picture with you then at least you'll remember what he looks like when you get back :lol:

OnlyTruth glad you survived your weekend without Nick and with all those children :)

Some random Nickiness to get the morning on this side of the pond going.

anyone want some early morning porn
our grease monkey I should be getting the dvd soon :)
even as a cowboy he got emotional
awe so cute George is also :lol:
Elsie it's never too early for ...... :devil:
Only Truth you are my hero! :lol: I couldn't survive a whole weekend without Nick. I kind of carry him around all the time - my MP3-Player can do videos and pics too ;)

Elsie I have no clue where I got those pics. I found them on my computer here at work, perfectly hidden in a folder named "Presentations" :eek: How did they get there? Very mysterious, they're kind of new to me, too :lol: I thought I'd share the buzziness ;) with you.

Edited because I'm stupid. Just read Jacquie's answer to Elsie's question considering the pics I posted... *headdesk*
Oh, man. Can I borrow Nick tonight? I just found out I have to run tonights class on Narcotics and Probation by MYSELF! One Sergeant is on vacation, the other broke his collar bone yesterday...I need Nick to keep me calm! Y'all mind?
Jacquie said:
Elsie the first 2 are from Crows Feet and the third is from Formalities. What you need to do on your Nickfree weekend it take a picture with you then at least you'll remember what he looks like when you get back :lol:
Elsie it's never too early for ...... :devil:

Hmm, lovely, I'm not a morning person but... :devil: I know the episodes they were from (Crows Feet is Nick at his finest of course, I know you agree Jacquie ), just hadn't seen them before. Thought maybe softcake was making some secret screencaps.... Anyway, I'm going to acquision them *for personal use only of course* unless anyone objects. :devil:

Hiding pics in a folder called 'presentations' is very clever. Mine are currently in one called 'my pictures' and they're not even hidden in there. If anyone looks in there all they will find is about two pics of solar panels and at least 50 random pics/icons/banners of the lovely George. Considering my George obsession has so far been hidden from my colleagues I think they would be rather shocked!! :eek:

edited because I don't mean to bore you all! ;)
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