'New York' Premiere Postponed Due To Bush Speech

I think the bottom line here is this:

Amen, Baba....you're preachin' to the choir!
I voted for the other guy!

I can't vote yet, have to wait a little less than a year, besides I don't live in the US. But I would've voted for Kerry too.
Me two! But I cant vote for a few more years.. Too bad.

Im not really sure why they are postponing a season premeire just to bring us a repeat. It doesnt make any sense. While I was excited to see Grave Danger again, I would rather see a new episode of CSI: NY than see a repeat of it...The people who havent seen it can get DVDs. Thats what I did for Lady Heathers Box. While s3 is most likely my fav out on DVD I was dying to see LHB...

CBS could have aired Grave Danger on Saturday. Crime Time Saturday!! Hello!
I can see why CBS would choose Vegas over NY, to try and appease as many fans of the CSI franchise as possible. If they skip GD or postpone the premiere, there's going to be a lot of pissed off Vegas fans as well. CBS is probably just trying to keep the damage to a minimum.

I do think it's awful and pretty unfair for NY fans. I agree with people that CBS should just show GD as two episodes; it even says "Volumes I and II" in the credits! :rolleyes:
I think the spliting up thing of GD is a good idea. Do one part after the Bush speech and the other part on friday or something. (why can't both parts be after the Bush speech anyway?)
I think the spliting up thing of GD is a good idea. Do one part after the Bush speech and the other part on friday or something. (why can't both parts be after the Bush speech anyway?)

I agree, but instead they should air two CSI shows on Thursday, and the whole complete Grave Danger show on Friday. So can you imagine 2 CSI shows on Thursday, Friday, and if any likes CSI Miami then we get 5 time the dose of CSI. How damn cool is that. Who the hell cares about the new shows?(or a speech that is tearing up the CSI viewers to shred's) They should give first priority to it's returning shows that have put CBS on the map.
Come on CBS I encourage you get a grip, and find your self a heart for the CSI fans sake!
Yeah, maybe in a perfect world, where the CSI shows were the only programs CBS aired... ;)
why can't both parts be after the Bush speech anyway?

In the western time zones, I can't think of a valid reason.

The Eastern time zone is the only one legitimately affected. Had Bush chosen to give his speech an hour earlier, the CSI slot wouldn't be affected anywhere in the continental U.S.

Something's up here. I'm not gonna go into a rant in this particulat post, I'm too pissed off right now...

why can't both parts be after the Bush speech anyway?

In the western time zones, I can't think of a valid reason.

The Eastern time zone is the only one legitimately affected. Had Bush chosen to give his speech an hour earlier, the CSI slot wouldn't be affected anywhere in the continental U.S.

Something's up here. I'm not gonna go into a rant in this particulat post, I'm too pissed off right now...


Yeah, I don't think the timing is coincidental. "GD" was watched by 30 million people, and I'm sure it will still retain a large part of that audience, plus those who missed it the first time around. Also, "CSI" gets the biggest numbers on TV. If Bush is speaking on all of the stations at that time, then those of us who would be watching "CSI" will have to watch him or turn off the TV. Thus, he'll get more viewers.

And there's my conspiracy theory of the day... :) Sorry, I'm still mad about it because it's screwed up my plans. I know, there's horrible things going on in the world and TV is not that important, but it just sucks!
I agree, but instead they should air two CSI shows on Thursday, and the whole complete Grave Danger show on Friday.
They're probably reluctant to air the show outside its regular timeslot, since it makes quite a difference on the ratings. I mean, look at how the ratings for GD peaked during the second hour, even though they had five promos announcing the "special time" for several weeks beforehand.

But still, it makes no sense to have GD compete with other shows' season premieres.
But still, it makes no sense to have GD compete with other shows' season premieres.

My point exactly. It is freaking ridiculous to postpone NY's season premiere, to show a repeat of a show everyone and their dog has already seen. And if they haven't seen it, it will out on DVD next month. If the Vegas fans want a repeat of Grave Danger so bad, than let them have it next Thursday and postpone the LV premeire a week.

Bear in mind, I am a big fan of CSI: LV. I watch it religiously. That does mean that I think NY's season premiere should be postponed to show a rerun. That is just nowhere near fair.
Yeah, well unforunately we know who CBS's big cash cow is, don't we? No matter what the Emmy's dictate. :p (That's meant for the Emmy committee, not the NY fans! :) )

I don't agree with it at all, but blame the network execs. They've shown their moments of brilliance time and time again... :rolleyes:
As has been said before, this really sucks for the NY fans, and for those of us who would like the new season to start so we can become NY fans. :p
The funny thing is that I can't even totally blame Bush for this. CBS is still running 2 hours worth of CSI after the speech but not Grave Danger. Why can't they show Grave Danger? It'll only be a half -hour late. What is the problem with TPTB? :mad: :confused:
