New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

Come on, who of us is happy with what we've got? :lol: :( What I'd GIVE for a thick head of healthy beautiful curly hair (a la Pixies) instead of the fine flyaway fuzzy stuff I have, which has been falling out by the handfulls for months. :eek:

Just saying I'd rather be some sort of Goddess OTHER than a Geek Goddess ROFLMAO!!

Anyone for popcorn?
(I LOVE this smiley :D)
Is there anything else we can do? I wrote a letter, helped my sister with hers and promoted this projects a bit. But is this all? Can we only wait and hope zhat our letters helped him to get an Emmy?
Have you read further up the thread Carminefan? Someone else asked pretty much the same question ... previous page I think? Anyway you might find an answer further up :)

The short answer is it's pimped far and wide. All we can do is get as many letters in as possible. Ask everyone you know to write letters. Got a site somewhere? Stick the ad up on there ...
I'm sorry I asked that question again. Didn't read the last few posts, sorry!

Many friends of mine sumbitted latters and my family is working on the letters, too. I don't have a page, so I'm sorry I can't promote it. I know a forum where I can post your advertisement. Would you help me to get it there?
Thanks for all you're doing, Carmine Fan! :D

CarmineFan said:
I know a forum where I can post your advertisement. Would you help me to get it there?
What? A forum where this project hasn't been posted yet? :eek: We've gotta rectify that. If that forum allows use of html code in their posts, you can follow the directions crankyjules gave on the last page with respect to MySpace posting. Same directions should work on any site that allows html code. If the forum you're thinking of doesn't allow html code, the easiest way to do it is to cut and paste the opening post from this thread. If you want me to do it, just let me know where I can find the forum.
crankyjules said:
^^ Phwoar check YOU out!!
:lol: Thank you crankyjules I'd be inclined to disagree! and i agree with Mrs G your pic is rockin! ;)

And you have good taste in music, might I add. ;)
As do you m'dear!

So I've been having some luck with the ad, a few friends have told me they mailed(even though they aint big csi fans), so yay!
MrsGiovinazzo said:
What? A forum where this project hasn't been posted yet? :eek:

I didn't come to me mind earlier, because it isn't a CSI-forum. It's a Star Trek-forum, but it's possible to post non-CSI things. I think there are some CSI NY fans who want to help Carmine :)

Crankyjules, I have a problem with saving your advertisement. I think I need some help with it :rolleyes: I'm bad in using a pc :(
Okay, I'll try and make this as simple as possible (blush)

Right click on this picture, and save it somewhere easy to find on your hard-drive:

Now you need to have it online somewhere to link to. Oh bugger it. Just use my photobucket image. Don't bother saving the image after all ... I'll pm you with the exact code for using my photobucket image and the link to here. Then all you have to do is cut and paste it directly! Look out for a private message LOL
^ Thanks for posting the project on that site. Carmine is truly blessed to have fans who speak all different languages and can get the word out on boards most of us in the US can't read. I'm always impressed by how well most of you speak English, when the native English speakers on this board don't have that same flexibility.
That's fantastic CarmineFan!!

So how many different non-English speaking boards is this project up on then? Germany, Italy...what others??
crankyjules said:
^ oh YEAH!! Then they are good friends indeed and need boxes of chocolates LOL!!
:lol: damn straight! boxes with carmine on front!
Yay to carminefan Vielen Dank Von alle hier in Talkcsi! Ich bin sicher, daß Sie grosses zur Ursache unterschieden haben
Twinkletoes said:
That's fantastic CarmineFan!!

So how many different non-English speaking boards is this project up on then? Germany, Italy...what others??
I know there's a French board, but I have no idea whether they've done anything there.

Carminefan, looks like you got it to work just fine!! Looks great :)