New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

^^hang on, what code? cool, yesh of course! I did and pestered my friends to do so! I'm hoping the more see it on my site-the more will write or even as me about it so i can explain...and then pester them to write :lol: :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
AnastaziaMarie said:
as I have no time in between now and finals to write one. I support him getting his emmy 150%. GO CARMINE!!! *throws hands in air*
Aw, c'mon, take two minutes to plagarize one of the letters that have already been sent. He's worth it.
I know it takes only a couple of seconds...but I want my letter to be special. My sister is helpin me get my letter working and I should have it posted soon. I will send it of course. As for the hand throwing...I wish I threw my hands on Carmine...the man deserves and emmy and then some. *knows she is acting giddy again*
pixies said:
^^hang on, what code? cool, yesh of course! I did and pestered my friends to do so! I'm hoping the more see it on my site-the more will write or even as me about it so i can explain...and then pester them to write :lol: :D
Pixies would you like to post your url link so we can take a squiz? :)

I'll do this again should anyone else want it, in a way perhaps easier for the html challenged LOL!

Save this graphic to your hard drive and upload it to photobucket or wherever you host your online photos:


Now, cut and paste this code into your about me section if you're using myspace (after any layout coding, if you have any, but directly before anything you typed about you):

<a href=""><img src="REPLACE WITH URL OF PLACE WHERE IMAGE IS KEPT" width="392" height="362" border="0"></a>

Then if someone clicks on the image it will bring them directly to MrsG's first post on this thead, here at TalkCSI. Alternatively you can cut and paste [/b]MrsG's[/b] post and put it in your myspace blog. Then replace the first url (linking to here) with the url to that specific blog page.

Clear as mud? :lol:

Anyone got any questions or need some help let me know.
^ Sweet job, crankyjules! That's far easier than the effort I made to explain that. Of course, you *are* the Goddess of all things computer related.
^ I know just enough NOT to be dangerous anymore is all lol!! Geekgirl and proud!!

So I'm stocking up on popcorn and strawberry champagne in readiness for the Emmys hoping for at the very least a red carpet appearance. Early I know, but I like to be prepared.
Okay, I couldn't resist. I uploaded crankyjules's graphic to my myspace page. Anything to spread the love.

Thanks for helping us HTML-impaired girls out! :D
You're welcome. *hugs back* And now that I did it, I'm wondering why the hell I didn't think about this earlier... :rolleyes: Oh well, better late than never, right? ;)
crankyjules said:
Pity we can't use the ones from BC here :devil: :eek:
That IS a pity. 1CSIMFan and Fay have some fantastic smileys over there. :devil:

Orison and Pixies - Thanks for helping to promote the project. :D

Anyone else - if you want to participate, but haven't sent your letter yet, please do.
^^ Phwoar check YOU out!! I may be a computer Goddess but you, m'lady, are an Irish Goddess with all that typically gorgeous Irish hair. Now if I had a choice, I'd rather be a Gorgeous Goddess than a Computer Goddess any day of the week, but them's the breaks (sigh).

And you have good taste in music, might I add. ;)

Another ad up - THANK YOU!!!!
crankyjules said:
Now if I had a choice, I'd rather be a Gorgeous Goddess than a Computer Goddess any day of the week, but them's the breaks (sigh).
Cut the humble shit. :lol: We've all seen the pic of you partially obscured by your guitar. You aren't exactly hurting in the looks department. ;)