New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

Why thanks dear. As soon as I posted it here, I also posted it in the feedback form at I will defintly be sending them a hard copy.
Thanks for writing, Tristianna! Great job. If anyone else has letters they'd like to share, let's see 'um. It's always great to read about how much everyone appreciates Carmine's work.
Fan123 said:
Dorka is the best.
:lol: Yes, Dorka is a lovely person, she does fantastic work on her site and we all love her for her it. I'm sure Carmine does too. :)

However. :D In this instance, for this project, [/b]MrsGiovinazzo[/b] is the best! Let us not forget that this was her brainchild entirely. :) The work and research that must have had to be done beforehand was surely a large task, I presume. Her creation, her work, her ongoing commitment. She deserves every millimetre of gratitude and respect we can give her. Whether or not this pans out to anything is immaterial to whether she deserves the gratitude or not.

As does in fact everyone who is participating, even if only in a small way :)

Is there anywhere else we can promote put it? Volume is the only way to get them to take real notice.
MrsG has posted it in message boards and forums all over the internet :lol: Other members from here have posted it in message boards in their non-English speaking countries. I have posted it where I can in Australia. I've plastered it all OVER myspace and live journal, and as a result other fans have placed my campaign graphic on their pages with a link to the wording, and on and on - like a pyramid effect. Myspace is an absolutely huge community and just about everyone with internet access, is on there LOL (particuarly those in the age group that consitute a lot of Carmine's fans). That's a lot of people who are viewing it. I just hope they are getting off their bums and doing the deed :lol:

We're constantly on the look out for new places to get this out to. I will also be reposting the campaign every where I've already posted it, soon. As a reminder to those who haven't done anything yet. So if you, or anyone else, can think of anywhere else that would be FANTASTIC, Fan123

Short of zapping everyone with a cattle prod to urge them to participate :eek: :lol:, or contacting every single Carmine fan I can find personally (started doing that on myspace, made a couple of awful mistakes and not going THERE again), I can't think of anything else.

I am constantly and quietly amazed at the number of people who are pushing on this, including yourself. You've obviously been putting a lot of thought into it, Fan123. The guy really DOES have the best bunch of fans.

Tristianna, great letter :) :)
Thanks a lot jules. What can I say, I'm a natural born writer.

No matter how far this goes, Carmine has great support everywhere. Let us hope he gets the emmy nomination. If not, we will still love him.
crankyjules said:
Fan123 said:
Dorka is the best.
:lol: Yes, Dorka is a lovely person, she does fantastic work on her site and we all love her for her it. I'm sure Carmine does too. :)

However. :D In this instance, for this project, [/b]MrsGiovinazzo[/b] is the best! Let us not forget that this was her brainchild entirely. :) The work and research that must have had to be done beforehand was surely a large task, I presume. Her creation, her work, her ongoing commitment. She deserves every millimetre of gratitude and respect we can give her. Whether or not this pans out to anything is immaterial to whether she deserves the gratitude or not.

Ditto. The amount of work MrsG has put into this project is really, really impressive--from thinking of it in the first place to promoting it. Gotta give her props for a really terrific effort. :)
Just so we've got everyone covered:

Props to MrsG - you're the best!
Props to Dorka -you're the best too!
You're both deserving of the title 'Phenomenal Woman'

and props to the rest of us as well - we all rock :lol: :lol:

We deserve strawberry champagne :p
Awwww, crankyjules and Top, you guys rock. I love you.

Crankyjules has done a beyond freakin' amazing job on this project. That gorgeous graphic is ALL OVER the internet.

This is really a project that requires the involvement of *everyone* if it's going to meet with any degree of success. And for that, props go to every single person who has written to CBS.
Aw thanks. But not looking for personal strokes here.

This is a long project, with the end even LONGER off in sight. It's easy to lose focus and let it dwindle off into the distance. I just wanted to let you know that your work really IS appreciated (****hugs****) and trying to keep everyone's oomphs up and raring to go.
*pulls thread off second page* :eek: :eek: :eek:

Can't let this baby fall to the second page. Does anyone else have any fantastic new letters they'd like to share? Can't let the momentum die down now. Keep writing, girls. Get this man some Emmy love!
I'm trying to help my sister get her letter together. Once she has it in order, I will have her post it here and send it to CBS. We said we would like to go and talk to CBS personell, but the nagain it was a Saturday and we were giddy after a back episode of CSI: NY on basic cable.
Tristianna said:
Here is the letter I wrote out. I talked to our beloved admin Deb and she said to go ahead and post it here. Tell me what you all think:

To the CBS Personnel:

I wouldn’t be the first to tell you that Carmine Giovinazzo is a very talented man. His work that he has done for CSI: New York has captured hearts of his fans. I personally love the work he does. I heard that the Emmy Awards are coming up in the near future. The fact that Carmine does not even get an Emmy nomination has me a little shaken up. The other CSI shows are all great, and they all get there respect from me as a loyal fan. I just think that CSI: New York, as well as some of its cast members deserves credit as well. “Raising Shane” is the perfect example of how in depth Danny Messer is as a character. The writers did an amazing job of having Danny take matters into his own hands, then reaching out to the suspect, Shane Casey. There are other episodes, such as “Love Run Cold” where we see Danny taking on something we all experience, love. This character has taken us all on a roller coaster of emotion. Carmine is an excellent man who plays his character so well.

I think that the Best Supporting Actor Emmy Nomination should go to Carmine Giovinazzo. He is a very talented young man and he is good at what he does.

Thank you very much for your time.


Amber Lynne Griffin

Beautiful letter my darling. Once again you show me that you will stop at nothing to get what you want. LOL...just pickin on ya sissy. You should have added my name on the letter I have no time in between now and finals to write one. I support him getting his emmy 150%. GO CARMINE!!! *throws hands in air*
AnastaziaMarie said:
as I have no time in between now and finals to write one. I support him getting his emmy 150%. GO CARMINE!!! *throws hands in air*
Aw, c'mon, take two minutes to plagarize one of the letters that have already been sent. He's worth it.
ok ok im in! can someone tell me how to pimp my myspace/bebo page with le VOTE CARMINE pic/link! I wanna do my bit! :D
^ To ad Crankyjules's gorgeous graphic to your MySpace page, go to "edit profile" and insert the following html code into your "about me" section, after any coding for your page and before the blurb you've written about yourself:
[image]insert http address for your photobucket link to the graphic" width="392" height="362" border="0[/image].
When people click on the graphic, which will appear at the top of your About Me section, they will be taken into your blog. You can cut and paste the opening post from this thread into your blog, or describe the project and give the necessary CBS contact info in your own words. If you want to see an example of what mine looks like, click here.

Remember that the success of this project depends on a lot more than just posting the project on your MySpace page. We need EVERYBODY to write to CBS.

EDIT: Unfortunately, when I try to give you the code to use on MySpace, this site thinks I'm trying to use html code in my post. Hence, that empty box shown above. To view the code I used, click on the "quote" button, as if you're trying to quote my post. That will reveal any coding used in my post. Hope that helps. If that doesn't work for you, for whatever reason, send me a message on MySpace and I can message you back with the code because I don't believe MySpace messages allow use of html code, so it won't create the empty box that this site created.

EDITED AGAIN: *sigh* Now the site has chosen to do something different with my post. Instead of the empty box that initially came up, it has now chosen to reveal just a portion of the code. Click on "quote" to see the full code. That portion of the code shown in my post relates only to the graphic and won't link it to anything.