New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

CSI_Dani said:
Ok, I just found this thread.I would really like to help, I do think he deserves it (well, maybe not just he, but many other CSI actors).anyway, my english is not good enough to write a letter or an email, but I could post that picture in MySpace. Would that help in any way? When is the dead line for submiting our emails so they have any impact on CBS' choice??
Yes! Posting the picture WOULD help ... just make sure it links to the first post from this thread so people know what to do - instructions are on the page before this one, I think.

Your English was very good in this post. I can't speak another language and I'm in awe of those who do. If your English was good enough for this post, it's good enough for an email to CBS.

As for deadline, there's no hard and fast one set, but by the end of this month is probably a very good idea as they start making decisions soon.

Go to it girl! And thanks!! :D
here is my contribution to our project: :D

Dear CBS,

With the Emmy nominations and the craze connected with it ahead of us, I want to request your support for an outstanding Drama series and one of its talented actors - CSI: New York and Carmine Giovinazzo.

To begin with, I’d like to mention that I’ve been severely disappointed by the lack of support, which CBS showed in the last years when it came to CSI:NY. Not only is it an extremely popular show among the fans, but also one of enormous quality. It is not in any way inferior to the other 2 CSIs, therefore I don’t understand why it doesn’t deserve your support - prior to the Emmys and afterwards, too.

The third season of CSI:NY held many amazing episodes in stock, but one of them topped them all. The episode I’m revering to is “Raising Shane”, the continuation of the earlier episode “Hung Out to Dry”. To quote Kristine Huntley, reviewer for CSI Files: “An episode of this calibre is rare.” Not only were the viewers looking forward to the return of Shane Casey, but also to the manner in which he would return. And he came with a bang!
I was at the edge of my seat throughout the entire episode, because the storyline was cleverly written and each character was played off so well. But one single character caught my eye in each scene he was in: Danny Messer, brilliantly portrayed by Carmine Giovinazzo. The way in which Giovinazzo’s character confronts Shane Casey at the episode’s showdown will long be remembered among fans and critics.

Huntley writes in her review, that “Carmine Giovinazzo plays the scene perfectly, getting across both Danny's determination and his fear, which heightens the suspense of the scene” and I agree a hundred percent on that. Giovinazzo’s talent is widely displayed in “Rising Shane” even though he is not the focus point of that episode. Danny Messer’s emotions are real and authentic, thanks to Giovinazzo. He made Messer to more than just a fictional character; he made him a human being filled with passion, anger and determination. You don’t doubt for one second, that a person like Danny Messer could exist and that is due to Giovinazzo.
I have been hooked on CSI:NY since it first aired a couple of years ago and I must admit that one reason for this is Giovinazzo’s portrayal of Danny. Not because he is particularly good-looking, but because he portrays a complex character so convincing and true to life, that one has no chance but to want to see him again. Giovinazzo makes CSI:NY special. He is brilliant in each scene; he outshines far more experienced actors like Gary Sinise, when he has good material to work with; he made episodes like “Trapped”, “Run Silent Run Deep” and “Raising Shane” to remarkable examples of his acting ability. He is the Tabasco of CSI:NY and I can’t thank CBS enough for casting Giovinazzo as Danny Messer, because I can’t imagine another actor in this role. Giovinazzo has the credibility and the talent that makes Danny Messer who he is.

A talent like Giovinazzo’s is rare and deserves to be supported.
And therefore I do not only ask CBS to submit this amazing actor as a nomination consideration for “Best Support Actor”, but also to promote him like you did with other Emmy nominees. I would greatly appreciate this step and thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,
Maria Glinski
Great letter, MissMontana! Thanks for participating.

CSI_Dani - I think Jules did a great job of answering all your questions. I'd like to second or third what has already been said -- your English is fine. Please don't let that stop you from writing to CBS. We all understand you and they will too. If in doubt, you can always PM your letter to me before you send it and I'll be happy to review it for you. But honestly, I think you can write a letter in English just fine. As long as you can manage "Carmine ... great actor ... please support for Emmy" they'll get the idea.
After your support, I decided to write my letter. MrsGiovinazzo kindly reviewed it for me. Thank you! Here it is my little contribution:
"As the submissions for Emmy Awards are coming soon, I would like to tell CBS how I feel sad about the situation where you have been putting CSI:NY and its fantastic actors. One of them in particular, Carmine Giovinazzo, who has been doing an amazing job as Danny Messer.
Through Giovinazzo’s acting we can feel everything along Danny Messer. We almost can see him as a real person as the emotions expressed and way of acting in all kinds of different situations are so realistic. From the smile to the tears, everything seems real. When he says something, we believe, as it is all said with the proper emotion and tone of voice, and complemented with an also proper facial expression. We are able to see the pain through is face, too, and the sadness or happiness in his eyes. All these things allow the audience to live every scene and episode along with him, as if we were part of the series “life”. It allows us to really have some feelings when something bad or good happen, and feel sorry or happy for him.
In other words, I can tell that I have established a strong connection with the character, which is only possible to happen because I get the emotions as they came from real people. And that is only possible because of the talent of Carmine, but more than it, because of the obvious effort he puts into this series and his character, so I truly believe he deserves the chance of being nominated for an award as he deserves CBS’ support for that. I would really feel glad if I get to see that you take this in consideration. Thank you in advance."
Now I am going to send it...
CSI_Dani - That's a lovely letter, which CBS will have no problem understanding. Thanks so much for taking the time to write in. Carmine has some fantastic fans. :D
Thank you.You're amazing! I'm glad you liked it. I really hope that CBS takes our messages in consideration...
Well I figured that I'd use my first post on the boards to drop in and say that I too have written a letter to CBS and after deliberating on it for the past three hours, it has just been sent.
A nice big fat welcome to you, Lozza, and an even bigger, fatter Thank You for spending so much time and thought on your letter :)

:lol: :lol: :lol: ETA: Sorry to add this here but I've just noticed MrsG's new avatar and am ROFLMAO. My first reaction ... "" My second ... to pick up the laptop and bring it nearer to my face so I could get a closer look. Mr third .... peals of guffawing laughter.

Is that a pirate's face on that cat's arse? You're all class MrsG. :D That's the best laugh I've had all day. :lol: :lol: :lol:
To ditto Crankyjules, welcome to the board Lozza and thank you so much for participating in this important project. That's a great first post, btw. Usually a first post goes something like this, "OMG! Danny is so hawt and OMG I love CSI:NY so much." :lol:
^ Too true LOL. And I edited my post at the same time we were posting. You might have to go back to the previous page to see my comment about your new avatar. Still laughing my bum off. :lol:

Lozza, hope you stay a while and here's something to munch on while you do
MrsGiovinazzo said:
To ditto Crankyjules, welcome to the board Lozza and thank you so much for participating in this important project. That's a great first post, btw. Usually a first post goes something like this, "OMG! Danny is so hawt and OMG I love CSI:NY so much." :lol:

Hmm, I think I did that many years ago!

I think it's a wonderful project to be involved in. Carmine is a wonderful actor and I love Danny to bits. I'd love to see him get some recognition for his work because he really deserves it. He's a gem. :)

Thanks for making me feel welcome. :D
crankyjules said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: ETA: Sorry to add this here but I've just noticed MrsG's new avatar and am ROFLMAO. My first reaction ... "" My second ... to pick up the laptop and bring it nearer to my face so I could get a closer look. Mr third .... peals of guffawing laughter.

Is that a pirate's face on that cat's arse? You're all class MrsG. :D That's the best laugh I've had all day. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am all class, aren't I? :lol: That lovely new avatar you're looking at is a cat's ass, so I hope you got a nice whiff when you brought your laptop to your face. :lol: It's actually Charlie Chaplin painted on a cat's ass to be more precise. A friend emailed me a ton of these painted cat pics. Apparently there is an artist who specializes in painting cats -- for the low, low price of just $15,000 he can paint yours too. Of course, you need to have it redone every three months because the hair grows out. Talk about money well spent. :rolleyes: Anyhow, the email amused me so much I decided to use the ass pic as an avatar. ... Sorry Carmine, you're cute and all, but this cat ass is bringing me smiles at the moment.

Has anyone else fired off any letters to CBS recently? Emmy submission time began this week. We'll have to wait and see whether these letters are getting CBS' attention.

Thanks for making me feel welcome.
My pleasure. All Carmine's fans are most welcome here. I hope you post a lot and have fun.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I am all class, aren't I? :lol: That lovely new avatar you're looking at is a cat's ass, so I hope you got a nice whiff when you brought your laptop to your face. :lol:
Oh now that's REALLY charming.

It's actually Charlie Chaplin painted on a cat's ass to be more precise. A friend emailed me a ton of these painted cat pics. Apparently there is an artist who specializes in painting cats -- for the low, low price of just $15,000 he can paint yours too. Of course, you need to have it redone every three months because the hair grows out. Talk about money well spent. :rolleyes:
WTF?? You're kidding me, right?? Some guy paints cats' bums for $15,000 a go?? Some people have way too much money. This HAS to be an "only in LA" thing right? Somehow I don't think I'd make more than $10 a bum if I tried setting up a similar 'business' here :rolleyes: