New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

Dorka has a new forum called "Carmines crew" (not sure if many of you have heard of it, or been there - aside from orison ;) ) but i mentioned about trying to get carmine an emmy over there as dorka forgot! :eek: :lol: so hopefully there should be some people on there who havent hears about it and wanna send there contribution :D
Dorka's got the emmy thing all over her site, and the Carmine Crew section too. I doubt anyone missed it - she's pretty thorough LOL!!!!

Good point about the forums, Chell!
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Yeah, gotta give Dorka props. She has done a great job of promoting this project on all her sites.
Yes she has, bless her cotton socks :) She's been a great help!

Chelliyah said:
when i went on there i couldnt see it anywhere on carmines crew.. oh well its there now lol Dorka is great
I don't think she displays the graphic I made on the front pages of Carmine's Crew or Carmine Online, but there are definitely little paragraphs and a text link to the info.

ETA: I've had a LOT of people contacting me asking if they could use the graphic/what's the coding etc etc. It's FANTASTIC how many people are behind this. I might be right in thinking that it could have drawn some lurkers out of the woodwork too, which is nice :). Also had quite a few looking at the thing in my blog as well. Add everyone elses blogs/myspaces/sites and it's really getting out there.
Carmine's Crew? Hmm..a new place I will have to take a look at sometime.

As for the man getting an emmy, I will do whatever it takes for him to get one.
No problem, writing to CBS will be a breeze, especially when pleading to get the hottest man on Wednesday nights an emmy. :D
Dorka is the best. Is there anywhere else we can promote put it? Volume is the only way to get them to take real notice.
I personally would love to promote it on my boards, but the member base died out on me, so there are only two members there.
ok, im from Ireland so we dont have CBS and havent even gotten to season 3 yet but I'd love to support Carmine-would it be worth it for me to send a letter, just convieniently leaving out the fact that Im not from the US?
Yes it would be worth it to send your letter in. Any letter that they can get may sway them more. The more people we get, the better chance we have of getting the emmy for the man.
Fan123 said:
Is there anywhere else we can promote put it? Volume is the only way to get them to take real notice.
This is on every major message board that I'm aware of in every corner of the world. All over MySpace too. I *think* we've got all the bases covered, but if anyone runs across some remote little corner of the internet where fans haven't heard of this project, please let me know so I can go make friends with them.
Here is the letter I wrote out. I talked to our beloved admin Deb and she said to go ahead and post it here. Tell me what you all think:

To the CBS Personnel:

I wouldn’t be the first to tell you that Carmine Giovinazzo is a very talented man. His work that he has done for CSI: New York has captured hearts of his fans. I personally love the work he does. I heard that the Emmy Awards are coming up in the near future. The fact that Carmine does not even get an Emmy nomination has me a little shaken up. The other CSI shows are all great, and they all get there respect from me as a loyal fan. I just think that CSI: New York, as well as some of its cast members deserves credit as well. “Raising Shane” is the perfect example of how in depth Danny Messer is as a character. The writers did an amazing job of having Danny take matters into his own hands, then reaching out to the suspect, Shane Casey. There are other episodes, such as “Love Run Cold” where we see Danny taking on something we all experience, love. This character has taken us all on a roller coaster of emotion. Carmine is an excellent man who plays his character so well.

I think that the Best Supporting Actor Emmy Nomination should go to Carmine Giovinazzo. He is a very talented young man and he is good at what he does.

Thank you very much for your time.


Amber Lynne Griffin