New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

I think, Elizabeth Ann M Kraft, that is a truly lovely letter :)

You know what, you people are all fantastic. Everyone on here. You're all awesome for stepping up and supporting the guy.
Awww, MrsG is "Mommy!" How sweet. You read bed-time stories to your kids with that mouth? :devil: :lol:

I bought Office 2007 yesterday, so I'm back in business with document production. I'm working on my letter as we, well, post.
PrettyEyes said:
Awww, MrsG is "Mommy!" How sweet. You read bed-time stories to your kids with that mouth? :devil: :lol:
Hey now, it's never too early to learn the value of the F-word. :lol: Kidding. Dr. Seuss rolls off my tongue as easily as the sh*t I spew here.

Get the letter out, PrettyEyes. And glad to see you back here. :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Get the letter out, PrettyEyes. And glad to see you back here. :D
Heh? :confused: Did you go somewhere PrettyEyes? :confused: Wherever it was you went, welcome back! :lol:

The man certainly is blessed with some fantastic fans.
And from all corners of the globe too :) It's so great to see so many people participating, purely because they want to support the man's work.

I haven't sent my hard copy yet. I'm loosing my oomph. :( If someone finds it, please let me know.
crankyjules said:
It's so great to see so many people participating, purely because they want to support the man's work.
That IS great. I hope it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I'm loosing my oomph. :( If someone finds it, please let me know.
*searches high and low for your oomph* If I find it, I'll send it home to ya. ;) Can't loose steam yet. This baby isn't over. You have done an AMAZING amount of work though. Thank you!
MrsGiovinazzo said:
*searches high and low for your oomph* If I find it, I'll send it home to ya. ;)
Please do. It is sadly missed.

Can't loose steam yet. This baby isn't over.
This little red engine has done what she set out to do, carting The Word to many destinations. Made a few terribly drastic mistake stops along the way where her intentions were sadly misunderstood :eek: :(, delivered her ONE letter to it's final destination (yes one, despite all the joking about 2500 email addresses and letters from sundry four-legged mammals and winged creatures). Now her coal supplies are nearing empty :lol:

But along her journey the little red engine met lots of other little engines who are continuing on their merry way, transporting The Word to places near and far :D Keep on tooten' little engines!

Meanwhile, I'll keep my eye out for my oomph and more coal (although coal is a finite resource).
Phew!! Finally finished and sent...

I won't post it here as it's very similar to that which others have posted but at least I've done it. :D
^^ Jules, I can send you some coal if you need it. I needed some for my little engine so I bought an extra stash that I'd be happy to share... ;)

Seriously now, the net is full of sh*t, don't let anything that may have happened bother you.
Orison said:
^^ Jules, I can send you some coal if you need it. I needed some for my little engine so I bought an extra stash that I'd be happy to share... ;)
Ah, bella, you're too kind :D :lol: Just let the little red engine rest up a bit first and get a new paint job :lol: :lol:

Seriously now, the net is full of sh*t, don't let anything that may have happened bother you.
Bah. Nothing a back verandah, a piano, a lonely mountain top and a week's refuge in a Tibetan monastery wouldn't fix ROFL!!

Twinkletoes, it doesn't matter that your letter is similar to what's already been seen on here. They're all essentially saying the same thing, after all :lol:
crankyjules said:

Twinkletoes, it doesn't matter that your letter is similar to what's already been seen on here. They're all essentially saying the same thing, after all :lol:

Exactly: CSI:NY's great...blah, blah...Carmine's fantastic....blah, blah...wonderful actor...blah, blah...give the man an Emmy. That's just about it isn't it?
Twinkletoes said:
crankyjules said:

Twinkletoes, it doesn't matter that your letter is similar to what's already been seen on here. They're all essentially saying the same thing, after all :lol:

Exactly: CSI:NY's great...blah, blah...Carmine's fantastic....blah, blah...wonderful actor...blah, blah...give the man an Emmy. That's just about it isn't it?
Yep. That about covers it. I imagine many of the letters sound quite similar and that's fine. No awards are given for originality here. The important thing is that CBS gets hit with a high volume of these letters. Thanks for writing, Twinkletoes.
Bumpity bumpity bump. Bumping this back up. It was on the very bottom of page 1 - we can't have that, no no no :eek:

Nudge my useless memory, MrsG, how long do we have left to attempt to influence CBS about this? Was it a couple of weeks or the rest of this month? :confused: I thought I'd go back to the places I posted earlier and leave reminders half way through.

I'm hoping to coax my elusive oomph out of hiding this week :lol: My a capella group starts back after a long holiday break, and vocal coaching too. My oomph gets miserable without the singing and there's something about making music with other people that really brings the oomph out of hiding :lol: :lol:
^ Glad you're finding your ooomph! :D The submission period begins at the end of this month, so I'd say any correspondence CBS receives up to that point may have some ability to shape their decision making.

So keep up the great work, ladies! And if anyone hasn't written yet, please do. It only takes a few minutes and you can even plagerize from what has already been posted.
crankyjules said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Get the letter out, PrettyEyes. And glad to see you back here. :D
Heh? :confused: Did you go somewhere PrettyEyes? :confused: Wherever it was you went, welcome back! :lol:

It's nice to know I was missed, Jules! Thanks, Deb. I'll be PMing you soon. ;)