New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

^ I got one from Cynryn and had to go ask someone else 'do you know this person?' LOL!!

Man, my photo must be scarier than even I thought. :eek: And/or my profile is just too weird for them (shrug). I'm just not getting any of them anymore, which I am supremely happy about I gotta say. I get barely any friend requests these days and that's fine by me.

Maybe we should rename this thread the 'myspace' thread ;)
Awww, MrsG, it's so sweet to know you have two kids. :) I bet they're absolutely adorable! And you're hot! I think it's funny your hubby wants your son to say MILF to you. :lol: (It's weird, but funny.)

As for Myspace, gah, thank you all for convincing me once and for all to not ever get a space there. :lol: It's a site sexual perverts and the likes love to stalk to look for young girls (and maybe even boys) to have free sex with, should those kids be stupid enough to meet them in real life. Awful. I remember coming across this Livejournal community that specifically posted up Myspace profiles of these sickos so people knew who to avoid ... I've forgotten the url, blast it.
There are some true sicko's out there.

I tell a lie when I say I don't get requests. Just not the sort everyone is talking about. You know what requests I get? This is wierd ... I get them from dudes writing books. Specific types of books ... rip-offs of Mark Danielewski's 'House of Leaves' which is this post-post-modern weird cult-like thing. That's what I get.

And what does that say about me? :confused: That's all I'm good for? GEEK requests???? shit. :lol:

Oy vay I'm gutted :D Rejected by even the PERVS ROFLMAO!!!
Here's the letter I'm sending to CBS. Don't kill me, but I've also included a request to nominate Eric Szmanda for his work in "Fannysmackin'" and "Post Mortem". I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone, and it doesn't take anything away from Carmine (what are the chances, right?), so here goes:

Dear Sir or Madam,
As a fan of the entire CSI franchise I have been disappointed that so far this awards-show season not one show or actor from the CSI franchise has been nominated. Therefore I am writing to encourage you to nominate Carmine Giovinazzo from CSI: New York, and Eric Szmanda from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, to receive the Emmy award for Best Supporting Actor.
Carmine deserves this nomination because he is a versatile actor who brings tremendous depth and humanity to the character of Danny Messer. We’ve witnessed him navigate the treacherous waters of seemingly unrequited love in episodes like “Not What it Looks Like” and “Love Run Cold”. We’ve seen Danny reach out to suspect Shane Casey in “Hung Out to Dry” and “Raising Shane”. “Raising Shane” also displays Danny’s tendency to bend the rules and take matters into his own hands, and also the depth of feeling he has for his co-workers, which leads him to often act so impulsively. Danny Messer is a complex, multi-faceted character whom Carmine Giovinazzo brilliantly brings to life each week. Therefore he deserves the nomination.
Over the past seven seasons of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation we’ve seen Greg Sanders, played by Eric Szmanda, grow from goofy, eccentric lab rat to mature Level 1 CSI. Eric has kept pace with the changes of his character’s work surroundings and experience, while still retaining his humor and flirtatious charm. Greg faced two major challenges in his storyline this season–being beaten and accidentally killing a perpetrator in “Fannysmackin’”, and facing an inquest and impending civil suit in “Post Mortem”. Both of these episodes show Eric’s tremendous versatility by taking a character known for his humor and charm and leading him into the depths of compelling drama. Eric has made Greg Sanders a character that many people love and care about, and his fans are eager to see what becomes of his legal situation and if he is still in danger of repercussion from the family of the young man he killed. Therefore Eric is also worthy of an Emmy nomination.
Thank you for your consideration of Carmine and Eric for this honor. They are both very talented and versatile actors who deserve to be recognized for their work. And they are part of a popular crime drama franchise that also deserves to be recognized for its creativity, character development, and compelling drama. Please give the CSI franchise and its actors the honors they deserve.

Thank you,

Jennifer M. Oaks
Do you think anyone of us will receive an answer from CBS?
Would be intersting to know what they think about our letters and our support for Carmine.
But it's not really probably that we'll get one, isn't it?
They won't answer - let's say 100 - letters. Perhaps one of those mails which are preformulated(?) like "Thanks for your intrest in our show..." or something like that
crankyjules said:
There are some true sicko's out there.

There sure are and they all seem to find there way to myspace.

I'm glad I haven't got any weird requests by those sickos, but I know people who have and I even know someone who got a marriage proposal.

I am hardly on myspace and I am glad too. I prefer livejournal over myspace.
I sent my letter on the feedback link on CBS site. It wasnt very long, but i was surfing this site today whilst i was at work and decided to do it there and then. Inspiration just hit me, if ya know wot i mean!!!!
Do you think i ought to send a hard copy aswell? I'm not sure how long it will take to get there being as i'm in the UK.
Rellaaaa said:
I am hardly on myspace and I am glad too. I prefer livejournal over myspace.

I'm on both, which sounds excessive, but my online friends and 'real life' overseas friends persist in all having their journals in different places LOL. So to read and respond to them I've had to sign up to both, while MY journal is on my own site.

Livejournal is 'cleaner'. You don't get the crap that you get on myspace. Possibly because people's icons don't seem to be pictures of themselves.

I joined myspace only to 'friend' my 14yo niece and goddaughter, who lives over the other side of the country. Before this project started, I had her as a friend, and a few bands LOL. That was IT. Because of this project it just ballooned from there.

Myspace is more user-friendly than livejournal, imo, and it's a little addictive, what with all the music choices on there LOL! I like the message capability too.

Tomcat said:
Do you think i ought to send a hard copy aswell? I'm not sure how long it will take to get there being as i'm in the UK.
Hi Tomcat! Yeah, go for it. Double the impact :lol: Letters from Australia to US and vice versa usually only take 4-6 working days, and we're further away than you are. So that gives you plenty of time ...

Um, still haven't sent off my hardcopy :eek:
^ I have to admit I actually prefer Livejournal, I feel a lot more comfortable posting about more private stuff. Jules, I just added you to my flist over there too, hope you don't mind. :)
Awww, MrsG, it's so sweet to know you have two kids. I bet they're absolutely adorable! And you're hot! I think it's funny your hubby wants your son to say MILF to you. (It's weird, but funny.)
Call me biased, but I think my kids are two of the most gorgeous specimens of childhood that ever walked the earth. Of course, I've never met a parent who didn't feel exactly the same way about theirs and there are a lot of ugly people in the world, so whether my kids are actually cute is anyone's guess. :lol:

As for Myspace, gah, thank you all for convincing me once and for all to not ever get a space there. It's a site sexual perverts and the likes love to stalk to look for young girls (and maybe even boys) to have free sex with, should those kids be stupid enough to meet them in real life. Awful.
That's exactly what it is. It can be a useful tool for keeping in touch with other message board girls though. As for the freaks, that was a little surprising at first, but I've become resigned to the virtual construction site that is my inbox. :lol: I won't call it flattering, but it is what it is and I guess you quickly learn to ignore it.

Oy vay I'm gutted Rejected by even the PERVS ROFLMAO!!!
:lol: Who needs pervs? We'll talk dirty to ya anytime you want. ;) :lol:

Now down to business --

Labgeekluver - Great letter! And nothing wrong with pimping your other favorite actor at the same time. Eric did do a great job in "Fannysmackin'." Thanks so much for taking the time to write CBS.

Quick clarification because I know the process is confusing. CBS doesn't nominate their actors for Emmys. The nominations are made by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. CBS submits their actors for consideration for an Emmy nomination. Then CBS embarks on a massive targeted advertising campaign designed to sway the voting members of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, in an effort to secure nominations for the actors they submitted. In the past, where CBS really falls short is in the advertising and promotion. For example, last year they submitted the episode "Bad Beat" which had that fantastic interrogation scene Carmine did. That's great. The problem is that CBS did absolutely zero, I mean literally nothing to get behind that submission and really sell it to the voters. By literally nothing, I do not mean those words as the exaggerated whining of a fangirl. I subscribe to the trades and I am aware of the mass mailings that go out. By literally nothing, I do honestly mean that CBS did literally nothing to promote their CSI:NY stars last year.

Do you think anyone of us will receive an answer from CBS? Would be intersting to know what they think about our letters and our support for Carmine.
That would be interesting to know, but don't expect them to respond to any of the letters. I wrote last year as well. A bit later in the game and more for the purpose of complaining about their lack of promotion. I didn't get any response to that. But this year, I thought it might be more effective to speak up early enough to ask for something proactively and do so in enough volume as to potentially have some impact.

Tomkat - Welcome to the board. :D Thanks so much for writing. Sometimes the inspiration just strikes and it's easy to get it done right away. Thank you.

Do you think i ought to send a hard copy aswell? I'm not sure how long it will take to get there being as i'm in the UK.
Definitely send a hard copy. Mail between the US and the UK is supposed to take 10-14 days, but in the course of exchanging Christmas cards with girls from overseas this year, I found that sometimes it's much quicker than that.
Orison said:
Jules, I just added you to my flist over there too, hope you don't mind. :)
No worries :) I'm obviously too easy to find everywhere, using the same blinking username everywhere as I do (how un-creative of me). Not at myspace though. Being the pervy place it is I try and keep pretty anonymous on there.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Who needs pervs? We'll talk dirty to ya anytime you want.
I know I can count on certain people around here to do just that :lol: ;)
I gotta agree about myspace being a good place to keep also in touch with family member overseas and so. :)

I love the intergation scene in 'Bad Beat' and it's also one scene that blew me away with Carmine's amazing acting. :)

I've sent my letter to CBS on monday and hopefully it get there soon esp. with the priority sticker on it, but it all depends on how quick the mail is. ;)
Ta for that peeps! I will write my letter out in best!!!!! and pop it in the post asap. Wasnt sure bout sendin it twice, overkill an all that came to mind.

Ta :D :p
^ No such thing as overkill where this project is concerned. It's all about volume and it will really take A LOT of letters before CBS gives it much notice.
Here is my first attempt at a Fan Project here. I wrote this up today and will send it out.

To whom this letter may concern,

I hope my letter reached you in good health and warm spirits. I write to you to discuss a strong contender for the Best Supporting Actor in this year's Emmys.

Carmine Giovinazzo is that actor. His portrayal of Danny Messer, CSI:NY, is unparallel. He embodies the New York spirit, the character's shady past, and the emotional being Danny Messer is. Talent such as Mr. Giovinazzo's comes directly from the soul, and his ability to 'breathe life' into his role is a thing of beauty. Everything Danny Messer is, body and soul, comes out in Mr. Giovinazzo's performance. Every hope, every tear, every emotion artistically crafted into Danny Messer is in turn stirred up within the viewer. Stirred up to the point where the viewer, practically falling out of their seat, finds themself screaming at their television. "That's it, Danny boy! You know they did it! You'll show'em! Go get that punk!"

Talent like that is not taught, it is God-given.

I would like to point out the episode " Raising Shane," as to which to promote Carmine Giovinazzo with. There is no doubt each actor and actress gave a strong performance, and Mr. Giovinazzo having a minor role, the ending scene between Danny Messer and Shane Casey was truly heart wrenching if not breath taking. The tension filled air, Messer's fear easily detected in his voice and posture, and being able to feel Shane Casey's sanity slip away with each line. It is truly hard to put this scene into words. It was truly that powerful and one must actually see it to experience it fully.

To center Mr. Giovinazzo on one episode is truly foolish. From the CSI : NY pilot to the current episodes, Danny Messer has always been Danny Messer. Carmine Giovinazzo is a true asset to the cast, the CSI:NY series, and to CBS. As my letter ends here, the campaign for the Emmys is just starting. Please consider what I have wrote here, and I promise you will not regret it.

A Thankful Viewer,

Elizabeth Ann M Kraft

So, what do you think? :D