New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

Sounds like a real good idea to me. I printed mine out already and will get it in the mail on Monday.
I haven't snail mailed mine yet as I need to know one more thing. Do we need to put anything else under the CBS addy? So that they know it's for the Emmy awards and that they don't end up opening the letter in like may.
^ Being the big corporation that it is, I imagine they have a mail room, where all mail is opened immediately and then passed on to the relevant dept/people.

You can pretty safely assume your letter would be opened pretty much the day it arrived.
Thanks for your answer. :) My letter is now ready to be thrown in mailbox somewhere outside in about 13 hours. :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
This is way off-topic, but as the reason for my inquiry relates to this project, I think I'll ask you all anyway. Looking for advice on how to keep the freaks away from my MySpace page. I don't want to make my page private because using it as a space to promote this project was one of my main reasons for opening it. That and just keeping in touch with some of you girls. As I've said before, my "real life" friends don't go anywhere near that site. Anyway, within a day of opening the page, I started getting hit hard by freaks looking to friend me. I just deny the requests. Then I put a note up asking the young guys looking to build their "wall of whores" not to send me friend requests. That worked for a day or two. Now they've taken to sending me dirty messages instead! :eek: Now, I'm no prude, so the content doesn't bother me. It's just that I don't understand the workings of the site very well. Don't know how they're finding me. I've only got 14 friends and they're all Carmine fans. If my profile were available by clicking on some sort of "Hookers R Us" page, I'd understand the source of the attention. Anyhow, it seems as if I've made it onto some sort of list or something that I don't fully understand. If any of you know the key to removing yourself from some sort of "F*** me" list, please let me know.

I agree about the pic thing. When I put up a new pic of myself I started getting a bunch of messages all of a sudden so I changed my default pic to a shot of me in a group of friends and left the individual pic soyou could see it if you actually clicked the pics link. That way it's not the first thing that pops up on a search so it's less likeley to catch unwanted eyes. BTW I added those of you who have myspace accounts that I have seen so far. So if you have a request from a "Key West Shoe Repair", that's me. hehe

OT: I haven't sent in a submission yet. I'vee been busy finishing up a project for school and baby sitting and my mom had to make a sudden last minute trip cuz my aunt was sick... so a lot has been going on to distract me. I have been composing it a little in my head. I'm hoping to send it in this week or next. *crosses fingers*
Re: New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

^ Okay, now I know who that is! :lol: Friended you right back.

And back to topic, I'm almost done with my submission so I'm probably going to send it later today, and then I'll start working on the snail mail version.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
This is way off-topic, but as the reason for my inquiry relates to this project, I think I'll ask you all anyway. Looking for advice on how to keep the freaks away from my MySpace page. I don't want to make my page private because using it as a space to promote this project was one of my main reasons for opening it. That and just keeping in touch with some of you girls. As I've said before, my "real life" friends don't go anywhere near that site. Anyway, within a day of opening the page, I started getting hit hard by freaks looking to friend me. I just deny the requests. Then I put a note up asking the young guys looking to build their "wall of whores" not to send me friend requests. That worked for a day or two. Now they've taken to sending me dirty messages instead! :eek: Now, I'm no prude, so the content doesn't bother me. It's just that I don't understand the workings of the site very well. Don't know how they're finding me. I've only got 14 friends and they're all Carmine fans. If my profile were available by clicking on some sort of "Hookers R Us" page, I'd understand the source of the attention. Anyhow, it seems as if I've made it onto some sort of list or something that I don't fully understand. If any of you know the key to removing yourself from some sort of "F*** me" list, please let me know.

:lol: OH, MrsG, you are just a hot sexy woman! But seriously, the suggestions that Crankyjules gave are good ones for privacy purposes. Especially setting your page to private and changing your picture, which is a great picture, but one that doesn't show off your hot body ;) is a good place to start. If you put your page on private settings, only those who know your first and last name or your e-mail address will be able to access it.

It is one reason why I put my comments :lol: to private, keeping in mind that only friends can comment but that way I can monitor if I want it on my page or not.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
This is way off-topic, but as the reason for my inquiry relates to this project, I think I'll ask you all anyway. Looking for advice on how to keep the freaks away from my MySpace page. I don't want to make my page private because using it as a space to promote this project was one of my main reasons for opening it. That and just keeping in touch with some of you girls. As I've said before, my "real life" friends don't go anywhere near that site. Anyway, within a day of opening the page, I started getting hit hard by freaks looking to friend me. I just deny the requests. Then I put a note up asking the young guys looking to build their "wall of whores" not to send me friend requests. That worked for a day or two. Now they've taken to sending me dirty messages instead! :eek: Now, I'm no prude, so the content doesn't bother me. It's just that I don't understand the workings of the site very well. Don't know how they're finding me. I've only got 14 friends and they're all Carmine fans. If my profile were available by clicking on some sort of "Hookers R Us" page, I'd understand the source of the attention. Anyhow, it seems as if I've made it onto some sort of list or something that I don't fully understand. If any of you know the key to removing yourself from some sort of "F*** me" list, please let me know.

MrsG, you're a MILF without having a kid! Good job woman! :lol: :lol:
I didn't even have my profile up for one day on myspace before I got asked out by a guy. He's like... "Your gorgeous! What's your ethnicity?" but he didn't stop after that. He demanded my msn as well :rolleyes:. That's why I set my profile to private. This isn't the first time I've been asked out on a public network connection. I had a guy in England tell me he was in love with me & he actually gave me his mobile :lol:. I'm buddy I don't even know you. He tried to be all romantic with the Barry White shit but I ignored him. Seriously though I do these things for fun, not to be hit on :lol:.
jorja_fan86 said:
I didn't even have my profile up for one day on myspace before I got asked out by a guy. He's like... "Your gorgeous! What's your ethnicity?" but he didn't stop after that. He demanded my msn as well :rolleyes:. That's why I set my profile to private. This isn't the first time I've been asked out on a public network connection. I had a guy in England tell me he was in love with me & he actually gave me his mobile :lol:. I'm buddy I don't even know you. He tried to be all romantic with the Barry White shit but I ignored him. Seriously though I do these things for fun, not to be hit on :lol:.

:lol: Jorja , you are such a liar. You loved the Barry White, don't lie. :lol:

Just recently I had a 45 year old transvestite contact me to 'chat' from MySpace. Yeah, deleted that one too... :lol: We all seem to get the freaks, of course since I am older (31), I am also getting older men too, 40+.
Oh, I've got one too, from just yesterday! Cute guy from my area sent me a message and asked me to check out his profile and write if I liked it. So I figured what the hell and went and looked. Seemed good until I got to the line about how he liked to, um, pleasure himself in front of women, no strings attached. :lol:

Myspace is full of freaks it seems. :lol:
^ :lol: Well, at least he got that out of the way.

Geez, Thumpy, how did you know :p? But the guy from England was frigging insane. He wanted me to come to his country & like, be with him. He was a cutie but I'm not gonna pack my bags & head to a whole different contient to be with some guy who doesn't even know me. The poor guy would regret it :lol:.

Oh, and you are clearly the winner with the trannie. Was it pre-op or post-op :p?
^ Jorja , you are the only person to ask me if the man was preop or postop :lol: Again, why does this not surprise me? :lol: :p

I actually don't *know* if he was, in his pictures posted, he was dressed as a female dominatrix (if it was truly him) and he looked damn good. :lol: Nothing in his bio said if he was pre or post op. Sorry to burst your bubble there, Jorja :(

Top, I was busting a gut laughing at your 'man' pleasuring himself in front of women, and he was honest about it- that is great. Honestly makes for a long, pleasurable :lol: relationship.
Oh wow :lol:. You have to send me the link to this guys/girls page so I can check it out. I need to see this. It's just not fair how some men look better then most of us woman :( :lol:.

I wonder who Carmine deals with on myspace, if he has an account. He probably gets the attention we receive, but like 50x worse :lol:.

*eta* Hon, I am the one who asks the questions others are afraid to ask :lol:. I make for great entertainment in more ways then one :devil:.
CynRyn said:
So if you have a request from a "Key West Shoe Repair", that's me. hehe
Crap! I thought that was spam and denied it. :lol: Yes, I actually thought it was from a shoe repair shop. :lol: I'll come find you and send you a friend request. Sorry about that.

MrsG, you're a MILF without having a kid! Good job woman!
That cracked me up. I actually do have two young children and my husband is always trying to get our son (who is only 19 months old) to say "MILF." :lol: I then have to remind the hubby what MILF means and that perhaps my son shouldn't say that to me because ... well ... that's just kinda wrong.

Seemed good until I got to the line about how he liked to, um, pleasure himself in front of women, no strings attached.
:lol: That's awesome. I've been pretty proactive in immediately denying people if I can't figure out the reason for their friend request and not responding to any messages from people I don't know. However, sometimes it's tempting to try to out-freak the freaks. When someone sleazy sends me a foul message, I've gotta say, the competitive part of my brain kicks in and makes me think, "Really? Is that all you've got? You thought that was vile? Oh honey, let MrsG teach you a thing or two about nasty." :lol: Or the smart ass in me kicks in. Like when someone asked me what it would take for me to consider meeting him. I really wanted to answer that one. :lol: