New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

Rellaaaa said:
Then I told them that I know they can't submit a episode from last season (hope I got that right).
That's correct. They can only submit episodes that originally air between June 1, 2006 and May 31, 2007. ... Don't think I didn't consider whether a rerun of "Run Silent, Run Deep" might qualify, or whether the original air date in other countries might qualify it for consideration this year. CBS sooooo dropped the ball on that one last year, in my opinion.

I also told them I read loads of spoilers and that 'raising shane' is a very good episode to submit, and that I read that Carmine is outstanding in this episode.
That's a nice way of addressing an episode you haven't seen yet.

Enjoy Season 3 in Holland! Not nearly enough Danny though, if you ask me. :(
Gutted about not being enough Danny. :(

I don't think reruns or airdates in other countries would have qualified. I don't know much about the Emmy Awards though.

I have printed out my letter instead as there is no pen to found in this entire apartment. :confused:
So, lets see what have we got from Australia that we know of?

Tiara4Carmine , BulletGirl and myself have done our bit.

Wasn't there someone from Melbourne here at some stage? :confused: :confused:
I really, really hope that our project will help Carmine to get the emmy.
I'm sonfident because there are so many people from this board who submitted letters
This is way off-topic, but as the reason for my inquiry relates to this project, I think I'll ask you all anyway. Looking for advice on how to keep the freaks away from my MySpace page. I don't want to make my page private because using it as a space to promote this project was one of my main reasons for opening it. That and just keeping in touch with some of you girls. As I've said before, my "real life" friends don't go anywhere near that site. Anyway, within a day of opening the page, I started getting hit hard by freaks looking to friend me. I just deny the requests. Then I put a note up asking the young guys looking to build their "wall of whores" not to send me friend requests. That worked for a day or two. Now they've taken to sending me dirty messages instead! :eek: Now, I'm no prude, so the content doesn't bother me. It's just that I don't understand the workings of the site very well. Don't know how they're finding me. I've only got 14 friends and they're all Carmine fans. If my profile were available by clicking on some sort of "Hookers R Us" page, I'd understand the source of the attention. Anyhow, it seems as if I've made it onto some sort of list or something that I don't fully understand. If any of you know the key to removing yourself from some sort of "F*** me" list, please let me know.
^ I'm sorry, I don't have the answer for that one :) Never heard of such a list. Maybe reporting all of the individual sleazes who are messaging you might help the war?

I haven't had that problem. I started getting them, but denied their requests and just did NOT communicate with them in any way. I barely get any now.

I keep my friends and my comments private, so only I can see them but my profile is visible. Even my friends can't see my friends and comments so nobody has a clue who is a friend except me.

Also, I have no body parts showing on my profile picture :lol: apart from my head and a teensy bit of one bare shoulder. Maybe my head scares them off :eek: :lol:

If you want less freaks, seriously consider changing your picture girl :D :lol: Not that it is skanky in ANY way because it's not. You look classy. But you also look damn sexy.
Well, to jump on this totally OT discussion, I just created a profile (though after reading MrsG's post I'm starting to consider checking a couple of options :lol:). It still needs to be fixed but well, if anyone's interested...

Sorry Carmine, but that's just another way to spread the love! ;)
I have never heard of this list neither. You maybe could contact Tom, he is the owner of myspace so he knows alot and might can help you.

I have my myspace on private, the only ppl who can see my profile are my friends. I sometimes get a weird message and I just report them to myspace. ;)
Seeing as we're OT at the moment I just have to tell you all this because it's so funny. And it is related to the discussion ... barely LOL!!

This guy from NY contacted me on my blog contact form last night. Said I seemed to have cool interests/vibe :lol: Invited me to The Dance Parade in NY (which is about 'reclaming dance in the streets of NY'). And hoping to see me at the next Idiotrod!!!! Too funny. Too bad I'm in Australia :lol: :lol:

Dance Parade looks like a really funky and fun thing. He sent me to the website and the myspace page - it's a not-for-profit community event. Very cool. :cool: Trolley racing - meh - not my bag. :D
^ I love that Idiotrod thing! That's funny. Did you respond to the guy?

Thanks for all the great suggestions. As for the pic, I like the one I'm using because Top took it, but yeah, I guess if the freaks can't see my body they'll stop telling me what they think of it. :lol: I don't really want to make my profile private until after this project ends simply because I want people to see the gorgeous advertisement Crankyjules made. But contacting the owner of the site is a really good idea. It's not even 3:00pm and I've already received more than 30 messages today alone ranging from mildly sleezy to straight-up porn. Doesn't really make sense. There must be some sort of "new chicks to harrass and annoy" list or "girls to spam if you've truly got nothing better to do" list. :confused:

To get this back on topic, thanks to Fan123's suggestion to follow-up emails with a hardcopy in the mail, I mailed a copy my letter to CBS this morning. :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ I love that Idiotrod thing! That's funny. Did you respond to the guy?
Yes. I replied saying "You know what? I would LOVE that, except that I am in Australia LOL!!!!! Thanks for the invite anyway."

I don't really want to make my profile private until after this project ends simply because I want people to see the gorgeous advertisement Crankyjules made.
Yes, after this is over, I will be doing some paring down of the friends list. I know that sounds awful ...

To get this back on topic, thanks to Fan123's suggestion to follow-up emails with a hardcopy in the mail, I mailed a copy my letter to CBS this morning. :D
Post office opens here again tomorrow. I will post mine off then.

I am pretty much chained to my computer all day today (and it is Sunday :() I've typing up this boring non-fiction book for a bit of pocket money. I have some distance learning study I have to do for work, AND I have a website I have to bust arse on working on for a community radio station. So I'm sure I can wack together my printed copy inbetween the rest of it.
Back to the topic for just a second, are more of you using the feedback form or are you sending letters via snail mail? Which do you think is more effective?
^ There's a bit of discussion about that just up further a little.

I think the general consesus was ... CBS prefer the contact form because it gets routed to the right dept straight away. But it's a good idea to post a hard copy via snail mail. One thought was it was unlikely they are going to match them up :lol: Another is that it just doesn't hurt to do that anyway.

Yeah ... so BOTH!! :D