New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

^ I don't think there's a way of knowing that as there's no scrapbook to cointain them this time, but I hope a good enough number to get someone's attention. :)
CarmineFan said:
ok, my letter is submitted. I hope I could help a bit to get this damn hot man an emmy!
Yay! Thanks for doing that. Every letter helps.

Does anyone know how much letters we got so far?
No. Like Orison says, since these aren't being compiled into a scrapbook, there's no way to get an accurate count. I am curious as to the overall number at the end of the project, but because I asked people to be responsbile for more than one letter I intentionally did not formulate any way of keeping track. The basic reason being that I didn't want to see people knocking themselves out trying to broadcast having the highest numbers. "Woo hoo! I fired off 300 emails this weekend!" That would destroy the credibility of the project is anyone from CBS should stumble across any of those posts. While I might be able to reign people back in if posts like that go up on this site, this project is up on sites in every corner of the world. Some in languages I don't even speak, so I have no way of asking them to "shhhhhhhhhh." But I really wish we could keep an accurate count. I'd love to know and I'm sure all of you would too.

Thanks to everyone who has been active in this project so far. You guys are awesome! For those who haven't written yet, please please please do it.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
"Woo hoo! I fired off 300 emails this weekend!" That would destroy the credibility of the project is anyone from CBS should stumble across any of those posts.
Although I might talk about the dog and the birds and whoever I can accost on the street writing CBS, that is all said in jest. I've written one letter. My dog might still insist I send one in for her as well ;) but seriously, I wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardise the integrity of this project by sending in multiples. Anyway, I plain don't have the time for that sort of involvement :D

Hope no-one thought I was serious.

But I guess, if CBS saw my bullshit on here, they might just believe it. I'm sorry MrsG. :( :eek:
As I said before, my letter is posted.
I asked some friends to join the project. They'll write a letter and post it later...
My sister is giong to write one as well. I will translate it and post it here if she agrees
I'll be submitting my letter to CBS later tonight. :) I just got caught up on the thread, and I think the length that Carmine's fans are willing to go to have CBS show him the appreciation he deserves is simply inspiring. :D

Admittingly, I watch CSI:Miami more than any other of the shows, but I've always loved CSI:NY and I'm in agreement that this show deserves more recognition than it's getting. One or two promos and barely any advertising isn't going to cut it. (Not to mention the last time any NY episode was really ever promoted was when it was a Miami crossover. :rolleyes:)

This project is a wonderful idea so I'm proud to be one of the supporters! I'll tell my friends and other fans outside of the messageboards about the project, and hopefully we can turn things around for the wonderful actor Carmine Giovinazzo, and CSI:NY. :)

*starts to plan out the letter*
Thanks to Mrs. G for this project - it is a great way to let Carmine know that we are behind more than his body. I feel that the email posting is great but letter mailing is far more effective from my experience. So email and then send a hard copy of it to:
CBS Paramount Television
4024 Radford Avenue Studio City CA 91604.
He goes for the stamps so can we....
I'm so happy to see we have more supporters on board for this project. :D The success of it really does depend on the numbers. We need HUGE participation on this one. A few fan letters is nice, but in order to make CBS really stand up and take notice, the volume of correspondence needs to be genuinely head turning. This project is posted on boards all around the world and the response seems to be good.

Fan123 said:
I feel that the email posting is great but letter mailing is far more effective from my experience. So email and then send a hard copy of it to:
CBS Paramount Television
4024 Radford Avenue Studio City CA 91604
Generally, I'd agree with that. These days it's so easy to fire off an email that we often ignore the weight of actual written correspondence. And I'd certainly encourage everyone to use as many channels of getting the word to CBS as possible. In this instance, I do want everyone to know that I didn't select the preferred method of corresponding with CBS. CBS did. I placed a few calls prior to starting this project, as my original hope was to be able to direct correspondence to the executives who determine the network's Emmy campaign strategy. That proposal was not well-received AT ALL. :lol: They are making a push to have all viewer comments submitted via the online form because the way the form is designed, the comments are automatically routed to the correct department. In this case, the online form at least gets the comments to someone with CSI:NY oversight immediately, as opposed to waiting in the mail room to be sorted and distributed. At least, that's the way it was explained to me. I posted the CBS Radford address in the opening post as well and do strongly encourage people to use it. Just wanted to pass along the difference in how the online form gets routed versus the mail that goes through their mail room.

Of course, if people go with Fan123's suggestion of following up your email with a hardcopy, it's unlikely anyone would bother to match the two and your one letter may be considered as two letters. ;) :D

He goes for the stamps so can we....
:lol: :lol: Exactly! I'm sure sending pics, especially overseas, isn't cheap. So pony up, girls. Don't want to hear any of you complain about the cost of postage.
I submitted my letter to CBS earlier. :) I was supposed to do it sooner, but I had my friend read it and make sure it didn't had any mistakes left in neither.

It will take about a week to get my letter with the normal mail to CBS. Is that still in time?
^ Thanks for writing, Rellaaa! There's still plenty of time to get your letter to CBS. The Emmy submission period doesn't start for another month. While they are making strategic decisions NOW, I'm sure anything submitted up until the time they turn in their submissions to the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences will carry weight.
Fan123 said:
Thanks to Mrs. G for this project - it is a great way to let Carmine know that we are behind more than his body. I feel that the email posting is great but letter mailing is far more effective from my experience. So email and then send a hard copy of it to:
CBS Paramount Television
4024 Radford Avenue Studio City CA 91604.
He goes for the stamps so can we....
What a brilliant idea!!

I'll do just that. Type out the original and post it off, oh hang on. Better not. If I post that from Australia, it will make my 'magic fingers' obvious as it mentions 'Raising Shane' and we, um, haven't started Season 3 yet :eek: :lol: I had better do a really good edited version me thinks. :D

Wow ... look at all of these people coming out of the woodwork! This thing is gathering steam. How exciting!
crankyjules said:
If I post that from Australia, it will make my 'magic fingers' obvious as it mentions 'Raising Shane' and we, um, haven't started Season 3 yet :eek: :lol: I had better do a really good edited version me thinks. :D
Nice catch, Crankyjules! :lol: Uh, yeah, if any of you mentioned how much you loved Carmine's performance in an episode that hasn't aired in your country, you might want to mail a more generic version as your return address on a letter reveals a lot more about your geography than your email address does.

Wow ... look at all of these people coming out of the woodwork! This thing is gathering steam. How exciting!
I know. :D That's awesome. Love all the new faces in here. Well, not new to the board, but new to this thread. Thanks to all those who have just visited for the first time.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Uh, yeah, if any of you mentioned how much you loved Carmine's performance in an episode that hasn't aired in your country, you might want to mail a more generic version as your return address on a letter reveals a lot more about your geography than your email address does.

I mostly wrote about 'run silent, run deep' about how amazing and all he's in that episode. Then I told them that I know they can't submit a episode from last season (hope I got that right). I also told them I read loads of spoilers and that 'raising shane' is a very good episode to submit, and that I read that Carmine is outstanding in this episode.

Luckily we started season 3 here yesterday in Holland :D