Nerds With Badges- Greg and Ryan Fans Only!

Wow! I finally learned how to make avatars and banners. I'm so happy. :D At the moment I made some of Ryan. But I'll make some of Greg too. :) I would do pics with Ryan's hair for Greg and the other way around. But I don't know how to do it. Sorry! :(

What? Crossover? Yeah that would be soooo great. Makes me smile. BOTH of them in ONE epi. Wow! :eek:
Hello, i have aquestion that should be fairly easy to answer. What happened to Speedle
What? Crossover? Yeah that would be soooo great. Makes me smile. BOTH of them in ONE epi. Wow! :eek:
Wow, that would be great! :lol:

Hello, i have aquestion that should be fairly easy to answer. What happened to Speedle
He was shot and died in the first episode of the third season.
"He was shot and died in the first episode of the third season."

Cheers, but how?
He was with H. tryin 2 catch sum bad guys in a buliding an one of them shot at him an ran...i think...correct me if im wrong, i dont watch much miami.
thanx LoneWolfe001 :D an welcome back.
Even though i luv greg, a crossovr wud be SO kwl!! I'm gona hav a try at it but I doubt I'll get anywer lol!! :lol:
One thing that Eric Szmanda & Jonathan Togo have in common is their love of music.

Here are pics of Jon during his band days:

Here is a pic of the whole band (doesn't Jon look cool in those police shades):

Here is a pic of Eric in his shades:

Can u guys think of any other things Jon & Eric or Greg & Ryan have in common?

Please check out the CBS Miami set tour that Jon did;

miami set tour

LMAO !! He is so funny
Oh yeah! I love the CBS Miami tour. I love Ryan in it. It is hilarious! If you can watch it, watch it. It's sooooo great. :D

I don't know anymore facts that Jon and Eric have in common. Sorry! :rolleyes:

But Greg and Ryan have in common that they did a different job before becoming CSIs. Greg: lab tech; Ryan: Patrol :)
Defiantly imagine Greg Ryan and Flack in one room.....thud as i crash to the floor :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hmm, has anyone ever heard jon sing? i wonder if he has a good singing voice.....

one thing greg and ryan have in common is that they are kind of like the "new guy" of their gang. Ryan's pretty new since he replaced speedle, and i no gregs been there since the beg, but he hasnt been a csi for very long.
a crossover would be the coolest !!
Ryan & Greg together would be like a fantasy coming true (maybe they can add Danny, but if not Ryan & Greg is enough hotness for me).

I loved the csi miami tour, lmao for Jon espicially when he said he wanted to google for Paris Hilton ( i was like No Jon No!).LOL!

Here is a HOT pic of Eric (squeeeeeee!):

does any1 have any Greg & Ryan avatars for me to use, pleeeeaase ?