NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

What should we call it?!?

  • Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live

    Votes: 16 13.6%
  • I need a coffee

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • On it Boss

    Votes: 28 23.7%
  • Ya Think?!

    Votes: 21 17.8%
  • Shutting up now Boss

    Votes: 40 33.9%
  • CSI! No the term's NCIS

    Votes: 12 10.2%
  • 'We just shoot men who are un true'

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 'Gibbs, Caf-pow please!'

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • 'Don't drop the boss' coffee!'

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Gibb's Gang

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • Talking Jethro, and not the one from Beverly Hillbillies

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • There's more to CBS besides CSI

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Never Be Unreachable

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Never take anything for granted

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Never date a coworker

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Always work as a team

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Never, ever bother Gibbs in interrogation

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • 'How'd you get your boat out Gibbs?'

    Votes: 15 12.7%

  • Total voters
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I don't trust the new director neither. Wouldn't surprise me none if he didn't have something to do with Jennys death. I hope he gets hung out to dry. Can't wait to see Gibbs do it. LOL

Sharon, I've been thinking about the same thing, somehow I was even thinking that he might have something to do with the Frog's and Beckers' death and that it could be connected. Now don't ask my why, I have a wild imagination :lol: We'll just have to patient and fiend out what's up on his sleeve. And if so, I hope Gibbs will kick some b*tt. ;)

What actually got me thinking about the next was the spoiler about Gibbs seeing his dad in the next ep. I could have sworn that somewhere along season 2 he told somebody that he did not have any family left. :confused:

That's what I thought and why I was a bit iffy about posting it but it could have just been Gibbs keeping things close to his chest. I dunno.
On the new director front I'm completely stumped because they're naking him a series regular and so he won't be gone for a while but i definately can't wait for all action Gibbs:)

This is true, my wife and I just started season 2 on DVD and we just saw that episode last night. It was Season 2 episode 5 "The Bone Yard". He told that to the MOB Boss whose son Gibbs and crew had just arrested.
^^I'm watching s02 too and he didn't sound serious, the mob guy was threatening him with killing his sons, brothers and father and Gibbs said something about not having any of those but having 3 exwives in case the mob guy wanted their adresses...I think he was just kidding.
Anyway, spoilers for the 1º episode next season said that Gibbs is going to visit his father.
^^I'm watching s02 too and he didn't sound serious, the mob guy was threatening him with killing his sons, brothers and father and Gibbs said something about not having any of those but having 3 exwives in case the mob guy wanted their adresses...I think he was just kidding.
Anyway, spoilers for the 1º episode next season said that Gibbs is going to visit his father.

Well, he must have been protecting his family with that remark and considering his profession, but I can't wait for that next ep where he's going to see his father. Wonder if it's like father like son, or the other way around :lol:
I don't trust the new director neither. Wouldn't surprise me none if he didn't have something to do with Jennys death. I hope he gets hung out to dry. Can't wait to see Gibbs do it. LOL

Sharon, I've been thinking about the same thing, somehow I was even thinking that he might have something to do with the Frog's and Beckers' death and that it could be connected. Now don't ask my why, I have a wild imagination :lol: We'll just have to patient and fiend out what's up on his sleeve. And if so, I hope Gibbs will kick some b*tt. ;)

What actually got me thinking about the next was the spoiler about Gibbs seeing his dad in the next ep. I could have sworn that somewhere along season 2 he told somebody that he did not have any family left. :confused:

You know I never thought about him having something to do with The Frogs death or Beckers. You know what I'm really hoping is we find she didn't die at all. It was all just a ruse to bring this creep out in the open. *sigh* but, I know that'll never happened. So Gibbs father is alive? Hmmm what an intruiging ep that would be. Wonder who'll play the dad?
They do look good grssm89, but *pssstt...., get a little closer* :lol: there is actually a thread in the miscellanous section called 'random fanart'. It might be a good idea to post them there. I wouldn't want you to get in to trouble with the mods, since this thread is here to discuss NCIS. ;)

Which reminds me, I saw Dog Tags this afternoon *once more* :guffaw:Will we ever see Jethro (and I am talking about the dog here) :devil: again in the series? Personally I think it would be fun if they brought him in again. :lol:
Thank you CSISenna and sorry mods if that is right i apologize but i was a bit excited!

I think ive watched season 4 three times through in the past 2 weeks and i love it! Jethro was sooo cute like his namesake hehe and yea i hope we see more of him too. Doesn't he belong to Probie now......
Im really not sure on this new director at all. I never liked him before Jenny died never mind when he split the team up. Then again I think these first few episodes will be really interesting to see how the members act/behave i new surroundings. I'm really hoping for a jelous Mcgee with him being used to a place where he really is, along with Abby, the only whiz on the PC.

*Ppsssttt Jools....get away from Mac/Gibbs and come closer* You only wrote one line earlier and I dont want you to get in trouble with the mods. I know you'd been up for ten hours but maybe add a few more lines ;) :p :lol::guffaw: [You thought I wouldnt :lol: You need bigger dare :p]
I've been watching a season a week myself. I just finished season 2 last night and tonight I'll be opening season 3. This is where I became a regular viewer, I guess the first 2 seasons I was protesting the move of JAG to Fridays. Oh well, I'm hooked on NCIS now. :lol:
I'm with pretty much everyone else in not liking the new director. Something about him seems off. And I wouldn't be surprised if Jenny's not really dead, and it's all a setup to get rid of Vance. A girl can dream, right? :)
I'm with pretty much everyone else in not liking the new director. Something about him seems off. And I wouldn't be surprised if Jenny's not really dead, and it's all a setup to get rid of Vance. A girl can dream, right? :)

That would be pretty cool but Ducky did the autopsy didn't he and i don't think he'd miss something like that. Maybe the writers just want to see how the dynamic of the show will change with an authoratative a$$ or in the word of Tony 'Jackhole' in charge. I'm not going to knock it yet gotta give it a chance because it may be the best season yet with Gibbs and the team reuniting to take him down soooo i'm being optimistic:)
Wow, I'm definitely in the minority here :lol: I kind of like Vance! Especially compared to Jenny, whom I really, really disliked a majority of the time :rolleyes: I think Vance's "tough toenails" persona might not last very long, and will end up being a bit of a "Red Herring", so to speak. TPTB signed him on as a regular, so they're not likely to keep on a character that the audience absolutely hates, or whom doesn't fit in a single bit with the rest of the cast... would they? :confused: At any rate, I'm anxious to see how everything pans out this coming season! :)
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