NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

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AWWWW...we just got the season 3 finale over here in Aus, and it was so sad... :( poor Gibbs, when he broke down and said "I miss them...I miss them" it was just so damn sad, it made me want to cry...

and the ending where Gibbs said "It's your team now" and handed Tony his badge, it sad!

But I at least took comfort in he fact that he doesn't stay gone for very long :)
AHH! I am so glad I'm not crazy! I knew I seen the previews last week of a bomb or something... :( I understand no new shows due to the World Series...I'd heard that, but if that's the case, why was Monday's line-up(Even Miami) and CSI: NY (actually the whole Wed line-up) new? :confused: It doesn't make sense..bc when I first heard that CSI: wasn't knew, I figured they'd just all be reruns...ARG! I can't believe they gave us previews and no new eppy. :mad: If this happens again...I'll just cry!

Well................I just thought it sucked they showed a repeat instead of what the previews were. I was so hyped up ready to see Gibbs meet his match. HMMM the new love interest. Wonder how Jenny's going to feel about that? LOL Oh well........... and now the ep's have been changed. Next week is something called Witch Hunt I believe. Will go with Halloween real well. Saw pics of Abby dressed up. Oh wow. Had to look close to make sure it was her. LOL
csi_chic lmao!

Where do they come up with ep names, sometimes?

I don't think Jenny will like that very much.
and the ending where Gibbs said "It's your team now" and handed Tony his badge, it sad!

I agree, Carlz, it was sad. So incredibly touching. But, I'm so glad he's back. The show wouldn't be the same without him.
Oh man i am so confused on what is going on with the eppys. I wonder if we will ever get to see that eppy that they showed the preview for this last tuesday.
If not that sucks..:mad:
Just saw the preview for next weeks Halloween one. Looks really good. I like the CSI joke too. :lol: I have to tape it because i have class that night.. darn
Could the episode have been moved for Sweeps Week? I thought I read somewhere that was the reason they moved the episode to November.
I think it was something to do with baseball. They didn't want to run a new ep in that slot, and because next Tuesday's ep is a Halloween theme, they couldn't just push the episodes on, they had to swap them round as well.
Hey I'm new here and well....yes I'm new.

I was sooo mad at the Tv Guide people for telling me false information!!!! *growls* I even made popcorn for the new episode....oh well. I am very much enjoying the new season, and I have to say my favorite episodes so far are 'Shalom' and 'Singled Out' with Tony staring at Ziva's butt lol.
I've just started watching it, and I quite like it. It takes me a bit of time to get into a series, butit's looking good so far.
the episode that was supposed to air on october 24 will now air next tuesday, november 7. or at least this is what my source tells me. let's hope though!

tonight's episode witch hunt looks awesome, especially abby's halloween costume!
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