NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

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The old Gibbs in on the way back! Cool ep. Loved Ducky's interviewing technique. And how about Agent Lee & Palmer's late night rendevous (sp)
Last night's ep was so funny.
I loved it when the two women started fighting. Tony pointing at them: "chick fight!"
And then McGee recording it with his new phone :lol:
So, maybe it's because I haven't seen ALL of the episodes, but does anyone have a clue what Gibbs was talking about when he was mentioning Paris and getting ticked at the Director when she mentioned his family? :|

And... I thought the Rendevous was excellent. *pop out*
to the question in the Spoiler box, Gibbs was married (it was brought to full light in the last season finale), to Shannon and had a daughter named Kelly, they were killed when they were in protection when Shannon say someone killed, But the guy went after them, killing the driver which caused him to have an accident that killed Shannon and Kelly instantly. At the time Gibbs was overseas, and in the end Gibbs got the guy.

How it related to Jen, Later on Jen and Gibbs had a relationship in paris and up until the ep "Hiatus" (last seasons finale) she did not know about his first wife Shannon he never mentioned his family that were killed. Heck Ducky didn't even know about Gibbs first family no one did.
Last night's ep was hilarious!! I loved when McGee and Abby were watching the chick fight on "McGee TV" :lol: and hurray for the old Gibbs!! :D
YAY!!!!!! The old Gibbs is back. Bout time he got rid of that stupid mustache & cut his hair. LOL Boy, have I missed him. The two girls duking it out & Tony yelling chick fight was hilarious. McGee recording it on his cell. LOL Ducky doing some interrogating on his own. LOL That was just so well..............cute. Once again McGee getting it all on his cell. Then to top it all off. A third fiancee. LOL HMMMM makes me wonder if there will be a continuation somewhere? Also wonder if our redhead director still has the hots for her old partner? HMMMMM. Food for thought. Sounded a little jealous last night or did I misread all that when she brought up Gibbs family?
Talking about continuation. I was disappointed by that in season 3. In season 2 you had that Meat Puzzle case, which started with small scenes in earlier episodes. When early on in season 3 a case exploded (don't know which ep anymore). Ziva said she'd help Abby re-ensamble it. I thought we would get a Meat Puzzle kind of case there, but no :(
I loved the "engagement ring" scene between DiNozzo and David! LOL The expressions on McGee and DiNozzo watching the chick fight was priceless! Yay! Old Gibbs is back and here to stay!!!!
there were so many moments in last night's that i just loved... but for some reason, the one line that had me in hysterics all night (and even today, i'd randomly think of it at work and laugh), was that moment where Ziva asked McGee for his flashlight:
McGee: You didn't bring yours?
Ziva: Too heavy. It drags down my pants.

she was just so serious and flat when she said it... i nearly choked on my tea i was laughing so loud!
Yes! The 'old' Gibbs is back! :D I am *SO* happy!

Tuesday's episode was so good! All the parts everyone mentioned were good! My personal favorite was when the fight broke out, McGee and DiNozzo were just watching...and Mcgee pulled out his cell and started recording it! LOL! :lol: This show NEVER fails at making me laugh. Can't wait for Tuesday!!! :p
So I don't get my head slapped I better let it be know that I throughly enjoy NCIS. Love the combination of humour and drama. I've enjoyed watching Mark Harmon for awhile and I hate to say it but I did like the mustache. Hey I liked Nick's as well. Stop throwing things at me :lol:. I'm glad the whole team is back together. I like the casual look the team has this year. No more stuffy suits(as I like to call them).
i shouldve figured youd like the gibbs stache Jacquie :p :lol:
i dont think i stopped laughing during last weeks episode, plus lots of skin from the boys! who didnt love mcgees farmers tan? :lol: tony is boarderline too hairy though... :p still love him in a suit ;)
and when agent lee went into the morgue i thought 'ah! its chip all over again!' was laughing so hard when her an palmer started going at it.
Jacquie said:
I've enjoyed watching Mark Harmon for awhile and I hate to say it but I did like the mustache. Hey I liked Nick's as well.
In that case, you might like this.

So I don't get my head slapped I better let it be know that I throughly enjoy NCIS.
Me too! lol. I love this show. I got hooked during the second season. I love Michael and Pauly. They're such great actors. And I love all of the characters. I miss Kate, but Ziva cracks me up.
And, great pic, Dynamo!
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