NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

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Loved the episode. Abby as Marilyn Monroe WOW! And oh my god the gibbs slap is back!!

In the beginning I sometimes caught NCIS by accident on tv, It was an okay show but not something I'd follow constantly. In S3 I became hooked, I just love the interaction between Ziva and Tony. I honestly never really cared about Kate.. (I'm a TIVA shipper!)
I loved tonights episode! :D I love Tony more and more with each episode. RE: Poison Ivy. Priceless. McGeek is the perfect probie. Ziva shows off her super cool skills. Gibbs had some Control!Freak moments. Abby was her perfect goofy self, and Ducky is talking to corpses (again). Starting to get like CSI:M... And Tony (Yes, I always have to get back to Tony) was funny, annoying, and responsible adult all rolled into one. :lol: Great episode.
was the poison ivy why mcgee was scratching his crotch? i couldnt figure it out when he was doing it and thought i missed something :lol:
im a little confused about tony and the girl, how old is she supposed to be?? cuz i know that at least one of the questions he quizzed her on i learned last year, in my second year of university :lol: but if tony likes em young he can come have me :devil:
Yeah allmaple that's why McGee was scratching his crotch. They never showed him getting it but he kept saying he gets it just by being around it (can't help but get it). I liked this grown-up side to Tony but I secretly hope it doesn't last for long. I love them picking on him about his love life. And how bad/good he can be when he tries to hit on a woman is just funny.
And I really like the new 4th ex-wife for Gibbs. ;)
allmaple said:
im a little confused about tony and the girl, how old is she supposed to be??
She is in Grad school going for her doctorate. Remember when Tony was waiting outside for her while she was in the test. McGee called and Tony says he was with a doctor.
I loved the ep. Jen I think wasn't too happy about the coziness between Gibss & the lady. LOL. Wasn't crazy about her myself. LOL. Tony was finally where I could say I liked him. Otherwise well, I'd love to slap him on the back of the head.

McGee- needs to get a life & quit allowing Ziva & Tony to pick on him. I like him. Poison Ivy was funny some.

Love Gibbs,what can I say!!!!!

Ah Ducky -he reminds me of Alexx. Love him too.

Abby- well...........what can I say just so cool. LOL

Tony-well.guess he finally got to see some of Ziva he's been wanting to see. LOL

Ziva- what can I say. She still hasn't grown on me alot. Still miss Kate.

Have to say though I hated the ending. Oh well,good for another story I guess lOL
There has been reference this season to Tony seeing a college girl so maybe this is her. He was so polite and gentlemanly which is a totally different side we are seeing. Will it last? Who knows? I did like the interaction between Gibbs and the colonel.

Group shot,
I just love this show, my fav is of course McGee..


Jacquie said:
He was so polite and gentlemanly which is a totally different side we are seeing.

in my fantasy mind tony was always the one night stand and nick was the guy you brought home to momma :lol: but after tuesday, who knows! is the ladies man thing the act, or was the sincere 'looking for the right girl' thing an act? hmmmm..... but then he went and looked down zivas shirt, so hes still the tony weve grown to love over the years :D
His boat isn't named Jenny, it's Kelly.

I enjoyed this episode. Hmm... Tony and this new girl. My guess is, she's going to end up dead by the end of the season. I have nothing to base this off of, it's just my opinion.
Palmer is awsome, I loved it that one eppy when him and that other new agent "met" up in the autopsy room to do a "thourough autopsy"
Here in Italy are telecasting the third season..
...I love this serial,and my favourite characters are Gibbs,tony and abby...I love gibbs because he is so sexy and i love his light-blue eyes (nearly they make impression :lol:)..tony is really funny,beautiful and loving *_*
Abby is really funny when she talks with gibbs and mcgee...
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