NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

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OMG, i'm so excited that Gibbs is back..

Yipee.. No more mustache..
I have to tape NCIS because i have class on Tuesday nights. blech. I finally got a change to watch it the other day.
Oh i really like the part with Tony and McGee switching shirts. :) ;) :devil:
Can't wait till the next eppy..
Last night we had the season 2 finale here in Italy.
My friend told me about Kate days before, but I was shocked at the end :(

Next week season 3, yay!!! :D
Kate was awsome. Total kick-ass woman. But... the show goes on.
I'm also glad the mustache is gone. It just didn't look right on him.
I come bear good news people. SASHA ALEXANDER is returning to television. She will be casted as Nick's ex-wife on The Nine!
Source: RBC

According to Aussiello she comes to stir up things. Go Sasha! Although I would have liked it better if she returned to NCIS :p
I knew it, sorry should have posted it here :p
Two episodes changed of order btw. Witch Hunt is up next, followed by Sandblast (first it would be the other way around). If you want to read a description of the episodes (Spoilers!), click here.
Totally forgot about the world series. Does that make me a bad person that I want to watch NCIS more than watch baseball? But I did like the promo for next week's episode. Still love the CSI misspelling joke. :lol:
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