Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

hey guys
you know this child could be more like 2 1/2 & it would still fit.i was actually thinking of this same storyline for her, how weird is that if the spoiler is true? i could see it tho cuz of "skeletons" & her past w/ nick & i thought about this too... remember @ the end of the epi "bloodline", nat says to H "i guess everyone has their secrets" & he goes "some of us more than one".!! I always thought that meant SOMETHING i just wasnt sure what. i think it would be cool. too bad its not erics tho!
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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

if its true
i would really be happy. I think its a great storyline for her a happy one. Natalia would be a great mother and that child would be the cutest!
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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Just a reminder that when discussing future episodes, please contain the information in a Spoiler Code out of courtesy to those who wish to remain spoiler-free. Thanks! :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

well. I was thinking time line

a 2 year old. But if the child is more like 2 1/2 I guess it could be right. I just wonder why we haven't heard anything about this before, and were was this baby hiding all this time. And why didn't Nick want to see his baby? Because it
I still vote that this is a false spoiler.

And did I mention I loved Natalia's outfit!!!!!!!! :lol:
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i think this could be true. we dont know how the writers would play it out. she could of had the baby in hiding like she was or missing or god only knows, this IS miami. i think it would actually make alot of sense out of her character & maybe explain why she became the 'mole'.ALSO, in adams interview he said he thought his past w/ nat would have an impact on how his relationship w/ cal is played out; not that i think he would be the daddy, but, i could see something this huge be the 'something' that would make him see her in a dif. light. i could see him becoming very protective of her & the baby. im kinda hoping it happens! itd be awesome for her character & the show.
:) :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

It would be interesting to see Nat as a mother, Eva's amazing so I can only assume that Nat would follow. It'd be a great developement for her and for the show. Be nice to see another mom.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

ok im bummed! i just read on the spoiler thread that its a guest star named lindsay & that she has a 2 yr old. damn, i was hoping it was true. maybe its possible that THAT post was wrong. i guess we'll have to wait to see if its true or would of made so much sense, tho!!! im just mad now cuz i really thought i had something going w/ the whole "skeletons" epi & all that. bummed & confused... no juicyness for nat!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Did you guys read the interview with ELR on the front page of csi files. awsome! It sure explains a lot about Natalia and the entire mole thing. I loved it! :lol: :lol:
I also thought the part about going to Uganda sounded really exciting. My cousing just came back from Angola, so exciting! :) :) :)

Pity all that stuff ended up on the cutting floor though. I did wonder at the time how things came to resolved themselved like magic.
:confused: :confused:

Abd the Nick story line! whaaaaaaaaaaaa! I think the last scene between Natalia and Horatio DID explain a lot about it.

:eek: :eek:

I don't want Nat to have another love interest though. Really I don't. I think she should be single until I've digested the entire Eric thing, like, and I have a very slow metabolism..... :) :)

I can really hope that next season will focus more on storylines and crime, and less on the soapy stuff..... :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i read the interview too. im bummed, i was hoping for some eric & nat rekindling. who else would she "care" about? shes never been real close to any of the other boys.i really was hoping they wouldnt have all the co-workers doing the'nasty' together. it just seems odd for her to get back into dating a different guy after eric, kinda ryan, & then nick. i could only understand if it was w/ eric.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Here's a link to the Eva interview. :)

It's a really great interview, and she seems like a really honest and open person. I thought the emotional side of the episodes and how it affected her is really interesting.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

CSI Files: Do you have anybody in particular you'd like to see her with?

La Rue: At the end of the season, it looks like instead of having the hots for somebody, [she] actually [has] more of empathy for [someone], a real honest-to-goodness caring about somebody.

CSI Files: Can you give us a hint who it might be?

La Rue: It's one of the boys, one of the regular boys! It will be [in the season finale] a little bit. They kind of allude to it.

If it's Ryan or Horatio, I swear to God, someone won't be waking up the next morning. If it HAS to be someone and it can't be Eric, put her with Frank. Frank needs some lovin'.

Elsie: Your banner! RTO is the most underrated movie of all-time. I used to watch it when I was a little kid... LOVED it.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Oh god please don't let it be Horatio. I'm not sure I could handle that tbh!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Okay... Now that I got out what I needed to say via my last post, I can finally start actually responding again.

I agree with everything CathStokes said. I'm totally bummed to see that the rumor/spoiler is false. I would've loved to see Natalia as a mother... Eva would probably play the "mom" part so well. We'd also get some good character development for Natalia.
And while I'm still kind of on the topic of that, I'm still waiting for a response from Corey. As soon as I get one, my butt will be over here posting it. :)

Juma said:
Did you guys read the interview with ELR on the front page of csi files. awsome!
Yeah, I really enjoyed it. I always love reading these because Eva has so much to say... and what she does say is brilliant. I love hearing her insight on different things.

I hope she decides to carry out with that fan gathering next summer!

Juma said:
Pity all that stuff ended up on the cutting floor though.
I'll second that. I would've loved to see the scene explaining how Nat became a CSI and also the scenes between her and Alexx. Our sweet M.E. being a bitch? Please have a "deleted scenes" reel on the DVD, TPTB!

Juma said:
Abd the Nick story line! whaaaaaaaaaaaa! I think the last scene between Natalia and Horatio DID explain a lot about it.
For some it might have. However, a lot of the audience were still a lot like what Eva had said they might be like:

"I knew when I read that that it was going to be very confusing to the audience and people might be like, "Is she crazy?" But those abusive relationships are crazy. They're crazy for the perpetrators and they're crazy for the victim. I think they're so complicated that it's not really for an outsider to judge."

Juma said:
I don't want Nat to have another love interest though. Really I don't.
Yeah... Even though I'm a huge Eric/Natalia shipper, I've had enough with relationships for the time being. But... who knows... Eva said that there's only a slight hint of this "relationship" in the season finale and maybe TPTB will forget about it by the time the next season rolls around.

mjszud said:
it just seems odd for her to get back into dating a different guy after eric, kinda ryan, & then nick. i could only understand if it was w/ eric.
Maybe she's one of those people who have this great desire to always be loved by someone. She's had Nick--who "took care of her" in many different ways--for God knows how many years, and then she had Eric... Maybe she just feels weird, not being loved by someone. Maybe she needs to have that feeling. *shrug*

ETA: Someone just posted a link to a CBS video in the spoilers thread. Eva is HILARIOUS in it. (And possibly slightly crazy.) Check it out!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i'll be happy with the storyline has long as its good i dont really care if Natalia is single or with someone as long as her caracter look happy i'm fine casue eva such a great actress wathever they give her she's gonna rock it!

I saw the video soooo funny!
Kaya has a huge crush on Togo! that girl is so cute!!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

im hearing that its ryan. im not sure how to take that but, im not going to dwell yet. supposedly they share a nice little moment on next weeks epi. i just dont get it. i guess they could be cute together but to me it seems akward w/ the eric thing & im still @ a state of confusion over adams interview when he said last years fling w/ nat would have an impact on e/c & that she would have something 'interesting' for her character if e/c got romantic. so how is this all fitting in? anyone understand this?
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