Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
OMGoodness Boa_Vista_Fan! that timeline is really detailed! i luv it!! thanks for posting it!

Not a problem. :D

Just letting you know, though... It's not a full timeline of Natalia's time at the Crime Lab. Just a timeline of things I can remember that have to do or possibly have to do with Natalia/Nick's relationship. (For instance, Natalia inviting Ryan to her party doesn't sound like it'd have anything to do with it, and maybe it doesn't, but I think that, in a way, it lets us know that her problem with Nick happened long before that. [After all, it takes a while--several months, at least--to gain back the confidence and learn to trust others again after you're in a situation like Natalia was.] ...Get what I'm saying? Maybe?)

Oh. And I left out some things so I went in an added them... The majority came from "Death Eminent." I forgot to add in that whole last scene between Natalia and Nick. Whoops.

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
did you expect the nat/nick plot to play out differently?
I don't know if I expected it to play out differently...

Longer. I don't think they should kill off Nick yet. Rob Estes does an awesome job with the character but he's only been in three episodes! I guess I was expecting more to happen because I wasn't expecting him to be killed off so soon. I'm surprised things didn't get physical at all. (Well... besides Natalia going off on him that one time.) All the writers really did was show us how creepy he was, how he seemed to be a master at stalking, and how much he loves "getting dirty."

Juma said:
I didn't remember Nick broke a gangmembers jaw in Atlanta.
Yeah... Natalia and a lab tech are in one of the labs analyzing the waterlogged paper Ryan and Calleigh found in the vic's wallet. When the computer they're using is able to reveal what was written there, there's the gang symbol on it, and Natalia identifies it because that was the symbol on the patch of the gang member Nick fought with.

Juma said:
Mayve in the end

maybe it's no one in the lab that offed Nick? maybe the gang member came back? gang members tend to get real iffy about someone messing with them, no??
Wow... That'd be interesting. I never thought of that. But I'm not sure if that'd be it... I mean... six years is a long time. Would gangs hold grudges over something like that for that long? It could still happen, though...
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

HOLY. EFFIN'. SH!T. That was an AMAZING episode. Goddamn.

I'm speechless, dude. That was really, really, really good.

I applaud Eva for her PHENOMINAL performance in this episode, especially that last scene. She acted her butt off and made it so believable... I mean... did we not see Natalia's emotions? Go, Eva!

...She looked absolutely gorgeous, too.


*needs a second to catch her breath*
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

UR NOT GOIN TO EFFIN BLIEVE THIS!! i missed the first part of the episode! my watch was WRONG!! i was at auditions for theatre and i looked at my watch and i'm thinking, "i still have time." and i get home and eric is already at the crime scene!!!!!!! i havent seen the fight yet!

but BOA--Eva did a GREAT job in this ep! that last scene with horatio where she was all upset i was like OMGoodness! POOR NAT!!

Now as for discussion--
SPOILER SPACE----i think

--did they say that Nat had slept with Nick at some point?? they found her DNA in the bed or her hair was it? huh? wat?

--and i'm sad bc i dont think we found out all that much more about her past...but o well

--and can anybody else see tension in future eps between Nat/Caleigh and Eric bc they've both kind of turned around and ratted on her now like she did to them last season?

well...i'm going to go back to stalking itunes waiting for them to put the ep up...does anyone no how long after the ep they put those up??
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
UR NOT GOIN TO EFFIN BLIEVE THIS!! i missed the first part of the episode! my watch was WRONG!! i was at auditions for theatre and i looked at my watch and i'm thinking, "i still have time." and i get home and eric is already at the crime scene!!!!!!! i havent seen the fight yet!
Aww, that sucks! I know that CBS uploaded the fight scene onto YouTube... Here's the link.

Ooooh! I live in the world of theatre! What'd ya audition for?

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
but BOA--Eva did a GREAT job in this ep! that last scene with horatio where she was all upset i was like OMGoodness! POOR NAT!!
Yeah, Eva did a phenominal job. That's why she's my favorite actress... She doesn't just recite the lines and go through the stage directions like some of the other actors... (I'm not naming any names! :D) she shows us the emotions. She makes us believe and feel what her character is feeling. That last scene really reminded me just how talented she is.


iwatchtoomuchTV said:
--did they say that Nat had slept with Nick at some point?? they found her DNA in the bed or her hair was it? huh? wat?
Yup. They found her hair in Nick's bed.

I suppose that's where the "suppressed attraction" comment from the fourth episode comes in.

It's interesting, though... I was initially shocked to learn she was sleeping with him, but now it doesn't surprise me. I hope you understand what I'm talking about because it's nearly impossible to explain any further than just saying "a lot of abuse victims to back to their abusers."

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
--and i'm sad bc i dont think we found out all that much more about her past...but o well
Yeah, I guess they didn't give us too much information about her past, but I was still pretty pleased. We have many more episodes of many more seasons (hopefully) to learn more about Natalia.

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
--and can anybody else see tension in future eps between Nat/Caleigh and Eric bc they've both kind of turned around and ratted on her now like she did to them last season?
Nah... I think she'll understand. I mean... they had to tell the truth. You can't lie in that situation, especially if you're a part of law enforcement. You could get in serious trouble for that.

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
well...i'm going to go back to stalking itunes waiting for them to put the ep up...does anyone no how long after the ep they put those up??
I'm not sure about itunes, but I know that's Innertube has the episodes up the day after they air.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

i loved last night episode Eva was amazing! I love the last scene with Horatio telling her to keep the good memory, that was so nice of him to go check on her. I was a litle shock to learn she slept with Nick but i understand. The ring she was playing with was it a ring she wear all the time or maybe was it her wedding ring?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

veggie said:
The ring she was playing with was it a ring she wear all the time or maybe was it her wedding ring?
Wow... I didn't even think of that... I don't know if that was her wedding ring or not, but it's a good idea. Maybe it is... she did collect his belongings, after all.

Does anyone know of any site that has screencaps from the episode? I know of two, but neither of them have the screencaps up yet.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

anyone realise that now we know a lot more a bout Natalia, its not imprtant stuff but it still funny to know so here it is
Race: Hispanic
Hgt: 5'7'' weight:123 lbs
SS number: 966-15-9486
Dr's lic.number: NB29-849-04-64
Adress: 4952 Sandshore drive
coconut grove, Fl, 3313

so anyone think that maybe Nick had a will and that Natalia is gonna get everything. I dont know if he was just renting his place or if be bought it. But he was a pretty selfish guy so i dont thnik he had a will. maybe we will ear about it in a future episode.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

5'7 and 123 lbs. How jealous am I right now?

Anyhooooooooooooo. ELR did a great performance here.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

i kno this has nothing with the nat/nick relationship, but what about the silencer events.. when eric *cough* hugs nat... we learn she loves midori (that green stuff)... jus wondering.. XDDDD
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

veggie said:
anyone realise that now we know a lot more a bout Natalia, its not imprtant stuff but it still funny to know so here it is
Race: Hispanic
Hgt: 5'7'' weight:123 lbs
SS number: 966-15-9486
Dr's lic.number: NB29-849-04-64
Adress: 4952 Sandshore drive
coconut grove, Fl, 3313
It took me six times before I actually realized that, veggie. I was staring at the screen and then, "Oh! Wow! Some Natalia info!"

veggie said:
so anyone think that maybe Nick had a will and that Natalia is gonna get everything. I dont know if he was just renting his place or if be bought it. But he was a pretty selfish guy so i dont thnik he had a will. maybe we will ear about it in a future episode.
Hmm... That's an interesting idea, but I think they're probably done with the storyline. I'd be super-surprised if they actually mentioned Natalia/Nick's whole "adventure" in any future episode. (Excluding the next one. If they were to mention this whole storyline again, or even part of it, it'd probably be in the next episode. I'm not counting on it, though. Because you know how much the writers love continuity.)

Juma said:
5'7 and 123 lbs. How jealous am I right now?
You're not the only one.

Choco_Sushi_Nut said:
i kno this has nothing with the nat/nick relationship, but what about the silencer events.. when eric *cough* hugs nat... we learn she loves midori (that green stuff)... jus wondering.. XDDDD
I remember that scene. And, being an Eric/Natalia shipper, I watched it a billion times.

...And I squee'd.

Let me introduce you to the Eric/Natalia shipping thread, my friend. (I tried to give you the link over at, but it didn't work.)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Oh well. I just went off on a small rant in the IA thread, and I've calmed down now. ELR's performance was really great, wasn't it?

Esp starting crying like that with H, what a finale!
I'm kinda sad to see Nick go, I thought they could have done so much more.

Interesting thought on the will.
And then Nick's mom askied Nat about getting his things, that at least means Nat is still talking to her MIL. hmmmmmmm.

"Complicated" yes, that's more or less how I'd describe their relatioship.

As for Valera, she'd a dumb goose for dating a dangerous guy.

DUHH. And to thinlk our Natalia wen't over there to save her, if need be.

I don't like the fact that the writers had her sleep with him. If they wanted to place her at the scene, let them have a fight or something, and her ahir found in the kitchen.
That's all I'm going to say on the subject, enought with sexual relationships to the left and to the right. Let Nat be single for a while now.

ANd then, did I mention how much I loved the last scene with H?. squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Good writers, good writers.
Now if they always did stuff like that, right.

Calleigh was acting strange, though. Telling on Nat like that.
That's bad girlfriend behavior.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Nice pics!
maybe she's kept her name that way or something?

What a nice outfit! And that little handbag..... I'm a total sucker for handbags..................
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Its really gotten pretty.

I dunno why they would still have her last as that, unless they just didn't pay attention.
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