Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

No, LOL. I watch it because I like it but I stare at all the males! And I believe it's Calleigh (my dog's name is Callie though :D)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Oh ok good, and I'd like to apologize to her in person for spelling her name wrong :D
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

cainesugar you could've totally freaked me out with the name change thing. Glad you're still around! :D

Natalia worked with Ryan last night?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Ooo spotted Eva on Diagnosis Murder today over here in the UK. Apart from the hair looking shocking she pretty much looked the same as now, nice and lovely.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

shocking hair huh?
I'm currently watching Dallas. A part from being a surprisingly cool show, everyone, including the guys had like, HUGE hair. Ecept JR, he's all gelled down.

Love it though. The people who wrote the stuff are pure geniuses.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

i loved Natalia last night! and again someone is been listening to me because she worked with Ryan again! When Tripp said that he would want to kill the guy who hurt Eric i was happy to see that she was worried to. It would have been nice to see her at the hospital but its not easy for her, he's a coworker but he's also her ex boyfriend. When she went on the beach with Tripp i was like " girl youre shoes are so gonna be a mess!"
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

I agree, I loved her last night.. the beach scene, i was glad she didn't stop and was like, "I gotta take off my shoes first" she just went full into it, she kicked ass in this ep, and I agree It would have been nice to see her at the hospital, but yeah she was needed elsewhere.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

veggie said:
i loved Natalia last night!
Me, too! She was a beast. :D

She got to drive the Hummerrrrrrrrrrrr. (Sorry, Frank. Maybe next time.)

I loved her whole demeanor when her and Tripp found the "kidnapped" woman. She let the woman know who she was, she repeated several times that the woman was safe, she knelt down to be level with the woman as opposed to towering over her, she was compassionate, she explained what was going to happen, she rubbed the woman's back when her and Frank helped her up, etc., etc.

I wonder if any of her actions there were inspired from her own past. Last season during the episode "Shattered," she implied to Ryan that she'd been at a crime scene prior to the one they were at: "Second. First by choice." Maybe that's how the police acted toward Natalia when they arrived at her own crime scene? Or maybe Natalia helps out a lot more with her underground group and actually helps rescue and/or help and/or calm the abused women down...

Either way, it was nice to see that side of Natalia. Very professional and very compassionate.

And then when her and Horatio were interrogating the woman... (Was Kathy her name?) "We would call that a confession." That was one of several awesome lines from her last night.

...When is Natalia going to get qualified for a gun? SRSLY. What's the hold up?

Another awesome line of the night: "Very Indiana Jones." The deliverance, to me, was really funny.

I liked the exchange between Natalia and Valera... it was cute! "Nat, I'm a DNA girl. You're gonna have to help me on this one." ...I'd love to read a fic about their friendship, or something. I mean... they must've spent an awful lot of time together in the DNA lab last season.

One question I have is how does Natalia know so much about these diamonds? She just started spewing out all of this information... It was kind of like "whoa, okay..."

For some reason, I was really surprised when the jewelry store owner called Natalia "Officer." I was like: "..." It just sounded weird. "Officer Boa Vista." Heh.

She gave a shout out to Google! Wooooooo! (I'm not sure why I found that so funny.)

Did anyone else notice that she took H's stance when she was talking with him in the hallway? He was looking down one way, she was looking the other... I giggled through that whole scene.

I LOVED the look Natalia gave the jewelry store owner after her and Ryan handed over the search warrant and went into the back room. That was great.

Another look I loved was the one Natalia and Ryan shared after the jewelry store woman said to keep the police out because they'll scare her staff. It made me giggle. They were kind of like, "well, okay, then."

Ryan loves saying Natalia's name, doesn't he?

I also thought the one scene with her and Ryan in the attic of the jewelry store was great, too. Did you see how pissed she was at the woman for having those kids up there? Eva played that really, really well.

Overall, another awesome episode for Natalia and Eva. (And her suit was awesome, too! :D)

veggie said:
When she went on the beach with Tripp i was like " girl youre shoes are so gonna be a mess!"
I was thinking the same thing! I was actually focused on her shoes the entire time her and Tripp were walking... I was waiting for the heels to sink into the sand and for her to fall backwards.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

veggie said:
" girl youre shoes are so gonna be a mess!"

i was thinking the same thing...only about her whole outfit!!

soo...something strike anybody else as off about this ep. i dont know wat it is--i need to watch it again or something, but it felt er i dunno. the acting was fab--as per usual! And i loved Eva/Nat/all of her scenes! But still somethings nagging me, i dunno. it could be that test i was suposed to be studying for :devil: wat do u'all think?

oh--and it's not that she doesnt look fab in black, but do they dress Calleigh in all black WAY too much? i mean she is suposed to be in Miami...

oh..and i have an Eric/Nat fic up on think some of y'all are on here too--it's called "Some One to Stop Him"

and if i'm not allowed to talk about fics on here then oops! lemme know :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

I do not like Natalia....she seems to snobby and she acts like she's better than everone else.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Boy. Finally people who like her. When I used to hang around here almost everyone hated her.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
soo...something strike anybody else as off about this ep. i dont know wat it is--i need to watch it again or something, but it felt er i dunno. the acting was fab--as per usual! And i loved Eva/Nat/all of her scenes! But still somethings nagging me, i dunno. it could be that test i was suposed to be studying for :devil: wat do u'all think?
I don't know... I didn't find the episode to be "off"... Do you mean the episode in general? Or Eva/Natalia in the episode?

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
oh..and i have an Eric/Nat fic up on think some of y'all are on here too--it's called "Some One to Stop Him"

and if i'm not allowed to talk about fics on here then oops! lemme know :)
Well... We can mention fics, but the focus of our posts can't be about them... or... at least... I think that's how it is. I'm sure a moderator will pop their head in soon to explain. (They tend to do that sometimes. Pretty helpful, actually.)

But... I read your fic and I seriously love it. There's only recently been an outburst of Natalia fics coming out... and I love 'em! (P.S. -- I'm spiritx33.)

iluv_ryan said:
I do not like Natalia....she seems to snobby and she acts like she's better than everone else.
I'm sorry you feel this way. Maybe your mind'll change one day... and if that ever happens, feel free to stop by here again. :)

AlexxWoods said:
Boy. Finally people who like her. When I used to hang around here almost everyone hated her.
It's the infamous AlexxWoods! (Well... infamous to me. I once read this thread from the beginning [as well as the Eric/Natalia one] and I saw all of your posts, and I was like, "This person is freakin' awesome!" ...And then I realized that you weren't posting here anymore, and I was like, "Awwwwwwww, darn.") But, yay! You're here now! :D
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Boa_Vista_Fan said
Well... We can mention fics, but the focus of our posts can't be about them... or... at least... I think that's how it is. I'm sure a moderator will pop their head in soon to explain. (They tend to do that sometimes. Pretty helpful, actually.)

Correct. ;) The occasional mention that a fic is updated -in these forums - should be fine, as long as the main focus of your post isn't entirely about it. That's why we have a Fan Fiction forum. :)


Oh and I have actually liked the abundance of Natalia storylines. We've really gotten to know her character, and I've had the chance to really warm up to her and find out what she's all about. :) I really loved 'Internal Affairs' when she was in the interrogation room with Jake. I found that they played off of each other well, and it was a brilliantly done scene.

I also loved the emotion at the end of the episode, though I'm sure it's been discussed in here many times. ;) I think I'm going to enjoy her character for the rest of the season.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

By the way I wasn't trying to offend any Natalia fans out here by me say I didn't like her...;)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Boa_Vista_Fan said:
I'm sorry you feel this way. Maybe your mind'll change one day... and if that ever happens, feel free to stop by here again. :)

I'm sure you didn't intend it, but it sounded like you were implying that only those who have positive opinions of Natalia are allowed to post in here, when that isn't the case at all. All opinions are allowed in any of the threads, positive or negative. :)

iluv_ryan said:
By the way I wasn't trying to offend any Natalia fans out here by me say I didn't like her...;)

It's quite alright, iluv_ryan. The character threads are not just for those who like the character. They are for discussion of the characters and all opinions are welcome, positive and negative. All we ask is that you provide evidence to back up your opinions--positive or negative--and not to attack or flame those whose opinion may differ from yours. :)
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