Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

i just wrote this, but i'm not seeing it and will try again:)

and i'd like to point out that i'm that bored right now....


i just watched the preview for next weeks ep and it looks like there is a moment wen nat looks in her rearview mirror? so, is nick following her? is that wat ticks eric off? and with all that needs to happen and hopefully be revealed any chance this will be a "to be continued" ep? huh? lemme no!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Hello iwatchtoomuchTV, and welcome to the Miami fourm, we hope you're enjoying yourself thus far.

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

i love Natalia Boa Vista.

i empythize with her soo much about her ex husband.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
oh...and thank you for the welcome!!!!!!!!
To quote Horatio from Darkroom: "Not a problem." :p

Well... what about when Horatio was being framed last season? He wasn't thrown in jail, was he? I don't think Natalia will go to jail... my guess is she'll probably be kept in holding until her name is cleared. (Which probably won't take very long, seeing as how there's going to be too many things packed into this episode.)

PungoXmyXdarling said:
And I would love to see the episode this month (at least) because in my country everything comes out later and it sucks. It really does.
Oooooh... Are you still in season four, then? (If it makes you feel any better, Natalia becomes more tolerable in season five.) ;)

AshleyWillows said:
i love Natalia Boa Vista.

i empythize with her soo much about her ex husband.
And I totally love you. :D Yeah... I think one of the reasons why I adore Natalia so much is that I can somewhat relate and almost perfectly understand her situation. And kudos to her on how far she's come since.

Make way for the spoiler spaceeeeeeeeeee!

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
she's liked trapped in that photo! and how creepy that he still has pics of her sitting on the shelf.
Okay, so I'm not the only one who sees the hold he has her in. Goooooooooood.

Like veggie said, while they both look happy, the way Nick is holding her is just... Eh. He's got his right arm wrapped around her upper body and secured by the grip he has on her left arm, and then his left arm is wrapped around her middle...

It almost looks like she could be crushed at any second.

And I was also thinking the same thing about Nick still having the picture on display in his home. I found it kind of odd at first, but then I realized... he still loves her. Whether it's his sick kind of love he had in the past or the kind of beautiful love we all know and enjoy, he still feels something for her.

When he turned up at her crime scene in If Looks Could Kill and started with his whole little "a man can change!" speech, he also reached forward to take her hand... but she flipped out before he had the opportunity.

And then in Death Eminent when he gave her the ring he found at the crime scene... Now I'll totally admit that some of the things he said in the beginning were creepy, but he sounded so sincere when he gave her that open invitation to get her wedding ring back.

...I'm trying to remember if I had a point to all of this... Hmm. Oh, well.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**


Hey Boa Vista Fan---isnt playing nice wat guys like him do to reel their wives or girlfriends back in? :confused:

and i would totally freak out if he tried to take my hand after he broke my arm! EEP!

Does anyone know how long they've been divorced and he's been in jail? In the pregnancy scare ep with eric she tells him she hasnt been with anyone since her any ideas? this is info i'm trying to get straightened out for my fic. i want to try to have an accurate timeline.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

i dont think anybody know how long she's been divorced. i didnt know that eric was the first since her divorce. So thats probably why she agreed with the i wont date just you from Eric, wich i think was unfair for her, i mean she didnt want to go out with Ryan because she was with Eric.

anyway, everytime A&E play peisode from season 4 i never see its always at a time when i cant watch it :mad:! but yesterday i saw the episode where she invite ryan to her party and i found it so nice. its like she always saw him as a friend, i mean he was the only csi invited so i cant blame him for believing she had a thing for him. poor sweet Ryan!! i think its clear (in my head) that Eric and Nat are done. They had fun but she is the kind of person who want a real relationship that have a future.

So know that nick is dead natalia isnt really a divorce woman anymore. Well thats how it works, the ex died the past doesnt really exist anymore, its over!! She wont have to worry about him coming back and hurting her, she can start dating like a normal, strong woman now if she wants to, or she can have cats!!! So since i think Natalia didnt do it, that means she wont have any kind of punisment from the IAB right? She's innocent so there's noting to blame her for. i really hope its not random, it would not make sense. by the way, am i the only one who think Nick moved on to fast?! i mean a minute he's almost begging Nat to get back together and the minute after he's dating Valera, plus he still has a picture of him and Nat soo, its just weird. i rewatch the preview and yeah he really hold her in a scary way i dont like it anymore!!

i'm sooo mad right now i just found out that i failed my biology class damn it, i hate you biology!!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Don't worry about biology. the school kind I mean. If you just failed one test never mind, it's just one subject and I'm sure you're reallyt good at something else. Depending on what grade you're in, soon you'll hit that grade when you get to choose a bit more!

And I know it doens't seem like it while you're there, but HIghschool is a short (albeit very important, but short) period of your life.

As for Nat:
Edited to add Spoiler Space ;)

Iì'm kind of wondering if the situation with Nick will come back and haunt her now that he's dead?
I'm saying this because a friend of mine was married to a Nick kind of guy ( mental abuse, scary stuff) and they had separated when he suddenly went off and crashed his car recently.

She's suddenly bawling her eyes out for a guy she'd come to hate. She's even gone so far as to bringing their kids to his (mean old hag abusive) mother.
And she's sad for real, it's not a "funeral show" sorrow.

go figure. the guy was a real ass.
If you ask me she's better off a widow. But maybe it'll taka a while for her to see it that way.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

thanks for the support! what makes me mad is that i wont be able to change teacher when i take the class back an by the way i'm no longer in high school im in college trying to become a dietetician. thank again for the moral support!

yeah i'm scared to that Natalia will feel bad about his death and then start being a sad widow. I want her to see this has a opportunity to move on for good.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. college. oh sweet time of staying up all night, AND no worries about having to go work.
have fun!!!!!!!!! is all I can say.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
Hey Boa Vista Fan---isnt playing nice wat guys like him do to reel their wives or girlfriends back in? :confused:
Good point. Every situation is different, but that's usually the case... Bob hits Jane, Jane doubts him and their relationship, he apologizes and finds some sweet way to make it up to her, and then she easily forgives him. It's like she's brainwashed into believing that he's right, that she needs him, and that she deserves whatever she gets. She truly believes he loves her.

I don't know if this is the case with Nick/Natalia, though. At this point, it just seems that he really wants her back... And it's kind of odd that he's spent several years in jail after being sent there by Natalia for hurting her, and yet he still comes right back for her. When law enforcement steps in, the abuser usually backs off. (Especially if he/she went to jail for their actions.)

...I apologize ahead of time if that made no sense.

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
Does anyone know how long they've been divorced and he's been in jail?
It all depends on what he was charged with, I suppose. My guess is they divorced not too long before the trial. And then, in the case of domestic abuse situations, the abuser (if he/she is found guilty), usually doesn't spend too much time in jail... about two years. (Give or take.) And since Natalia was Nick's "first stop" after getting out of jail... And taking into account the fact that he was released early... Maybe Natalia's nightmare ended a little less than seven or eight months before Natalia started at the lab with the federal grant?

That was completely a guess, though. For all I know, that could be completely wrong.

veggie said:
but yesterday i saw the episode where she invite ryan to her party and i found it so nice. its like she always saw him as a friend, i mean he was the only csi invited so i cant blame him for believing she had a thing for him.
I don't think Ryan was the only CSI she invited to her party. He's the only one we saw her giving a (verbal) invitation to, but I'm sure there were others. The only reason we saw her invite him was so that her and Eric could break up in a later episode. (Dead Air, if I'm not mistaken.)

Spoilers, my friends!

Juma said:
Iì'm kind of wondering if the situation with Nick will come back and haunt her now that he's dead?
I'm saying this because a friend of mine was married to a Nick kind of guy ( mental abuse, scary stuff) and they had separated when he suddenly went off and crashed his car recently.

She's suddenly bawling her eyes out for a guy she'd come to hate. She's even gone so far as to bringing their kids to his (mean old hag abusive) mother.
And she's sad for real, it's not a "funeral show" sorrow.

go figure. the guy was a real ass.
If you ask me she's better off a widow. But maybe it'll taka a while for her to see it that way.
While your friend's reaction to her ex's death isn't surprising, they probably won't focus on Natalia's emotions and reaction after Internal Affairs is over. (This is CSI: Miami, after all. The writers and continuity aren't exactly best friends.)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

little less than seven or eight months before Natalia started at the lab
sounds plausible.

I was thinking Nick would have spent like at the most 1 year in jail.

Natalia was supershocked to see him out of jail, so it must have been waaaaaaaaaay early. He probably got out on good behavior or something.


So let's see.
- Nick beats Nat up so badly that she goes to the police. He gets arrested, and then there is a trial, and he goes to jail for a year.This is a first offence, and he's behaving like an angel in jail.

I have NO idea about time frames here, but let's just for arguments sake give it three months between the police report and the sentence.

I'm thinking with the photoevidence there would be no mistrials or appeals.

So if he was given, say a year, he was elegible for parole after what? half time?

if I'm not getting too cunfused myself, then say Natalia was hired during the summer of 2005, and Nick got out during the summer of 2006. Things don't really add up.

But with some writer's license, let's then say that when Nat was hired, Nick had just been incarcerated.

So I'm placing Natalia's hiring in Septmeber and Nick's release somewhere in June, he then get's organised and comes to Miami in September then it adds up.

In case someone is still reading my train of thoughts, I think he spent waaaaaaaaaaay to little time in jail.


EDITED by Juma because my evil snooping boss unit came sneaking up at me and rudely interrupted my private stuff LOL ;)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Boa -- Did you ever make those icons? :D

Thanks for all the background and such. I haven't watched in awhile. I can't wait to see this episode and how it turns out. Hope it goes okay :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Well... Let's see what we do know... (A lot of what is on this list probably won't help us much, but I'm listing everything I know of about Natalia's relationship with Nick as it was mentioned on the show. And some things that could somehow be possibly related to their relationship.)

4.01: From The Grave September 2005
[*]Natalia arrives at the Crime Lab.

4.05: Three-Way October 2005
[*]Natalia tells Eric that he has trust issues.

4.10: Shattered November 2005
[*]When Ryan asks Natalia about living in the rich neighborhood, she replies with: "It's a long story."
[*]He continues on to say that if the story ended with her in the neighborhood, it couldn't have been a bad one. She doesn't respond and instead changes the subject.
[*]When Ryan asks Natalia if that had been her first time at a crime scene, she cryptically responds with: "Second. First by choice."

4.11: Payback December 2005
[*]It is revealed Natalia and Eric are together. (And just implied that they slept together. We find out in "Skeletons" that the two slept together at some point(s).

4.15: Skeletons February 2006
[*]Natalia tells Eric she hasn't been with anyone besides him since her divorce.

4.16: Deviant February 2006
[*]Natalia invites Ryan to her party.

4.17: Collision March 2006
[*]Natalia is shaken when her and Horatio watch Danny in the other room.
[*]When Horatio tells her that the boy is "terrified to talk," Natalia immediately asks if he was abused.
[*]Natalia brushes it off and walks away when Horatio asks if she's okay.
[*]The minute Natalia sees Eric, she asks about the murdered woman.
[*]First cryptic message to Eric: "Maybe her past caught up with her."
[*]Eric asks what that means and she responds with another cryptic message: "Nothing. It's just that some people have secret lives."
[*]Again he asks, and again, we have our cryptic message: "Nothing, okay? Just try to think of her as a person."
[*]She makes sure she's down near the autopsy room to secretly watch Alexx report her findings on the woman to Horatio.
[*]She comes forward to Horatio and explains to him that she's part of an underground organization that protects abused women.
[*]She says she might be able to help with the case and that she'd call some of the other women. "Give me an hour. I'm gonna call some of my contacts. They're spread out everywhere; it's like a big family."
[*]After Eric finds out Natalia's "secret," he asks her if she's safe. She tells him he's in jail. She then goes on to say that everything's okay: "I'm okay Eric. And, you know... we're okay."

4.21: Dead Air April 2006
[*]Natalia freaks out on Eric after Ryan tells her Eric said she was "cleared for landing."

5.01: Rio September 2006
[*]Ryan: "Just because your husband was a b*stard, doesn't mean that they all are." Enough said.

5.02: Going Under September 2006
[*]Natalia tells a lab tech that her ex "broke a gang member's jaw in a barfight six years ago in Atlanta."
[*]Natalia has a small pep talk with a girl during questioning: "You're not a piece of property, Angela. I know what that kind of fear feels like."

5.04: If Looks Could Kill October 2006
[*]Natalia is surprised to see Nick at the Crime Lab: "I don't know how the hell you got out of jail."
[*]Nick tells Natalia he he had an early release. Natalia's group didn't tell her and Nick suggested that her "little group doesn't know everything."
[*]Natalia reminds Nick that she has a temporary restraining order on him, but he tells her it expired.
[*]Nick stalks her at a crime scene.
[*]Natalia tells Nick that he went to prison for breaking her arm.
[*]Nick tells her "a man can change," but she says he can't.
[*]He tries to coax her back but she ends up pushing him. Repeatedly.
[*]Natalia tells Calleigh that she's terrified of Nick but that her therapist thinks "this is some sort of suppressed attraction."
[*]Natalia tells Calleigh that she wants to kill him.
[*]When Horatio tells Natalia that Nick filed a T.R.O. against her, she responds with: "You know, this is what he does, Horatio. He comes in and he wrecks everything."
[*]She tells Horatio that he doesn't understand her situation.
[*]She's convinced that Nick is going to hurt her and that he's just waiting for the chance.
[*]Natalia and Nick make a deal: they forget the past, he drops the T.R.O., and she starts treating him "like a human being." She has to be "civil at crime scenes."
[*]When Eric asks if she really wants to make this deal, she immediately (and I mean immediately) responds with "NO." She then goes on to mention that she needs some way to pay the rent.

5.05: Death Eminent October 2006
[*]As Natalia was walking up to the crime scene, Nick pulls up behind her, honks his horn, and goes on about the dead body and how he'll get over-time. She replies with: "Nice way with words, Nick."
[*]She rolls her eyes and walks off when Nick suggests the two of them "get dirty."
[*]Nick calls Natalia up on her cell phone. When she says she's busy, Nick pops up behind her: "I don't see anyone."
[*]He begins recalling a time in an elevator where she was "getting so crazy" and her "hand kept getting caught..." but she stopped him.
[*]After Nick hands her evidence he found at the crime scene, she turns to leave but he grabs her hand to keep her there.
[*]Nick tells her he still has her wedding ring from the night she walked out.
[*]Natalia really pauses to think about Nick's offer of getting the ring back, but she finally pulls away without saying a word.

5.08: Darkroom November 2006
[*]Nick gives Erica the names of Natalia's two sisters. (Christine and Anya.)

5.10: Come As You Are December 2006
[*]Natalia is immediately suspicious when she sees Nick talking to Valera and thinks it was herself that he was asking for.
[*]Natalia tells Valera that she's not mad at her.

I typed up all of this earlier so that I could analyze it to get a rough timeline, but I just don't have the time or the energy right now. Maybe you guys could.

CathStokes said:
Boa -- Did you ever make those icons? :D
Nope. We just started learning the basics of Photoshop and now we've switched back to Adobe Pagemaker, so this could take a while.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

OMGoodness Boa_Vista_Fan! that timeline is really detailed! i luv it!! thanks for posting it! and thanks to everyone who posted their thoughts on the timeline...i think it's a bit screwy ;P it's even harder for me to try to figure out bc i've only watched this season and a few eps from last season here and there!

i have had so many fic ideas that i cant remember wat i wanted to originally write about anymore. like each idea is different but they are so similar that i should just pic one and run with it. does that make sense?

i think i'm going to start from "if looks could kill" and start rewriting stuff. bc i think it would happen differently. is that the same for y'all. did you expect the nat/nick plot to play out differently?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

ohhhhhhhh BOA! that was awesome! nice time line there! I love it :) *jumps up and down*

I didn't remember Nick broke a gangmembers jaw in Atlanta.
Mayve in the end

maybe it's no one in the lab that offed Nick? maybe the gang member came back? gang members tend to get real iffy about someone messing with them, no??

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