Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

its so great!!!! wow there is a lot of AMC people and its sweet from them to say they miss her! And oh my god Adam was great!Emily was so funny with her cheerleader style! everybody was great but the breast joke was a little to much for me but i guess its a AMC joke. thanks for finding that it was great!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

snort! that was cute :)
Adam was particularly cute.
Anyone know where they filmed the CSI part? that kitchen is on the CSI set??
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Yeah, wasn't that hilarious?

Juma said:
Anyone know where they filmed the CSI part? that kitchen is on the CSI set??
My guess it was in one of their trailers. That's kind of what it looks like to me.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

They have trailers like that? I think that trailer must be bigger than my appt!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Yup. Believe it or not, there are trailers like that... and I'm sure the world's most watched show has some. :D

I wonder if each cast member gets his/her own trailer... Hmm...

So, is anyone else sad to see this storyline come to an end so soon? I feel like they could do so much more with it. Maybe they'll go all out in Internal Affairs... After all, that's the whole plot, no? Perhaps we'll learn even more about Natalia and Nick's relationship.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

i also think its kinda early to get rid of the guy but it would have bothered me so much if he was to ruin Nat's life. so better dead now! i'd like to know more to about what happen between them. like how long did she wait before going to the police and get rid of him. only a week left till we see internal affair i cant wait!!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

So who saw the preview for next week's episode? Who's excited? (Poor Natalia. :()

I think we'll find out much more about the mysterious Natalia/Nick relationship in this episode. I mean... in the interrogation room, I'm sure they'll bring up the past abuse and whatnot... Possible motive right there. (Although we know she didn't do it. I mean... come on, now.)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

hey, i'm new here and just started watching csi miami. i've watched csi forever, but needed a change of scenery. anyway maybe bc i just came in i luv natalia and eva. in case this is spoilerific i'll put space here...

and i think they completely botched the Nat/Nick story. they may still be able to save it. but i want some real background information. i mean the "ring caught in the hotel" and all his references about how crazy she is. and like how long they were married. i want it all!!!!

i REALLY cant wait to see wat nick does to provoke eric. like if he says something about natalia. anyway i wish they had nick in more b4 they killed him. he was a good bad guy. and i dont think he would be able to keep his distance from nat like that. i think he should have been calling her more and just have her hang up or change her number. and her trying more to get him away from her. not too much screne time, just understood tension u no.

anyway...i got a fanfic working in my head and am going to start working on it soon and will post it on will let u all no.

warning... i'm a huge fan of damsels in distress who are either rescued or save themselves or a lil of both. i'm hopeless.

anyway....cant wait till monday!!! praying that we find out more about her past! i'm nosey and i cant help it!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
hey, i'm new here and just started watching csi miami. i've watched csi forever, but needed a change of scenery. anyway maybe bc i just came in i luv natalia and eva.
Welcome to the thread! It's great to see a new face (or... err... a new username, I suppose) in here.

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
and i think they completely botched the Nat/Nick story. they may still be able to save it. but i want some real background information. i mean the "ring caught in the hotel" and all his references about how crazy she is. and like how long they were married. i want it all!!!!
Don't give up hope! Like I said earlier, I'm sure we'll get some more information in next week's episode. I mean... the preview for it is dedicated entirely to this storyline. How can we not get more information on Natalia/Nick?


iwatchtoomuchTV said:
i REALLY cant wait to see wat nick does to provoke eric. like if he says something about natalia.
Me, too! The fight looked insanely heated.

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
anyway i wish they had nick in more b4 they killed him. he was a good bad guy.
I agree. Rob Estes does an amazing job with his character. And as horrible of a person as Nick is, he's really intriguing and brings something different (a good different) to the show.

iwatchtoomuchTV said:
anyway...i got a fanfic working in my head and am going to start working on it soon and will post it on will let u all no.
I'm currently writing a fic, too. I'm done with the first chapter and will be uploading it to shortly.

Hooray for Natalia fics! There aren't nearly enough of them out there.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Wait. I haven't watched Miami in awhile, yall are gonna have to catch me up. Nick died?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

CathStokes said:
Wait. I haven't watched Miami in awhile, yall are gonna have to catch me up. Nick died?


No, Nick didn't die... yet. He dies in next week's episode. If you want,'s InnerTube has the preview up.

Speaking of the preview... Did anyone catch how Nick was holding Natalia in the picture Frank found? Maybe I'm giving it too much thought, but he has her in a freakin' hold, dude.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

i dont know about the picture, i just thought they looked happy. i think he wasnt a psycho when she married him, but god knows why he became a big scary jerk. i hope we learn more about them during the episode. also if they arrest Nat that means she will go to jail for some times like Hawke in csi ny. So if she go in jail who will pick her up to drive her home? if that happen i think its gonna be Horatio or Calleigh.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Hmm, she's not the killer? I hoped so ;)
Tho I really don't like her, but I won't post my opinion here.. just that it's better to learn from your mistakes (that was meant for me, yeah :D).
And I would love to see the episode this month (at least) because in my country everything comes out later and it sucks. It really does. I think I will see the epi (from tv) like in AUTUMN, but right now I'm hoping for fanfictions and caps.
Stay Cool^___^
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

er...i dont know how to quote people yet but BOA VISTA FAN! i totally see wat ur talking about...

spoiler space&(*(*&(*&(*&(*&(*(*

she's liked trapped in that photo! and how creepy that he still has pics of her sitting on the shelf.

o...and real life i would so not mind being Eva in that pic :) big ;D
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