Name the Episode

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Hmm...I could have sworn Horatio said "We need a fishing trip" in s3 Hell night. But i've been wrong recently so who knows.

And Lucy the problem is there are just to many cops getting killed on Miami. It makes it hard.
season 2?? Really?? :eek: Honestly, my next try was going to be "Hell Night", but that's season 3. :(
But unfortunately, I don't know it. I mean, I remember this passage (at least I think H is talking to Ray Jr., isn't he? :confused:), but I don't really remember it.
Yes, I thought he might have been talking to Ray Jr. too so I thought it was season four. That also explains why I wasn't familiar with the quote. :p
I'm pretty sure it is 'Hell Night', so maybe speedmonkey should go ahead with another quote. :)

I think Pusher maybe offline, so I hope I'm right. If not, apologies. ;)
I'm pretty sure I am right, Lucy. Because I remember Yelina and Rick came over and then they left in the elevator and then the episode ends with Horatio's face....but if I'm wrong then just ignore this quote.

Calleigh: So what are the first few pages about?
Is it from Fade Out? The season 4 ep with the college kids writing the screen play? I wasn't going to guess, but seeing as no one else has... anyway, if I'm right, you'll have to pass it off to someone else, as I won't have internet access for the next two weeks. If I'm wrong, well, then, continue on as usual :)
Probably is, since Katie's fav season 4 ep is Fade out....although, it's the only one she liked lol I feel like I know everything about you Katie lol
ilovegrissom1 said:
Probably is, since Katie's fav season 4 ep is Fade out....although, it's the only one she liked lol I feel like I know everything about you Katie lol

Katie run, it looks like you have a stalker.
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