Name the Episode

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aaww bless, but next time we will all make sure you are here for a good guess and we will bring in some other food stuffs so you dont have to eat anything you don't like heeheehee :lol:
:D *gives cakes, coffee and fruit juice to everyone who wants to have a cosy place here and a nice time with an easy quote* ;)

Horatio: "Bag it, tag it and let's see what else is here"
*sits with cakes, coffee, and fruit juice and settles down to think about the quote* See I recognize it, but for some reason I just can't put my finger on it....god how stupid am I...:lol:
I recognize that quote ummmmmmmm ugh...I'll have to rewatch all my miami dvds when I'm on my way to the shore.
Hmm...I"m thinking season 1...A horrible sounds really familiar but I can't think. Ugh, I'm probably way off.
Hmmm...I have no idea. It sounds so familiar and I can't place it. Camp Fear....all though I think I'm wrong once again.
Ergh this is drivin me bonkers. I can see Horatio standin there. But I can't think of what's around him to try and figure out the episode. Now I'm thinking Losing Face.
I'm sorry katpin37191 and speedmonkey2. It's neither "Golden Parachute" nor "Camp Fear". But nevertheless good answers. :)

Yeah Lucy, you're right. :D Your turn
Yay! :D

Okay, next one:

Horatio: They hit one of us, they hit us all.
Hmm...nice one Lucy. Ugh I don't know what it is but the show takes a break for the summer and so does my brain.

Ugh this one sounds so familiar to.....Losing Face?
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