Name the Episode

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ilovegrissom1 said:
Probably is, since Katie's fav season 4 ep is Fade out....although, it's the only one she liked lol I feel like I know everything about you Katie lol

I think I do have a stalker. Geez you talk to someone on Msn and this is what happens. I'm just kiddin. You know i love ya Jess.

But yes you are right DragonFlyDreamer. It is Fade Out. I was going to do another scene. The one with Salucci and Horatio and Frank but then I thought it would probably not be best because of my theories *Coughs* anyways YOUR TURN!
*stalks Katie* teehee
She's not online, she said to pass it on to someone else since she doesn't have internet access.
you'll have to pass it off to someone else, as I won't have internet access for the next two weeks
So who wants to take a crack at it? lol
Oh I'll take a stab at it. Of course it'll be easy for a lot of people...

Calleigh: The old ones look the same as the fresh ones, I got some on ma boot.
Speed: *smirks* Well that's one way to collect evidence.
Calleigh: *smiles* I'll take it.
:lol: I knew you'd get that one pretty quick. But, yes it's Extreme. Your turn. :)
Well I happen to know that one. It helps to memorize seasons one and two. ;)

That would be Camp Fear. :)
You are correct Geni. And that statement however is correct. I'm in choir and I am definatley not on the A list. lol. Anywhosie your turn.

And awww maybe you'll get it next time jess.
:lol: Oh Katie you crack me up. Who needs to be on the A-list? Not us because we're happy being losers and CSI fanatics. :p (Okay we're not losers)

Horatio: Yes, I didn't know what I was doing and I certainly didn't know it was wrong.

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