Multishippers Sanctuary.

I picked up on YoBling from very early in the series and have always loved it to bits...recently been sailin' on the good ships Texas Hold 'Em and Norwasian...I'm not really anti any particular ship - some just make more sense to me than others.

But then I guess us multis must be openminded sorts, because this is the most fun, civil, squee-happy thread I've seen in a while!

Norwasian!! :D Guh. I love it! I've always been a closet fan of Greg and Archie, but never had a name for it. Norwasain. :D I'm getting entirely too much enjoyment out of this. *grinning like a maniac* :D

Oh....Onigami:I luv your avatar!!

Thanks RickandCath... It came to me and my friend at four in the morning while we were trying to write papers for assorted English classes. :lol:
*basking in the sun shiney thread*... Oh, yeah, y'alls can call me Sunny :D

Query: what's DFO mean? I heard it on the show one time & was all :confused:
Query: what's DFO mean? I heard it on the show one time & was all

"Done fell over". Used to describe a victim who has died under completely mysterious circumstances - witnesses, if any, "don't know what happened, he just done fell over".

Apparently in this ep Liz Vassey appears as a new lab tech who thinks Greg has a thing for her, if she becomes a regular character something tells me I'll have a new ship to love.
"Done fell over".

"I see," said the blind shipper... thanx Robin

Liz Vassey appears as a new lab tech

MIA COME BACK!!!!... I think the new chick is cool tho' but I <3'd Greg/Mia spesh the convo about expectorant :lol: that made me a shipper for them... Ain't the new girl from SF like Sara tho'... hmmmm replacement therapy anyone? "Anyone? The Great Depression."
*stands up*

My name is R.C. and I'm a multishipper. I've been a multishipper for some time now. Originally the only ship I enjoyed was Grissom and Lady Heather as a couple, Warrick as a solo but last season opened up Yobling for me and this season has made me a Snickers. For now, it seems I wont see much of Griss and Lady Heather but I'm happy to have my Yobling and Snickers.

I dont 'hate' on GCR because I've always loved their interaction, even if I dont feel a romantic line between them. Just as I'm not a ship of slash but enjoy their threads as well. *mental note... need to drop in and say 'hi' on GCR thread... very cool people there*

ok, now i need to visit the 'long post annonymous' thread :p

*sits down and smiles at everyone* :D
From the one clip that I've seen of the new DNA chick, I think I might have a new ship to sail involving her and Cath - she's in the lab 5 minutes and she's already asking the redhead out? You go girl!

Also, from the tone of Cath's voice when Sofia turned up at the crime scene, I started imagining all sorts of little scenarios going on there - to me her tone was all like "Honey what are you doing here, you know we can't work together cuz I have a problem keeping my hands to myself..."

And when Sofia asked Sara where Grissom was and then walked towards the house, Sara turned her head and was *definitely* checking Sofia out...

And of course, lots of Sara/Cath interaction last night too *squeeeeeeeee*

So, all in all *squeeeeeeeee* - Four femmeslash pairings in one episode. Made this shippers heart skip several beats :D
Yes forensicsgirl Squeee! Lots of new ships to sail!!

ok, now i need to visit the 'long post annonymous' thread
Darling did you see my last post in here?! It's a novel! ;) I enjoy a good well explained long posts. yours is fine.
Wow acceptance at last. Shippers fans who won't yell at me for not being able to make up my mind on GSR or Grillows or Snickers...Thank you!
Shippers fans who won't yell at me for not being able to make up my mind on GSR or Grillows or Snickers

GAH! I KNOW, I hate when that happens... I don't like it when I can't share my giddyness over a ship that's in conflict w/my other ship... Snickers/Swarrick por ejemplo... cos sometimes you get close to the ppl who post in one thread but that's THE breaking point *dun dun dun* the RIVAL ship... some ppl get so possesive over ships sometimes, I should say 'passionate' for their ships actually... & I don't blame them, cos everyone can get like that... so I jus keep quiet cos it's easier

Oh yeah, there was a topic... Uh, I started shipping when I used to watch GI Joe w/my daddy when I was like, three... I kid you not... stop laughing :lol:... I thought Lady J & Flint, I think was his name, should have gotten married & then I thought Scarlett & Duke should have gotten married too... & I used to ship Fred & Daphne on Scooby-Doo & Shaggy & Velma who could adopt Scooby to be their kid... then I used to ship... then my mum would watch LA Law & I shipped Susan Day & Jimmy Smits & I REMEMBERED when they hooked up too!!! & then she used to watch thirtysomething & I used to ship a whole crap loada ppl on that lil' show... so yeah the list goes on & on...

So I've kinda been a shipper for life, but only realised what I was doing was 'normal' & that ppl do it all the time, they just don't like to admit it, & I found my little on-line world, YAY ME!...

But I REALLY started to come to the realisation that I was a multi when I couldn't choose between Sara/Warrick or Sara/Nick & then I found yous guys, my ppl :D... Weird huh?
I used to ship Fred & Daphne on Scooby-Doo & Shaggy & Velma who could adopt Scooby to be their kid...
OH my goddess! I did that too! Yay Scooby-Doo! Don't they remind you of the cast of CSI? Someone brought that up in the thongs thread and I still think that's funny. Sara is Velma, Cath is Daphne, Fred is Grissom, and Shaggy and Scooby is some sort of weird Warrick/Nick/Greg combo. Or maybe I'm just weird... that's probably it... nevermind then.

Pre-CSI I shipped a lot, but I never really knew that's what it was called until my CSI story occurred. I shipped a mess load of people on Buffy and Angel. And I also shipped Mulder and Scully on X-Files but who didn't do that?
OH my goddess! I did that too! Yay Scooby-Doo! Don't they remind you of the cast of CSI? Someone brought that up in the thongs thread and I still think that's funny. Sara is Velma, Cath is Daphne, Fred is Grissom, and Shaggy and Scooby is some sort of weird Warrick/Nick/Greg combo. Or maybe I'm just weird... that's probably it... nevermind then.

Pre-CSI I shipped a lot, but I never really knew that's what it was called until my CSI story occurred. I shipped a mess load of people on Buffy and Angel. And I also shipped Mulder and Scully on X-Files but who didn't do that?

TOTALLY! NO FRICKIN' WAY... ok I have officially found my tribe *group hug* tonite we shall smoke a peace pipe :D