Mrs. G vs jkladis: Fight for the Banana

I'm definitely in your corner.

Anyone notice that no one is siding with the man on this one? See what happens when you ignore the spirit of generosity that lives on the board about Carmine? We gang up to take your azz down!!

**scurries off in search of towels and energy drinks**
^ yes, i think you're right, Jo. there is peace at talkCSI because of our generous and sharing natures. imagine we were all jkladis :eek: :eek:

hahahah :lol: i should visit talkCSI more often!

lol, my bet is with MrsG, though. *cheers*
i will be the colorful annoucer!

*Clears throat to make a booming annoucment* aaaaaaaaaand in this corner, not annonucing her weight because she is a lady....Mrs. Giooooooooooooooooooovinaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzoooooooo! *Pauses for applause* and in the other corner jkgirlz or something like that...doesn't matter becuase Mrs.G is gonna win! Let's get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeadddddddddddddy to ruuuuuuuuuuumble! :D
*giggles... chokes on popcorn.. starts coughing... clears throat* GO MRS. G, GO MRS G, GO MRS G!!... Oh and that Banana split... mmhmmm, that will definitley be a good one, and I have some GOOD ideas on what I'm going to do with my share of the *split* and of course, Eddie will be there with me too.. :)
I'll be the ring girl, given the one time I actually held a UFC ring sign at E3 a few years back (no joke, BTW). Of course, given the brevity of the fight, my time strutting my butt around the ring will probably be a short one... :lol:
hehe jkladis you mau as well give up cause you aint gonna beat a Giovinazzo! :lol:

As for my share of the banana split, i think i may jus take the accessories over to carmine's hehe i would much prefer that banana!!!! :devil: :lol:
Mrs.G I think jkladis took the hair from his hairy Greek chest & put it on his head. He could've also bought a toupee. I hear those are very in.

I'll make fan signs. So far I'll be making a lot for the Mrs.G supporters. As for jkladis...well there are none wanted so far. Out of sympthay I'll make him one that he can carry when he enters the match :(.
jorja_fan86 said:
As for jkladis...well there are none wanted so far. Out of sympthay I'll make him one that I can carry when he enters the matcg :(.
Poor jkladis no one wants to support him. See what hapends when you don't share the banana.
Sounds like jkladis is toast up against Mrs.G *go mrs.g, go mrs.g* I'm cheering from down under girls, this might be a good reason to fly over and join in the death match to end all death mathces :lol: I'll bring more popcorn

Afrikana - love your little gambling icon, it's so cute

Cahill fan - love your announcment, your should go professional :lol:
jorja_fan86 said:
The cats can be used for entertainment during the half time show. Having jkladis getting his butt kicked by Mrs.G won't be too much fun as he probably won't do much. Anyway, I think I found something that can lead us to the wearabouts of jkladis...


If they catch him there will not be a fight :(.

:lol: I remember that pose.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Since I haven't seen jkladis in months, I forgot just how damn sexy he is.

You're gonna remember my sexy knuckles milliseconds before I take out the trash.

It's easy to see how he would think Carmine could love him forever. :lol: That's a great pic though because I seem to recall jkladis as balding a little more than that.

Think of me as Mr. Clean, because I'm going to mop the floor with you when I'm done. And I've been training. I found these big rocks in the Giovinazzo landscape to perform squat thrusts with.

Don't worry, we'll fit you in if we have to use a crowbar.

This is the throwdown of the new millennium. I can hardly wait!!!
MrsGiovinazzo said:

I'm loving all the support here, girls. When I win this Deathmatch which I note from the title of this thread is a "Fight for the Banana," I promise to share that banana with all of you. It'll be one giant CSI Files banana split (no banana shall be harmed in the process ;)) with hot fudge and whipped cream galore. And since jkladis refuses to share, he'll be left to clean up when we're done. No banana for him. :(
i think he's had the banana for long enough! it's time he gave it up...

i'll just sit back and enjoy the match... mrs. g is one tough cookie, so i know she can handle jkladis ... ;)