Mrs. G vs jkladis: Fight for the Banana

My money's on MrsG too. At least she'll share Carmine with us. :p Besides, when you go up against a woman on a mission, no man has a chance in hell. :devil:

CSINYRULZ and feenx, I'd like front row seats and popcorn to this event too.
I can't believe I was lucky enough to stumble across a photo of jkladis on google images. He's really bringing sexy back.
Oh of course. It's little wonder Carmine fell under his spell. :rolleyes:

But apparently jkladis took it a little too far. He must have breeched that restraining of his and now Carmine's sent out a Wanted ad.

Trouble in lovers' paradise? :eek:
Okay ladies and germs, i am taking bets. 3 to 1 odds, who is in? i have to say, i think mrs.g can take ya, jk! when is the weigh in?

and hey, if i "think thin" can i squeeze in on that front row? i will bring enough popcorn for everyone!
This is gunna be the event of the century!!!! hehe
jkladis you know you aint gonna get nothing pass Mrs.G!!!! :lol: u gon' get busted!!!!

Mrs.G kick his @ss!!!!!! lol

maybe we should let Carmine referee?? hehe ;)
^^Sure there is Orison. **scoots over so Orison can squeeze in and hands over some popcorn**

BTW, thanks for making room CSINYRULZ. :D
Is there room for me in the front row? Or maybe I should man MrsG's corner? What do you girls think? Maybe me and Springmoon? :lol: :lol: :devil: :devil:
jorja_fan86 said:
Love the poster, jorja! Since I haven't seen jkladis in months, I forgot just how damn sexy he is. It's easy to see how he would think Carmine could love him forever. :lol: That's a great pic though because I seem to recall jkladis as balding a little more than that. :lol:

I'm loving all the support here, girls. When I win this Deathmatch which I note from the title of this thread is a "Fight for the Banana," I promise to share that banana with all of you. It'll be one giant CSI Files banana split (no banana shall be harmed in the process ;)) with hot fudge and whipped cream galore. And since jkladis refuses to share, he'll be left to clean up when we're done. No banana for him. :(

PrettyEyes - Sure you and Springmoon can man my corner. And I believe Top is all set to referee. Anyone else who wants to work this event is more than welcome. All others can pull up a chair, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. We might have to make plans to go out afterward because I don't anticipate this ass whoopin' will take very long.
Mmmm...I have pleny of uses for the banana split and accessories :devil: *is gonna make sure Mac is there to share with her* :devil:
PrettyEyes - Sure you and Springmoon can man my corner. And I believe Top is all set to referee. Anyone else who wants to work this event is more than welcome. All others can pull up a chair, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. We might have to make plans to go out afterward because I don't anticipate this ass whoopin' will take very long.
Oh oh! Can I ring the bell? HAHAHA GO Mrs. G!