C1: Woman who's father was killed in the movie by her order.
C2: American bold guy.
C3: British man.
C4: A singer (she's not a character in the movie).
It's said by Elektra King. Then by Renard with his Rendez-vouz with Bond. After that Bond mentions it to Elektra. And the singer of Garbage sings it in the theme song.
Just a moment, Captain, sir. I'll explain what happened. Your revered Admiral Nogura invoked a little-known, seldom-used "reserve activation clause." In simpler language, Captain, they DRAFTED me.
This one should be relatively easy, but its late and I'm fried. (Oh yes, its spoken by one person)
We are gathered here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. But it should be noted that this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world; a world that our beloved comrade gave his life to protect and nourish. He did not feel this sacrifice a vain or empty one, and we will not debate his profound wisdom at these proceedings. Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human.