Movie Quote Game

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Bonnie and Becky in What's Eating Giolbert GGrissom, uuhm.... Grape :lol:

If it's correct I would like to ask a question for the next quote. Can it be from a tv-show too?
That's right CSI007WW. :D

I would really prefer if we stuck to movie quotes, but I suppose it would be okay if you used a TV show, as long as you state that it's from a TV show, so people know.
OK. I headr this quote and I thought, I have to share this :lol: So it's from a tv-show.

C1: I have a medical condition.
C2: What? Stupidity?

Only need the show. Characters can be left away.
Nope, I can give a hint. The first character is played by the actor who plays that Red Carlton in episode 1.2 Cool Change.
i have no idea who that is, but i'm going to take a stab at it and
There was marihuana foun in the suspect's trailer on which he said in his defence: "I have a medical condition."
Then Gibbs replied: "What? Stupidity?"
lmao :lol:
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