More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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i read something about Danny in pain because of his hand in the spoilers. is it true is it going to be the same hand he was tlaking about y he couldn't play Baseball any more cause somethin happen to him it has to do with his past.
I don't want Danny to be hurting, they just fired my favorite csi on csi miami and Greg just got bit, so I don't want Danny to get hurt, I CANT LOOSE HIM TOO!!!
^^I don't know if it is the same hand. However, I think it's his left hand that gets injured but I can't say for sure. The finale is May 16th, less than two weeks away :D

Here's the rundown: Lindsay spends the night at Danny's apartment and wakes up in his bed, finding out he took her shift. Danny is later taken hostage (along with Adam) and is hit in the hand with the butt of the bad guy's gun, severely injuring it. Flack offers to trade places with the two and Lindsay finds out what is going on. The ending is similar to NWILL with the CSI's barging in and stuff, only this time it's Lindsay who is looking for Danny. There's also a gas leak in the lab when a drug lord tries to regain possession of the seized items.
WOW, thanks for letting us know... Do you think they'll find Danny though? I panic sometimes for no real reason, except this is Danny we're talking about, so yea. Anyway, thanks again
Yeah I think they'll find Danny, I haven't heard anything that implies they don't.

No prob :) always here to help out a fellow NY fan.
Do you know if there's anything going with Stella and Hawkes?

I want more scoops...pretty pretty please.
Mac, Stella and Hawkes are at the lab when the whole 'gas leak' thing goes down. Most of our spoilers were about the hostage situation with Danny and Adam, but I doubt that it's going to be the majority of the episode. We don't know much of anything about what's happening with Mac, but that's probably going to be a Very Big Deal, so to speak. :lol:
midnight_tiptoes said:
Top41 said:
^Actually...a lot of people meet their significant others at work.

Well, I've worked in a lot of different offices and, off the top of my head, I can't think of one couple that worked together or at least directly together in the same department. Also, of the couples I know who are married, there is only one that met while working together and they weren't in the same department. So, while this is admittedly anecdotal, it doesn't really seem to happen all that much from what I have seen in my life. I mean I am sure it happens, it is just that the way these people are portrayed they work closely with each other day in and day out and in that group of what, 10 people, four of them are going to date each other? It just seems like an awfully high percentage.
StellaMac...I wouldn't worry about that picture of Hawkes and Stella. It's just a picture, nothing more, plus the show already has D/L and M/P, I don't think TPTB are going to add *another* couple.

I have a bit more information I didn't say earlier, so if you want to know it just PM me :)
I have a bit more information I didn't say earlier, so if you want to know it just PM me
I think we should either share all of the information or keep it to ourselves. If it's not something that should be shared with everyone, dangling it and promising to tell the secret probably isn't a good idea.

ETA: Thanks for the comments about dating at work, privatename. It's definitely possible for people to date someone they work with, but that doesn't mean their only source of potential boyfriends/girlfriends has to be where they work.

Also, as a general comment about the finale--it's important to note that what we've seen as spoilers isn't the entire episode. I seriously doubt that the entire finale is set up to be all about the hostage situation. I'm inclined to think that the stuff at the lab with Mac, Stella and Hawkes is a much larger part of the episode than we initially knew. Mac is there, and we know how the writers love Mac, what with him being the main guy and all. I doubt that his scenes will take a back seat to Lindsay eating breakfast at Danny's table. :rolleyes:
^^ I think you're right. Although there's not a lot of info on the Mac/Stella/Hawkes situation in the spoilers that is most likely going the be the 'A-case'.

So far we 'know' that the lab is taken over by drug dealers who try to get back their drugs. Mac, Stella and Hawkes are left behind in the lab (didn't they hear the alarm?) without any means of communication. What I understand from the spoilers is that the three of them use their knowledge of chemicals and technical stuff to overpower the bad guys.

btw the promo for "Comes Around" is up at the CBS site. There's bits and pieces of the Bachelorettes/John McEnroe case and some scenes of Mac's hearing in it.
hey all...
now im sorry if im being rly rly RLY annoying! but im too far behind in knowing what might happen in the last epi... thats cause ma mum confiscated my laptop and internet!!... so yeah anyway... i was wondering if someone would be EVER so kind and tell me whats gonna happen!! pretty pls!
Here ^^

dl_shipper34 said:
^^I don't know if it is the same hand. However, I think it's his left hand that gets injured but I can't say for sure. The finale is May 16th, less than two weeks away :D

Here's the rundown: Lindsay spends the night at Danny's apartment and wakes up in his bed, finding out he took her shift. Danny is later taken hostage (along with Adam) and is hit in the hand with the butt of the bad guy's gun, severely injuring it. Flack offers to trade places with the two and Lindsay finds out what is going on. The ending is similar to NWILL with the CSI's barging in and stuff, only this time it's Lindsay who is looking for Danny. There's also a gas leak in the lab when a drug lord tries to regain possession of the seized items.

Ah.. May 16th. The day before my AP test :eek: Well, I was told not to study the day before anyway so CSI:NY will be nice. Oh wait, I'll have to record it to get "a good night's sleep" hhaha, oh well. :rolleyes:
I'm inclined to think that the stuff at the lab with Mac, Stella and Hawkes is a much larger part of the episode than we initially knew. Mac is there, and we know how the writers love Mac, what with him being the main guy and all.

Very good point, and I totally agree. Mac's the main character, and every finale has been situated around him, so I don't see why this one would be any different. Also, the lab is kind of like a crime scene. The people inside, Mac, Stella, Hawkes, etc. have to figure out what's going on, who's involved, etc. The hostage situation, while important, doesn't really sound like it could take up a lot of time.
Will there still be things going on related to the upcoming ep with John MacEnroe? I'm not sure 'cause Joey Lawerence's article said it was a 3 ep arc, so maybe not.
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