More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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few episodes to go! It's getting better and better!

I think Adam is one of the "hostage" in the finale... and I think Danny too.
PerfectAnomaly said:
It's been clarified a couple of times, but since I started the drunk/sober thing, here's my explanation.

I saw the shot glasses in the finale pics and thought it would be twistedly funny to have the reason Danny and Lindsay sleep together be that they're trashed. :rolleyes: Especially since TPTB have shoved the teenage-angst-romance-twu luv story down our throats for almost two seasons. I can't imagine that's what'll happen. On the other hand, TPTB keep leaving me dumbfounded with the way they're handling this storyline, so anything's possible. :confused:

No, I figured you were kidding. :lol: It is a decent discussion though...and possible. It would be hilarious to see the morning after results in that case! :lol:

As far as Stella and Hawkes, I hope to God they don't start something there. I love the chemistry between Melina and Hill, but for God's sake, enough's enough. Does everyone on the team have to be with someone else on the team? :mad: Who's next? Adam and Jane? Or, since he offered up his life in exchange for another, will it be Adam and Flack? ;)

I'VE GOT IT!!! That's Danny's distraction. Adam and Flack hook up and Danny is forced to face his feelings for Flack. He realizes he doesn't have feelings for Lindsay after all, but it's too late. The K-Poo has been replaced, and with Adam the adorkable lab geek of all people! :D :rolleyes:

I suppose it's not a good idea to end a post clarifying a joke with another joke. Oh well, I gotta be me. :p

:lol: Now there's something I think would be hilarious, but alas, I think Flack only has eyes for Danny. Using Adam to make Danny jealous though...go for it, Flack! ;) :lol:

I agree that Stella and Hawkes would be one hook up too many for the show, but seeing sparks fly might be interesting...
Top41 said:
I agree that Stella and Hawkes would be one hook up too many for the show, but seeing sparks fly might be interesting...
Yeah, that's my thing. I like the idea of a little something-something for subtext, but not an actual relationship. Leave something to the imagination, TPTB! :lol:
About the Stella thing, there was a spoiler further back about a secret from her past that carried over to next year...are they still doing that or no?
mulder8scullly5 said:
I'm confused with the Stella-Hawkes thing...haha!!!
People were just speculating based off of that picture from the other thread. I doubt it's anything, but considering what they said ages ago about Stella possibly having a relationship with someone we know, I tend to be a bit suspicious. :lol:
Faylinn said:
Top41 said:
I agree that Stella and Hawkes would be one hook up too many for the show, but seeing sparks fly might be interesting...
Yeah, that's my thing. I like the idea of a little something-something for subtext, but not an actual relationship. Leave something to the imagination, TPTB! :lol:

I feel the same way. You can't have that many hook-ups on the show without it feeling like a soap opera. UST is great, but I hope they don't take it any further. How about someone meeting someone OUTSIDE the workplace -- like most normal people.
^Actually...a lot of people meet their significant others at work. Let's face it, work is where people are for most of the day, and they interact with their co-workers more than anyone else. It's natural that romantic sparks would fly at work.

I'm just playing devil's advocate...I don't want to see them all pair off or anything like that. I think Mac and Peyton are the right balance--they met at work but she's not a regular cast member so she's not on every week, and therefore the romance doesn't overwhelm Mac's character--or even Peyton, who has had significant scenes with other cast members. It's funny how one romance can be handled so well and one so poorly--all on the same show.

So...back to the spoilers. Do you think the IAB investigation into Mac is going to get resolved in the next episode, or will it carry over into the finale?
It would be nice if you showed it every once in a while
^OK, OK. I'll send you that wall-sized poster of Carmine's picture from the People's Sexiest issue by first class mail. ;) :p
Ok I'm sorry, I'm lazy to read back, but I think I read somewhere Danny and Lindsay are suppos eto kiss, is that true??? And what about the hostage thing, there not going to kill my danny off are they??????? :(
^^You're correct :) Danny and Lindsay do indeed kiss, I think near the beginning. As for the hostage scenario, Danny is going to be in serious pain but no one (not that I know of anyways) is going to be killed. I highly doubt TPTB will go that route again seeing as how Aiden died late last season.

Hope this clears things up for ya :D
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